

KEY48, Right of Return, “Palestinian Nakba 70th”/2018.5.14「パレスチナ・ナクバ70周年」祖国帰還の権利・・・まとめ(1)~(77)

2018-06-24 14:51:52 | まとめ

 ※ 本記事において別のオリジナル・サイトの「KEY48」の名前とデザイン(画像)を借用しておりますが、本記事により当方は収入を一切受け取っておりません。
 ※ I borrow name and design (picture) of "KEY48" of another original site in this article, but I don't receive the income at all by this article.


 出典:Facebook「KEY48 - مفتاح ٤٨」


 出典:INDEPENDENT「Al Quds Day: Protesters burn flags and chant 'death to Israel' at annual rallies held across Iran」


出典(経由):「World Literature Today」



 1947年に「ユダヤ」によって建てられた“Fake Chimney”と国連パレスチナ分割決議   Expansion by click  ↑クリックして拡大



  What is KEY48? This is who we are and what we demand.
  KEY48 is a student created and led campain with no political, religious, or other affiliation.
   We only concern ourselves with having these aims met:
    1.End of the Occupation.
    2.End of the blockade of Gaza.
    3.Right of Return for all Palestinian Refugees.

 KEY48 声明

 (以上、Twitter:「KEY48 - مفتاح ٤٨」より)

  Palestinian refugees across the world, still have their keys and are waiting to return.
 What does the key symbolise?
  In 1947 - 1948, throughout the Nakba catastrophe and the creation of 'Israel', hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were killed and even more became refugees. Palestinians fled in fear of their lives, left everything behind except their key. On the belief thet one daythey would return. Many Palestinians have kept their keys to this day, waiting to return to Palestine.


 (以上、Facebook:「KEY48 - مفتاح ٤٨」より)




  「わたしは、あなたの苦しみと貧しさとを知っている。 ― しかしあなたは実際は富んでいる。 ― またユダヤ人だと自称しているが、実はそうではなく、かえってサタンの会衆である人たちから、ののしられていることも知っている。


 The New Testament・The Revelation of St.John the Divine 1:8
  “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

 Revelation 2:8~10
  “To the angel of the assembly in Smyrna write:
  “The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life says these things:
 “I know your works, oppression, and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
  Don’t be afraid of the things which you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested; and you will have oppression for ten days. Be faithful to death, and I will give you the crown of life.

 Revelation 3:9~12
  Behold, I give some of the synagogue of Satan, of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but lie—behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
  Because you kept my command to endure, I also will keep you from the hour of testing which is to come on the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
  I am coming quickly! Hold firmly that which you have, so that no one takes your crown.
  He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will go out from there no more. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my own new name.






 The New Testament・The Gospel According to St. Matthew 23:13・14
   “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and as a pretense you make long prayers. Therefore you will receive greater condemnation.
  “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men; for you don’t enter in yourselves, neither do you allow those who are entering in to enter.

 Matthew 23:25~28
   “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and unrighteousness.
  You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the platter, that its outside may become clean also.
   “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitened tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but inwardly are full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
  Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

 Matthew 23:33~39
  You serpents, you offspring of vipers, how will you escape the judgment of Gehenna?
  Therefore behold, I send to you prophets, wise men, and scribes. Some of them you will kill and crucify; and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city;
  that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zachariah son of Barachiah, whom you killed between the sanctuary and the altar.
  Most certainly I tell you, all these things will come upon this generation.
   “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets, and stones those who are sent to her! How often I would have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not!
  Behold, your house is left to you desolate.
  For I tell you, you will not see me from now on, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ”


 Matthew 27:18~26
  For he knew that because of envy they had delivered him up.
  While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, saying, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered many things today in a dream because of him.”
  Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the multitudes to ask for Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
  But the governor answered them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” They said, “Barabbas!”
  Pilate said to them, “What then shall I do to Jesus, who is called Christ?” They all said to him, “Let him be crucified!”
  But the governor said, “Why? What evil has he done?” But they cried out exceedingly, saying, “Let him be crucified!”
  So when Pilate saw that nothing was being gained, but rather that a disturbance was starting, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this righteous person. You see to it.”
  All the people answered, “May his blood be on us, and on our children!”
  Then he released to them Barabbas, but Jesus he flogged and delivered to be crucified.

