

トランプは1度も攻撃承認せず(2/2)ケネディ暗殺に繋がる偽イスラエル核兵器工場従業員「150人」を真似した犠牲者数/Trump heard "150" of Israel nuke employee

2019-07-13 12:36:43 | イラン2012~2019
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 ※ I have made composition by borrowing some references in this article, but I don't receive the income at all by this article.

 Red Alert !!, Iran-US Moreover "False Flag"


 出典:INDEPENDENT「Al Quds Day: Protesters burn flags and chant 'death to Israel' at annual rallies held across Iran」 


 新約聖書・ペテロの手紙 第一4章15~19節

 The New Testament・The First Epistle of Peter 4:15~19
  For let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil doer, or a meddler in other men’s matters.
  But if one of you suffers for being a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God in this matter.
  For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God. If it begins first with us, what will happen to those who don’t obey the Good News of God?
  “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will happen to the ungodly and the sinner?”
  Therefore let them also who suffer according to the will of God in doing good entrust their souls to him, as to a faithful Creator.



     ※(自分の)「欲」= 直訳:(自分の)「腹」

 The New Testament・The Epistle to the Romans 16:17~20
    Now I beg you, brothers, look out for those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and turn away from them.
  For those who are such don’t serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by their smooth and flattering speech, they deceive the hearts of the innocent.
  For your obedience has become known to all. I rejoice therefore over you. But I desire to have you wise in that which is good, but innocent in that which is evil.
  And the God of peace will quickly crush Satan under your feet.
   The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


 The New Testament・The Epistle of James 1:12
   Blessed is a person who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to those who love him.



 The New Testament・The Epistle of James 1:2~4
   Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations,
  knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
  Let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.




                             Expansion by click  ↑クリックして拡大
  1947年に「フェイク・ユダヤ」によって建てられた“Fake Chimney”と国連パレスチナ分割決議   






  「わたしは、あなたの苦しみと貧しさとを知っている。 ― しかしあなたは実際は富んでいる。 ― またユダヤ人だと自称しているが、実はそうではなく、かえってサタンの会衆である人たちから、ののしられていることも知っている。


 The New Testament・The Revelation of John 1:8
  “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

 The Revelation of John 2:8~10
  “To the angel of the assembly in Smyrna write:
  “The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life says these things:
 “I know your works, oppression, and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
  Don’t be afraid of the things which you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested; and you will have oppression for ten days. Be faithful to death, and I will give you the crown of life.

 The Revelation of John 3:9~12
  Behold, I give some of the synagogue of Satan, of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but lie—behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
  Because you kept my command to endure, I also will keep you from the hour of testing which is to come on the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
  I am coming quickly! Hold firmly that which you have, so that no one takes your crown.
  He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will go out from there no more. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my own new name.

   Trump heard "150 people" that copied number of employee in Israeli Dimona Nuclear Weapon Factory

  Provocations by War Agitators


 出典:2013/07/14付・Redress Information & Analysis「Britain still won’t come clean on Israel’s nukes」

 出典:2013/11/28付・SIGNS OF THE TIMES「JFK told Israel: 'If you want U.S. aid, shut down your nuclear bomb factory'」

YouTube: JFK Declassified: How Israel Misled the U.S. About Its Secret Nuclear Program at Dimona

 出典:The Day America Was Punked「Israel’s WMD Programs」

 出典:2018/05/06付・THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION. FREEING OUR SOULS FROM JEWS「Israel has the World’s Largest Nuclear Arsenal」


 “A model of the bomb as was photographed by Mordechai Vanunu.
The critical mass of the bomb is obtained by fusion of the core
(the metal ball) with the envelope (the black surrounding).”
 以上2点の出典: ארמגדון Xrmagedon 「The Dimona Plutonium Nuclear Reactor」

 以上9点の出典:2010/06/27付・YouTube・majikspell1「israels illegal Dimona Nuclear Weapons Factory In 3D」

 Vanunu “Only 150 employees are authorized to enter it.”




