Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Only an open dialogue will help irradiate the fear that still exists between different races

2013年07月20日 10時46分58秒 | Weblog


Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter: Zimmerman case a wake-up call to finish MLK’s work
Get short URL Published time: July 19, 2013 20:23

BK: I think we all have to start personally, individually, in our own homes and in our own hearts. My father taught the power of unconditional love and non-violence and seeing people as part of the human race - not just black or white or Asian or Latino - but as a part of the human race. And we have to find a way - not just in this nation but in this world - to see ourselves as interconnected and interrelated, and find a way to live together as brothers and sisters - or as my father said, “perish together as fools.” And one of the best ways to do that is we have to have more dialogue and discussion and it has to be honest dialogue and discussion and we have to remove a lot of the hate and hostility in the process and really talk about the different perspectives and feelings that people have as it relates to race because we have to get to the bottom of it. We continue to brush it under a rug, but we have to talk about it.