 KEY48, Right of Return, “Palestinian Nakba 70th”/2018.5.14「パレスチナ・ナクバ70周年」祖国帰還の権利…まとめ:(1)~(77)
  ・2018/05/08付:「“KEY48”, Right of Return、1948年5月14日『パレスチナ・ナクバ』から70周年、『祖国帰還の権利』(1): KEY48とは私達自身その者であり私達が要求するもの」
  ・2018/05/08付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、 5.14「パレスチナ・ナクバ70th」(2):ガザ・デモ、イスラエルの英国製武器で悪循環Gaza Demo, Israel-UK is Spiral」
  ・2018/05/08付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、 5.14「パレスチナ・ナクバ70th」(3):金曜毎の6回目『祖国帰還の権利』要求デモ/6th Gaza Demo on Friday, May 4」
  ・2018/05/08付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、 5.14「パレスチナ・ナクバ70th」(4):3月30日パレスチナ『土地の日』/Palestinian “Land Day” on March 30」
  ・2018/05/10付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(5):1967年6月『第三次中東戦争』51周年/51th from “Six-Day War” on June」
  ・2018/05/10付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(6):4月17日パレスチナ『囚人の日』/“Palestinian Prisoners' Day”, April」
  ・2018/05/12付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(7):4月9日、現イスラエルによる『デイル・ヤシン大虐殺』70周年/Dayr Yāsīn Massacre」
  ・2018/05/12付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(8):9.16パレスチナ難民『サブラ・シャティラ大虐殺』36年Sabra & Shatila Massacre」
  ・2018/05/13付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(9):金曜毎の7回目『祖国帰還の権利』要求デモ/7th Gaza Demo on Friday, May 11」
  ・2018/05/13付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(10):2.25ユダヤ人入植者による『マクペラ洞窟虐殺』24年/Machpelah-Cave Massacre」
  ・2018/05/13付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(11):4.3イスラエル占領軍による『ジェニン難民虐殺』16年/Jenin-Refugee Massacre」
  ・2018/05/13付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(12):テロリストのユダヤ人入植者による『ドゥマ放火攻撃』Duma arson attack」
  ・2018/05/19付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(13):世界の医療は現イスラエルの極悪非道を非難/World Medical denounce Israel」
  ・2018/05/19付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(14):世界のリーダーはイスラエルによる虐殺と米大使館移転を非難World against US-Israel」
  ・2018/05/19付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(15):全世界のデモでイスラエルによる虐殺と米大使館移転を非難World against US-Israel」
  ・2018/05/19付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(16):イスラエルと米国こそがパレスチナ『ホロコースト』を継続中/Holocaust by Israel-US」
  ・2018/05/19付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(17):度重なる『ナクバ』最悪の日/“Nakba” Repeated, Deadliest Day」
  ・2018/05/19付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(18):トランプよ、イスラエル人とユダヤ人も反対Trump, Israeli & Jew oppose too」
  ・2018/05/19付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(19):『サイコパス』米国と現イスラエルは侮辱・冒涜し虐殺を喜ぶPsychopath, Israel & US」
  ・2018/05/19付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(20):創造主の為の命、則天去私、後の永遠の命を重視、殉教/Life for Lord, Martyrdom」
  ・2018/05/19付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14ナクバ70th(21):パレスチナ人こそがダビデ、イスラエル軍はゴリヤテPalestina=David, Israel=Goliath」
  ・2018/05/20付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(22):継続中ナクバ、土地収奪、追放、難民、植民地化Continuing Nakba, Land Plunder」
  ・2018/05/20付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(23):現イスラエルによるパレスチナ人の家破壊は続く/Palestinian's house demolition」
  ・2018/05/20付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(24):オリーブ根こそぎ、ユダヤ人入植者のテロ/Terrorist Jewish Settler & Israel」
  ・2018/05/20付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14『ナクバ70th』(25):イスラエル占領軍はパレスチナ人の学校を破壊/Israel demolish Palestinian's School」