YouTube: Israel 'secretly' has 80-90 nukes - SIPRI report



YouTube: Israel has 200 nuclear weapons ‘all targeted on Tehran’ - Colin Powell email leak
YouTube: Pat Buchanan: 300 nukes in Israel yet Iran a threat?



YouTube: israels illegal Dimona Nuclear Weapons Factory In 3D

 <以下、当動画、2010/06/27付・YouTube・majikspell1「israels illegal Dimona Nuclear Weapons Factory In 3D」より>
  (The Day America Was Punked「Israel’s nuclear arsenal」より

   ‘Vanunu gave the “Sunday Times” a detailed description – 60 photos he secretly shot. We took that information and from that it was possible to learn about the nuclear compound. We took all 60 photos from different parts of the compound, composed it with the information Vanunu gave, processed through computerized simulation, to give a never before seen 3D tour of Israel’s nuclear facilities.

   Let us watch.

   Only from space can you take pictures of Israel’s top secret site. No plane is allowed within this airspace. Only one man’s testimony – Mordechai Vanunu – revealed what is going on within this row of buildings surrounded by palms, “The row of institutes” as it is referred to. This is Institute No. 1, Dimona’s symbol, the 20 meters high, nuclear reactor’s dome.
   Until now only seen from afar, Vanunu took us inside, into the reactor.
   A heavy water reactor built in the 50s by the French, declared capacity of 24 MW.

   And this is Vanunu’s first revealed secret:

   The reactor’s capacity is three – possibly even five times larger than assumed until now.

   This reactor produces 40 kg of plutonium a year, enough to build 10 atom bombs.

   Adjacent to the reactor is Institute No. 3. In here, the fuel rods powering the reactor are produced together with lithium 6, another ingredient of the bomb.

   This is Institute No. 5, here the fuel rods are coated with aluminium.
   Institute No. 6 is the power station of the compound.

   The lab is in Institute No. 8 and inside is another secret Vanunu revealed:
   this is where Israel produces enriched uranium. Like plutonium, it can serve as fissionable material for the bomb. The uranium is produced through gas centrifuges, just like the Iranians are now trying to produce.

   By the size of the building, it appears that the amount of uranium produced here is insignificant.

   Enriched uranium is also produced in Institute No. 9 using laser – an Israeli unique patent.

   Institute No. 10 produces depleted uranium, an important component in the production of armor piercing shells.

   Institute No. 4 handles the radioactive waste, prior to being disposed. And this long two story building, with no windows, is Dimona’s big secret – Institute No. 2.

   Beneath the two innocent looking floors, hidden underground, are six additional floors.

   Vanunu showed the world what no satellite could see. Here Israel set up a plutonium separationf facility, with one goal – manufacturing atomic bombs.
   In the 60s, American inspectors visited the first floor. They saw the restaurant and the offices. A special wall was constructed, hiding the elevators leading to the underground levels.

   Back outside, trucks bring in the processed uranium rods. Through the large doors, a crane grasps the rods and lowers them to the big workspace, 4 floors below.

   The rods are dipped in nitrous acid tanks, cooked for about 30 hours, and then a system of pipes draws the water containing the uranium and plutonium.

   Through a chemical process, the materials are separated and then baked in an oven, producing a small 130 gram plutonium ball, 1.7 kg a week. 4 kg and it’s a bomb. Just like this model shot by Vanunu.

   The process can be viewed from level 2. A balcony was built for distinguished guests. Nicknamed Golda’s Balcony.

   And that’s the control room as shot by Vanunu. Only 150 employees are authorized to enter it. Visits are limited to the prime minister, the minister of defense, and a small group of confidants. Equipped with a hidden camera, Vanunu walked about Institute No. 2 and took pictures of the different sections. Not only plutonium is produced here, at level 4, Vanunu revealed the production of tritium used in the production of thermo-nuclear bombs, which are more powerful than ordinary atom bombs.

   Two other essential materials for the bomb are produced here: lithium and deuterium. All these ingredients are taken to level 5, to Unit MD2 – Metal Department 2, where they are assembled into a bomb.

   One level down is a recreation room, where Vanunu shot what experts identified as a model of an Israeli thermo-nuclear bomb, 10 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

   Experts that analyzed Vanunu’s testimony, determined that by the 80s, Israel had produced 100-200 atom bombs.

