

Diane Chatterley

2022-04-24 01:31:08 | 英語・英会話

Diane Chatterley


One of those rainy days!


From: barclay1720@aol.com
To: diane03760@vancouver.ca
Date: Wed., Sept. 21, 2011 4:08:23 PM
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Hi, Diane. How's it going?

Oh, what a lousy day!
One of those wet days, eh?

Today, however, you look sparklingly beautiful!
I really mean it!

How come you look so young?---at least 10 years younger!!
I know...I know...you viewed "Lady Chatterley's Lover" last night, didn't you?

No, you didn't?

Well...in that case, your expectation to step into the world of Lady Chatterley has worked a marvelous wonder on you, and makes you feel much, much younger and also makes you look sparklingly beautiful!!

I wonder if the DVD film you've got was made by that French female director.
Well, you might as well want to read the article.

D.H. Lawrence Heritage

promotional video

"Lady Chatterley and Beauty"

I hope you'll feel much younger and beautiful.
Your truly skinny admirer,



I miss the summer sunshine!


From: diane03760@vancouver.ca
To: barclay1720@aol.com
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 4:25 pm.
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Hi Kato,
Oh, you're such a kidder.
I never did get a chance to see that DVD but I'm looking forward to it; probably won't be home in the evening until Sunday night.

I don't know how I can wait until then.
Yes, it is the one with the female French Director.

I believe it's in French with English subtitles.
I specifically looked for that particular Director and the librarian here (the young shy guy with the short dark hair) was kind enough to find it for me and reserve it.

He didn't even raise his eyebrows! :)

I'm sure I'll feel much younger and fresher by Monday!
Thanks for this ...

Love, Diane ~


So, Diane, you viewed the DVD movie directed by Pascale Ferran, didn't you?


Yes, I did.


Pascale Ferran

"It is known that three original manuscripts of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' remain today.
The first manuscript is something like a draft.
The second was published in the form of a fiction, and the third turned into a film three times in the past.

I made the forth film based on the second manuscript.
In the third manuscript, many characters talked about their own actions while, in the second, unexplained parts remain yet psychological changes revealed themselves, impressing me greatly.

I've found a pure love in the story as if a love story was told for the first time in the human history.


Constance (Lady Chatterley) and the gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors, went naked in a hut in the woods and gave each other a floral head decoration. To me, it was two hearts combined together.


Then both lovers ran around in the buff like two playful children while their whole bodies expressed a heart-felt joy. Both scenes are included in the original manuscript and became two important scenes in my film.

I wanted to capture their psychological changes as well as sensual pleasure and smell.
In other words, I wanted to make my film appeal to the senses of the audience.

Translated by Kato

"Obscenity and Lady Chatterley"
(Decmber 2, 2010)
(Japanese Version)


How did you like it?

I became so hot.

Oh, did you? :)

Yes, not because of the movie, but due to the weird weather---hot and humid. How come we had such a weird weather.

Diane, you're mistaken. The thing is, you were sexually excited, weren't you?

Don't be silly, Kato. I'm not such a simple-headed girl.

Oh...? So, you weren't impressed by the movie, were you?

Yes, I was. Actually it was one of the best movies I've ever seen.

Oh, do you really think so, Diane?

Yes, most certainly.

But you didn't become sexually hot, did you?

Oh, Kato, you're preoccupied by sex, aren't you?

Well...everybody is thinking about sex regardless of gender and age.

How come you're saying that?

'Cause I've recently read the following passage:


Sex and Elderly Folks




About five years ago, in rural Denmark, there happened this incident.
There was a hard-working, reputable female home-helper who cared for the old folks.
She took a good care of elderly men who once in a while got into the romantic mood.
As a result, she became pregnant.

Who was the father of a baby?
She took care of two men, one of whom was in his 60s; the other in his 80s.

Guess which man?
However, both men denied.
So naturally the local police stepped into the matter and made a DNA test on both men.
To everybody's surprise, the father turned out to be the man in his 80s.

With the news, the octogenarian became radiant with his rejuvenation and accepted obediently the result, saying, "I'll look after the child until adulthood."
I wonder if he realized that he would become over 100 years of age when the baby would reach adulthood.

When asked of this episode, the Danish people became amused, but never considered it to be salacious and abominable.