  ・2018/06/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14『ナクバ70th』(26):追記-現イスラエルによるパレスチナ人の家破壊・土地収奪・入植地拡大/destruction, plunder」
  ・2018/06/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(27):続オリーブ根こそぎ、占領軍と入植者のテロ/Terrorist Jewish Settler & Israel」
  ・2018/06/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(28):イスラエル右翼や入植者達こそテロリスト、占領軍と警察の後盾/Israel is just Terrorist」
  ・2018/06/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14ナクバ70th(29):続4.17パレスチナ『囚人の日』/Add- “Palestinian Prisoners' Day”, April 17」
  ・2018/06/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(30):続イスラエル右翼や入植者達こそテロリスト、占領軍と警察の後盾Israel is just Terrorist」
  ・2018/06/24付:「“KEY48, Right of Return”、 5.14『パレスチナ・ナクバ70th』(31):5月25日「帰還の偉大な行進」/Gaza Demo, May 25」
  ・2018/06/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(32):世界のプロテスト、国連Gaza Massacre調査World Protest against Israel」
  ・2018/06/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(33):続・現イスラエル政府への世界のプロテスト/Add-World Protest against Israel」
  ・2018/06/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14ナクバ70th(34):ガザ大虐殺抗議とパレスチナ連帯でユダヤの分裂が拡大中/Jew split by Protest & Solidarity」
  ・2018/06/26付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(35):ユダヤによるキリストとイスラムへの冒涜・排除は続く/Profanity & Exclusion by Jew」
  ・2018/06/26付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(36):強制退去に「NO」/ “Say NO To Forcible Transfer by Israel”」
  ・2018/06/26付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14ナクバ70th(37):連帯パレスチナ-イスラエル/joint Israeli-Palestinian “Sumud Freedom Camp”」
  ・2018/06/26付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14ナクバ70th(38):4.17パレスチナ囚人の日と連帯イスラエル/Prisoners' Day, joint Palestine-Israel」
  ・2018/06/28付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(39):侵攻ガザ白リン弾虐殺10th/Gaza Massacre, White Phosphorus Shells」
  ・2018/06/28付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(40):カフル・カシム村パレスチナ人虐殺62th/Kahul Kasim Palestinian Massacre」
  ・2018/06/28付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14ナクバ70th(41):イスラエルは殺害したパレスチナ人の遺体から臓器を盗み売買Israel kill & steal organ & deal」
  ・2018/06/28付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(42):廃棄物を占領地に押付&入植地からの汚水/Waste & Polluted Water from Israel」
  ・2018/07/08付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14ナクバ70th(43):現イスラエル占領軍と警察のパレスチナ人への暴虐/Atrocities by Israeli force & police」
  ・2018/07/08付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14ナクバ70th(44):追記…イスラエル軍と警察のパレスチナ人への暴虐/Add- Atrocities by Israeli force」
  ・2018/07/08付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14ナクバ70th(45):占領軍パレスチナの子供達の逮捕・勾留・暴力/Arrest, Detention & Violence by Israel」
  ・2018/07/08付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(46):ガザ封鎖による不足と困窮/Insufficiency & poorness by Gaza-Blockade」
  ・2018/10/14付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(47):疑心暗鬼イスラエル先制攻撃/First offensive by Doubt-Terror-Israel」
  ・2018/10/14付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(48):ナチス援助米国とイスラエルの化学と核/US aided the Nazis & Israel CW & NW」
  ・2018/10/14付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(49):現イスラエル独立へのユダヤのイデオロギー「共産主義」/Jewish ideology "Communism"」
  ・2018/10/14付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(50):ガザの希望/Gazan's hope」
  ・2018/10/14付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(51):ガザ国境付近で占領軍から漁師・農民への攻撃/Attacks to fishermen and farmers」
