before dawn


英語ブログ更新: サメと遭遇したときのこと

2008-07-28 13:39:23 | 英語ブログ、その他英語関係
A close encounter with a hungry shark

フィジーで シュノーケルをしたとき サメ数匹と海の中で遭遇した時の話。

ちなみに 私がトンガにいたとき、ピースコーがサメに食べられ亡くなっています。みなさん、深い場所でシュノーケルやるときは 気をつけましょう。

私は トンガ、サモア、フィジーで 一生分のシュノーケルをやったし あれ以上綺麗な海はもうないと思うので もうシュノーケルに興味ないっす。
つーか サメが怖い・・・


6 コメント

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Unknown (gon)
2008-07-29 17:36:26
Why did the shark come to you !?
Unknown (きょん)
2008-07-30 00:46:37
Just because!!

There is no specific reason, I suppose....

I did nothing wrong!! ...... may be.....

さすがに それは 公開できないでしょ?!
Unknown (Yoko)
2008-08-04 16:35:28
If I had been there ,I surely might have been drowned .And If you also had been there, you might have been caught by me and might have been drowned, too.

It was good that I was not there.

Unknown (kyon)
2008-08-04 22:13:55
Oh,You! You r the one who i don't wanna swim together. Because your way of swimming ,called Batabata-san,was terrible.
You always looked as if you were drowned whenever you were snorkeling....
I was dying with laughter...

I totally agree that you were not there...
Unknown (Yoko)
2008-08-05 15:17:14
Oh, Kyoko-, my swimming WAS terrible, but it's not so bad now. Ricky tought to me well in his way. I'm missing even his SEKUHARA...
Anyway, I can sink!! I can advance by swimming!
Don't call me BATABATA any more!

And I can't forget any impact lines. I wanna see them again some day. But I know she keeps them forever!! Never mind.
Unknown (kyon)
2008-08-05 21:46:37
>BBS (Bata Bata San)
I think she've got 4 golden lines already.
Awesome.... Those line is gonna be registerd in the world heritage.
She is an amazing ,no no, UNMESURABLE lady.

And I can say your way of swiming IS sitll terrible.... sorry for that.
Never back down! keep on practicing!