   This ranks Israel as the 6th or even 5th nuclear power in the world.
   This presentation was based solely on data delivered by Vanunu to the “Sunday Times”. ‘

 <以上、当動画、2010/06/27付・YouTube・majikspell1「israels illegal Dimona Nuclear Weapons Factory In 3D」より>
  (The Day America Was Punked「Israel’s nuclear arsenal」より)






YouTube: US lawsuit over Israel nuke long overdue
YouTube: Hiroshima survivors protest nuclear weapons in Israel

  ・2019/05/29付:『イランへの派兵を望まないトランプ米大統領は結局「渋々」、悪魔のユダヤネオコンBチームの“欲望”とすり合わせ/Trump balanced reluctantly after all』
  ・2019/07/13付:『トランプは1度も攻撃承認せず(1/2)イランの「10分前」警告を「真似」した攻撃中止ツイート、戦争煽動者NYTの"Fake News"/Trump copied "before 10 minutes"』

  ・2019/04/27付:「イランの転覆を謀るテロ組織『MKO』を支援する偽善者・米英仏の二重基準/Hypocrisy duplicity US-UK-France support anti-Iran terror "MKO"」
  ・2019/04/28付:「イラン南東テロ:MKO、米・シオニスト・サウジ・UAE、そして臭うイルミナティEU/Iran SE terror:US, Zionist, Saudi・・・ & reeky Illuminati-EU」

  ・2019/05/21付:「サウジ船へ偽旗、悪魔ユダヤネオコンBチーム、煽動者マスコミ/False Flag to Saudi by "Satanism Cult B team" & War Agitator Jew's NYT」
  ・2019/05/22付:「Red Alert !!, Iran-US:駐イラク米国大使館付近への戦争煽動者による更なる『偽旗工作』/Moreover, "False Flag" added by War agitator」
  ・2019/06/18付:「Red Alert ! 南シナ海で米国潜水艦が日本タンカーを攻撃し中国のせいにする『偽旗』の可能性、勿論偽イスラエルにも要注意/ South China Sea "False Flag" by US」
  ・2019/06/19付:『"False Flag" 日本タンカー攻撃は米国と偽イスラエルによる「自作自演」の犯行(1/5)~両国潜水艦の存在/Japanese tanker attack by US & Fake Israel』
  ・2019/07/10付:『"False Flag" 日本タンカー攻撃は米と偽イスラエルによる「自作自演」(2/5)~ネタニヤフから再度の侮辱/Japanese tanker attack by US & Fake Israel』
  ・2019/07/12付:『"False Flag" 日本タンカー攻撃は米国と偽イスラエルによる「自作自演」の犯行(3/5)~機雷と無人機攻撃/Japanese tanker attack by US & Fake Israel』
  ・2019/07/13付:『"False Flag" 日本タンカー攻撃は米と偽イスラエルによる「自作自演」(4/5)~モサドとCIAとMKO/Japanese tanker attack by US & Fake Israel』
  ・2019/07/13付:「イラン反体制派国際テロ組織MKOを支援する偽善者欧米・偽イスラエル・偽ユダヤ・ネオコン・シオニスト/US, EU & Fake Israel back MKO of Iran anti-regime」
  ・2019/07/13付:『"False Flag" 日本タンカー攻撃は米と偽イスラエルによる「自作自演」(5/5)~中東が白人支配故の妨害か/Japanese tanker attack by US & Fake Israel』
  ・2019/07/13付:『米無人機撃墜:イラン領空侵犯は戦争煽動者による「挑発」、戦争突入への「リメンバー・グローバルホーク」/"Remember GH" that Provocations by War Agitator』
  ・2019/07/13付:『米無人機撃墜:アメリカによるイラン領空侵犯の「証拠」/"Evidence" that US Global Hawk shot down invaded Iranian region』

  ・本ブログ カテゴリー:「イラン」 ・・・本ページ右サイド

  ・World English Bible(eBible.org)

  ・The Day America Was Punked:「Israel’s nuclear arsenal」

  ・「The Day America Was Punked」