If the same incident had occurred in Japan, the home-helper and her boss would have been fired immediately. The old man might have been put into a jail. The national Diet might have discussed the matter seriously.

(translated by Kato)

Page 120
"Northern European Culture Guide"
First edition second printing
published on February 26, 2001
by Travel Journal Co.

『ヨーロッパ・カルチャー・ガイド 北欧』
編集: ECG編集室 
2001年2月26日 初版第2刷発行
発行所: 株式会社トラベルジャーナル


This incident has nothing to do with "Lady Chatterley's Lover."

Yes, of course, it has. "Lady Chatterley's Lover" is about sex, you know.

You're wrong, Kato. Pascale Ferran said, "I've found a pure love in the story as if a love story was told for the first time in the human history." It is about love, not sex.

But nobody would see the movie if it were about pure love---I mean, Platonic love.

Kato, you're preoccupied by sex. And most people think as you do. But the main subject of Lady Chatterley's Lover is not the sexual passages that were the subject of such debate but the search for integrity and wholeness.


Lady Chatterley's Lover


In Lady Chatterley's Lover, Lawrence comes full circle to argue once again for individual regeneration, which can be found only through the relationship between man and woman (and, he asserts sometimes, man and man).

Love and personal relationships are the threads that bind this novel together.
Lawrence explores a wide range of different types of relationships.

The reader sees the brutal, bullying relationship between Mellors and his wife Bertha, who punishes him by preventing his pleasure.

There is Tommy Dukes, who has no relationship because he cannot find a woman whom he respects intellectually and, at the same time, finds desirable.

There is also the perverse, maternal relationship that ultimately develops between Clifford and Mrs. Bolton, his caring nurse, after Connie has left.


Mind and body



Richard Hoggart argues that the main subject of Lady Chatterley's Lover is not the sexual passages that were the subject of such debate but the search for integrity and wholeness.

Key to this integrity is cohesion between the mind and the body for "body without mind is brutish; mind without body...is a running away from our double being."

Lady Chatterley's Lover focuses on the incoherence of living a life that is "all mind", which Lawrence saw as particularly true among the young members of the aristocratic classes, as in his description of Constance's and her sister Hilda's "tentative love-affairs" in their youth:

So they had given the gift of themselves, each to the youth with whom she had the most subtle and intimate arguments.

The arguments, the discussions were the great thing: the love-making and connection were only sort of primitive reversion and a bit of an anti-climax.

The contrast between mind and body can be seen in the dissatisfaction each has with their previous relationships: Constance's lack of intimacy with her husband who is "all mind" and Mellors's choice to live apart from his wife because of her "brutish" sexual nature.

These dissatisfactions lead them into a relationship that builds very slowly and is based upon tenderness, physical passion, and mutual respect.

As the relationship between Lady Chatterley and Mellors develops, they learn more about the interrelation of the mind and the body; she learns that sex is more than a shameful and disappointing act, and he learns about the spiritual challenges that come from physical love.

Neuro-psychoanalyst Mark Blechner identifies the "Lady Chatterley phenomenon" in which the same sexual act can affect people in different ways at different times, depending on their subjectivity.

He bases it on the passage in which Lady Chatterley feels disengaged from Mellors and thinks disparagingly about the sex act: "And this time the sharp ecstasy of her own passion did not overcome her; she lay with hands inert on his striving body, and do what she might, her spirit seemed to look on from the top of her head, and the butting of his haunches seemed ridiculous to her, and the sort of anxiety of his penis to come to its little evacuating crisis seemed farcical.

Yes, this was love, this ridiculous bouncing of the buttocks, and the wilting of the poor insignificant, moist little penis."

Shortly thereafter, they make love again, and this time, she experiences enormous physical and emotional involvement: "And it seemed she was like the sea, nothing but dark waves rising and heaving, heaving with a great swell, so that slowly her whole darkness was in motion, and she was ocean rolling its dark, dumb mass."

Lady Chatterley's Lover, Wikipedia
PICTURES: from the Denman Library


Besides, I see class struggles in the story.

Class struggles?

Oh, yes...you see, Kato, there were struggles between the aristocratic class and the working class. The husband of Lady Chatterley represents the aristocracy and Mellors the working class.

