Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

HP of the friend of M&Y. part 2

2009-03-04 | うんちく・小ネタ

We want to introduce HP of the friend of "M&Y". (Prat2)

It is HP of Spanish team "COMPLUBOT".

"M&Y" played round together at the finals of 2007 Atlanta world meetings.
at the heat of 2008 Suzhou.

They won the championship at soccer in the Suzhou world meeting in 2008.  (There were three trophies on their table in the commendation ceremony.)
They get a third place at rescue in Atlanta.

The mentor of this team is a very happy and cheerful person.


HP of this team is the splendid.  I seem to carry out various activities as well as Robo Cup.  (Possibly I may be what is an organization doing robot education.)

Because it is Spanish, I can not understand the contents at all (I can not understand even it is Spanish).

But I understand the photograph.

It is a booklet of the activity record of "Memoria de actividades del curso 2,008/08" that there is in blog called "CompluBlog" to be splendid in this.

They compile a record of one year with a photograph neatly.

(This may be a report to the sponsor, too, but ... I want to make like this by "M&Y",too")

"M&Y" appear in this.

Because they seem to invited to Japan open 2009 Osaka as an overseas invitation team, we can see again; ...?

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