DaNang お天気 Blog



2006年02月28日 | チャム族






現在では、以下のように分割されたグループの110,000人以上のチャム住民がいます:72,000人以上は、それらのNinh ThuanおよびBinh Thuan 60パーセントの中に40パーセントバラモンです、Banistsです。An Giangの中の13,000人のイスラム教徒。Dong NaiおよびTay Ninhの中の3,000以上.ホーチミンの都市のほぼ4,000人のイスラム教徒。ビンディンの山岳地方の約18,000、チャム・コミュニティーから分けられて、チャム-Horoiと呼ばれるPhu Yen、それらはM'nongのような山地の少数民族に接近して生きています、Bahnar、したがって、それらの文化的・経済的活動は平原のチャムとは異なります。

その上、ベトナム人と一緒に生きているとき、多くのチャムは集められました。それらは、徐々に多くの世代の言語および習慣を受理しました。Tra、Che、Ongなどのようなチャム姓があって、彼らはベトナム語で話し、Khanh HoaやQuang Binhでベトナム人として生きています。Quang Namは以前Champaの王国の小さな州アマラーヴァティーでした、どの中で、そのような有名な遺物、として、タワーのMy Son 聖地、主都Tra Kieu、Dong Duong仏教徒僧院およびグループが構築されました。今まで、それらの多くは自然な風化および戦争によって被害を受けました。しかし、いくらかは時間によってまだ残っていました。


Writing - the most important cultural element - was from sanskrit, an ancient Indian writing. Based on Sanskrit letters, they created old Cham writing, which was improved through many stages, so a few people can read it now. Some classical examples in Indian religions and literature were repeated in Cham legends.

Cham architecture and sculpture were influenced by Hinduist art and which of some Southeast Asian countries. The Cham selectively received Indian art and expressed it in their own style. In the three major Gods in hinduism, the Chams extolled Shiva the most. It can be said that nowhere in Southeast Asian countries there were many big size and beautiful Linga altars as in the Kingdom of Champa.

Cham temple-towers are not so huge and grotesque as the ones in India, Cambodia and Indonesia, but not less majestic; besides, Cham architecture has its owns distinction, the Cham also built towers on hill and made them distinguish themselves from the sight around.

Music and dancing were strongly developed from the demand of imperial activities and Hinduist rituals as well as the custom of community on festivals, marriages and funerals.

Custom of marriage has been kept until now. Women took an active role in marriage and were regarded as the boss in the family although husbands took charge of important work.

About Cham funeral, Chinese records said that the dead was often burnt, their ashes were put in a small urn. A King's relics were put in a gold urn and thrown into the sea. Mandarin's remains were put in a silver urn and thrown into the river, and civilian's ashes were put in a ceramic urn then buried.

At the present, there are over 110,000 Cham inhabitants of carious groups, divided as follows : over 72,000 in Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan 60 percent of them are Brahmin, 40 percent are Banists. 13,000 Muslims in An Giang. Over 3,000 in Dong Nai and Tay Ninh. Nearly 4,000 Muslims in Ho Chi Minh city. About 18,000 in mountainous area in Binh Dinh, Phu Yen called Cham-Horoi, separated from Cham community, they live close to mountainous ethnic minorities, such as the M'nong, the Bahnar so their cultural and economical activities are different from the Cam in plain.

Besides, a large number of the Chams were localized when living together with Vietnamese. They gradually accepted language and custom in many generations. Having such Cham surnames as Tra, Che, Ong, etc, they speak Vietnamese and live as the Vietnamese from Quang Binh to Khanh Hoa.

Quang Nam was once the minor state Amaravati of the Kingdom of Champa, in which such famous relics as the My Son sanctuary, the capital Tra Kieu, Dong Duong Buddhist monastery and groups of tower were built. Until now, a lot of them were damaged by natural desasters and wars, but some were still stable through time.

[気温24℃][曇り] 今月は今日で終わりだった!!

2006年02月28日 | 曇り



写真はKhuong My 遺跡のナーガと猿のセット