I see.

The story also tells us about the women's liberation from the aristocratic codes of sexual conducts as well as the British subjects' liberation from the aristocracy-led society.  The flip-side of the story is actually about liberty, not sex. That's the way I see it.

Wow!  I didn't know that you're such a sophisticated philosopher.

Oh..., you didn't, Kato?  I'm a female Socrates in a good shape...ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,...

By the way, Diane, I'm leaving for Tokyo tomorrow.

You gotta be kidding!

I really mean it, Diane.

How could I possibly live in Vancouver without you?

Don't be silly, Diane.  We always meet on the Net.

That's nonsense!  Face-to-face intercourse is the most important of all.

Diane, you need liberation from the rigid reality.  You and I are always together in the heart-to-heart communication.

Well..., anyway, have a nice trip and enjoy a pleasant stay in Japan.

Thanx much, Diane.  Whenever you feel lonely, view the following video clip:



【Himiko's Monologue】


Wow! Did you see the official trailer?
I think it's a bit obscene and salacious---especially when both make love in the woods.


Official Trailer


Constance (Lady Chatterley) mounted on the thighs of the gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors.
She absorbed in the oozing sensation.
Oh, what a sensual scene!
Don't you think so?

My heart throbbed like mad while I watched the above trailer.
Unity between mind and body is one thing; romance is another.

Come to think of it, I've never met a decent man in my life.
How come I'm always a loner?
I wish I could meet a nice gentleman at the library in my town as Diane met Kato.
Well, they say, there is a way where there is a will.

Have a nice day!
Bye bye ...


If you've got some time,

Please read one of the following articles:

"Hello Diane!"

"I wish you were there!"

"Jane Eyre"


"Jane Eyre Again"

"Jane Eyre in Vancouver"

"Jane Eyre Special"

"Love & Death of Cleopatra"

"Nice Story"



"Spiritual Work or What?"

"What a coincidence!"


"Wind and Water"

"Yoga and Happiness"

"You're in a good shape"





"Net Travel & Jane"


"Net Love"

"Complicated Love"

"Electra Complex"

"Net Début"

"Inner World"


"Madame Riviera and Burger"

"Roly-poly in the North"

"Amazing Grace"

"Diane in Paris"

"Diane in Montmartre"


"Diane Well Read"

"Wantirna South"

"Maiden's Prayer"


"Squaw House and Melbourne Hotel"


"Tulips and Diane"

"Diane in Bustle Skirt"

"Diane and Beauty"

"Lady Chatterley and Beauty"

"Victoria Prudery"



Hi, I'm June Adames.

I like Sylvia Kristel's Lady Chatterley.

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Sylvia Kristel (1981)

Talking of Sylvia Kristel, you might as well

remember Lady Emmanuelle.



Emmanuelle 2: L'antivierge

Sylvia Kristel (1975)

Well...if you love to visit Paris,

please enjoy the Paris theme:

Sous le Ciel de Paris

You can find some Japanese musicians in Paris.

Fujiko Hemming also likes Édith Piaf

who sings "Sous le ciel de Paris."

Sous le ciel de Paris

by Édith Piaf

I like Chanson Française (French song).

How about you?

Kato also love Édith Piaf,

but he considers Juliette Greco's

"Sous le Ciel de Paris" much beter.

Sous le Ciel de Paris

by Juliette Greco

I believe Yves Montand's "Sous le Ciel de Paris" is the best of all.

Sous le Ciel de Paris

by Yves Montand

I love Paris, but Vancouver isn't bad at all.

To tell you the truth, Vancouver is a paradise to me.















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2022-04-24 01:16:20 | 文芸・文学











デンマンさん。。。 いつからスバルの宣伝マンになったのですか?


いや。。。 別に車を宣伝するために記事を書こうと思ったのではないのですよ。。。

あらっ。。。 今日は平安時代の牛車のお話ではないのですか?


紛らわしい写真やクリップを貼り付けないでくださいましなァ~。。。 で、平安のスバル というのは、どういうことでござ~ますか?





















