DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki


2013-02-17 20:42:24 | 日記
To be real means that the outer object or the outer body of other person enters my mind.
The outer object is a part of my mind as long as I can touch it.
When I can “touch” something, the latter is called “real”.
Then, on the one hand, the outer body of other person is a part of my mind as long as I can touch it or as long as it is real.
On the other hand, the outer body of other person is a part of other person’s mind.
Consequently, the other person’s mind itself is a part of my mind.
The outer body of me is, of course, a part of my mind because I can touch it or because it is real.
The word “outer” means an attribute of something that I can touch.
The word “inner” means an attribute of something that I cannot touch.
In this case, the word touch means that I sense something resistant by my sense organs of my body.
A mind consists of two kinds of things. One is something outer, and the other is something inner.
Only something that my body touches “right now” can be both outer and inner. Only in this case, the so-called “outer ”object belongs to my mind.
My body is something resistant that can actively touch and passively be touched “at the same time”. My body is a privileged outer thing.
All outer things except my body are impossible to touch and to be touched at the same time.
(February 1, 2013)
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