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Still divided by race

2013年07月20日 10時25分24秒 | Weblog

EDITORIAL: Still divided by race issues

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Posted: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 4:00 pm

BUT THE MEDIA CIRCUS is not the only reason this case sparks controversy. Now and then a case comes along that shines a bright light on the continuing racial divide which exists in America. The Rodney King incident comes to mind. So does the O.J. Simpson murder trial.
These cases, like the Trayvon Martin incident, lay bare the fact that many Americans see the world around them from vastly different perspectives, largely separated by race. Readers will remember that while whites took scant notice of the Rodney King beating, blacks staged demonstrations and in some places, including Beloit, resorted to violence in the neighborhoods. Likewise, in the Simpson murder trial, when the not guilty verdict was delivered, polls showed whites thought the former football star committed the crime while blacks believed he was innocent.

US Still Divided Over Race
Published: Wednesday | July 17, 2013

To say justice was served would be ignorant and shallow. What was served, is the painful reality that we in the US are still divided as a nation

Zimmerman Verdict Shows How Still Divided America is by Race
Yahoo! Contributor Network Mark Whittington July 14, 2013

One of things the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case proved was how divided America is still by race. Blacks and white, in general, regard almost everything (not the least of which criminal justice) from a different perspective.