(注: 赤字はデンマンが強調。

4-5ページ 『天の川が消える日』
著者: 谷口義明
2018年6月25日 第1刷発行
発行所: 株式会社 日本評論社




あらっ。。。 『枕草子』を書いた清少納言のおば様は天の川を無視したのですわねぇ~。。。

なぜ清少納言は天の川を無視したのか? 卑弥子さんは、どうしてだと思いますか?

簡単な理由ですわよう。。。 清少納言のおば様は、「天の川銀河」は「彦星」や「宵の明星」の星とは違い、「天河」は「夜空に浮かぶ川」だと思ったのでござ~ますわァ~。。。 だから、『枕草子』に書かなかったのですわ。。。


デンマンさんは、あたくしの見解に ご不満なのでござ~ますかァ?


。。。で、どういうわけで 平安のスバル を取り上げたのでござ~ますか?

すばるは秋の夜空に見えるプレアデス星団と書いてある。。。 要するに、清少納言のおばさんもプレアデス星団とは知らずに夜空の煌(きらめ)く星を眺めていたのですよ。。。






プレアデス星団(プレアデスせいだん、Pleiades )は、おうし座の散開星団である。














出典: 「プレアデス星団」


なるほどォ~。。。 つまり、清少納言のおば様は、この星団を眺めていたのですわねぇ~。。。

そういうことです。。。 なんと この星団は地球から 444.2光年も離れているのですよ。。。  卑弥子さんは 1光年がどれだけの距離なのか? 知ってますよねぇ~。。。

もちろんでござ~ますわァ。。。 これでも京都の女子大学で「日本文化と源氏物語」を講義しているのですわよう。。。 1光年というのは、光が1年間に走る距離ですわ。。。

さすがに平成の紫式部だと言われている橘卑弥子女史です。。。 ちゃんと科学的な常識もゲットしているのですねぇ~。。。 つまり、我々が現在目にしているプレアデス星団の映像は、444.2年前にプレアデス星団が発した光の映像なのですよ。。。

。。。ということは、その時日本史では、1575年ですわねぇ~。。。 あの有名な「長篠の戦い」の時ですわよう。。。 




戦国時代の天正3年5月21日(1575年6月29日)ですわ。。。 三河国長篠城(現愛知県新城市長篠)をめぐり、3万8千の織田信長・徳川家康連合軍と、1万5千の武田勝頼の軍勢が戦った合戦でした。。。 その時に、プレアデス星団を離れた光が、現在の私たちの肉眼で捕らえている映像なのですわねぇ~。。。

そういうことですよ。。。 平安時代の清少納言のおばさんもビックリですよう!

1575年には、清少納言のおば様は、とっくに亡くなっていましたわァ。。。 つまり、この事を言うために、わざわざ平安のスバル を持ち出してきたのでござ~ますかァ?

いや。。。、そればかりではありません。。。 彦星ですよ。。。 わし座の1等星アルタイルです。。。






アルタイル(英: Altair)は、わし座α星、わし座で最も明るい恒星で全天21の1等星の1つ。




天の川を挟んで向かい合う こと座のベガ(織姫星)とともに、彦星として七夕の伝説を形成する。

出典: 「アルタイル」




あらっ。。。 プレアデス星団と比べると、ずっと地球から近いのですわね。。。








あなたはも、今夜 星空を眺めて、タイムマシーンに乗ったつもりで 400年、500年前の星の映像を見てくださいまし。。。

ええっ。。。 「そんな事は、どうでもいいから、もっと他に面白い話をしろ!」

あなたは、そのように あたくしにご命令なさるのでござ~ますか?



では、天の川の不思議に迫るクリップを お目にかけますわ。。。





ええっ。。。 「夜眠れなくなるから、そういう動画は見せるな! 気分直しに何か他に もっと面白いことを話せ!」



分かりましたわァ。。。 あなたが、そうおっしゃるのだったら、まずジューンさんの次の写真をご覧になってくださいまし。。。




千夜一夜物語の衣装を着たジューンさんに魅せられて、女性に成りすます男性が たくさん居るのでござ~ますわァ!

ええっ。。。 信じられないのですかァ?








どうですかァ~? けっこうなものでしょう!?



ぜひ お読みください。






















ジューンさんの熟女下着 June Adams 下着美人





























































































軽井沢タリアセン夫人の小百合さんが扮するゴディバ夫人 Sayuri

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