  ・2019/04/01付:『KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(52):続くガザ「偉大な帰還の行進」デモ(1)/“Great March of Return” continuing』
  ・2019/04/01付:『KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(53):続くガザ「偉大な帰還の行進」デモ(2)/“Great March of Return” continuing』
  ・2019/04/01付:『KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(54):続くガザ「偉大な帰還の行進」デモ(3)/“Great March of Return” continuing』
  ・2019/04/20付:「KEY48 Right of Return 5.14ナクバ70th(55)パレスチナ国が偽イスラエル犯罪ICC捜査付託Palestine, to ICC about Fake Israel crime」
  ・2019/04/20付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14ナクバ70th(56):国連でパレスチナ市民保護決議採択/Palestine citizen protection resolved in UN」
  ・2019/04/20付:「KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(57):ラマダン最終金曜日「世界ゴッツの日」/“International Quds Day” on Ramadan」
  ・2019/04/24付:『KEY48, Right of Return、 5.14パレスチナナクバ70th(58) Gaza Freedom Ship-1「見よ、偽イスラエル発砲」Watch, Fake Israel fire』
  ・2019/04/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナナクバ70th(59)Freedom Ship-2虐げられたガザの声を世界へPersecuted Gaza voice to world」
  ・2019/04/24付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナナクバ70th(60)米国UNRWAへの拠出金を全面停止、Retaliation from the Lord to US Zionist」
  ・2019/04/26付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(61):駐米PLOの代表部閉鎖・・・US is Slave of Fake Jew & Fake Israel」
  ・2019/04/27付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(62):パレスチナ-支那国交30周年とFTA交渉開始/Palestine-China ties 30th, & FTA」
  ・2019/04/27付:「KEY48 Right of Return、5.14パレスチナナクバ70th(63)米の国際条約違反をICJに提訴/“Evil-US” Int. treaty violation filed suit」
  ・2019/04/27付:「KEY48 Right of Return、5.14ナクバ70th(64)アッバス大統領「パレスチナ国民の権利を取引できない」/Don't deal Palestinian nation Rights」
  ・2019/04/27付:『KEY48, Right of Return、5.14ナクバ70th(65):2019年「G77」議長国に「パレスチナ国」就任/State of Palestine G77 presidency』
  ・2019/04/27付:『KEY48, Right of Return、5.14ナクバ70th(66)11.29 国連の偽善、1947「パレスチナ分割決議」と1977「パレスチナ人民連帯国際デー」/UN hypocrisy』
  ・2019/04/29付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14ナクバ70th(67):米のパレスチナへの侮辱、駐イスラエル米大使館内に駐パレスチナ米大使館を管轄下に/US insulted Palestine」
  ・2019/04/29付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(68)パラグアイは在イスラエル大使館をテルアビブに戻す/Paraguay embassy Tel Aviv again」
  ・2019/04/29付:「KEY48 Right of Return、5.14パレスチナナクバ70th(69)共産化する米国、ポリコレ・反BDS法・親“偽”イスラエル強制/US communized, anti-BDS, PC」
  ・2019/04/29付:『KEY48, Right of Return、5.14ナクバ70th(70)「パレスチナが失敗すれば世界が失敗」/“If Palestine fails, world fails”・・・WWⅢ?』
  ・2019/05/10付:『KEY48、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(71):ガザ「偉大な帰還の行進」1年「100万人の行進」/First anniversary of “Great March of Return”』
  ・2019/05/10付:『KEY48、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(72):ナクバ71thに向かうガザ「偉大な帰還の行進」/Gaza Right “Great March of Return” to Nakba 71th』
  ・2019/05/13付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(73)Gaza Freedom Flotilla-1/2)活動家のガザ封鎖解除挑戦/Release Challenge」
  ・2019/05/13付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナナクバ70th(74)Gaza Freedom Flotilla-2/2)Intifada、日本の特攻隊、武士道精神/“Bushido”」
  ・2019/05/13付:『KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナナクバ70th(75)8.20オスロ合意25th、現「偽」イスラエル極右政権により形骸化?/Invalid Oslo Accords ?』
  ・2019/05/13付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナ・ナクバ70th(76)モサドによるアラファト初代大統領暗殺事件、地下繋がり/Arafat assassinated by Mossad」
  ・2019/05/15付:「KEY48, Right of Return、5.14パレスチナナクバ70th(77)Gaza volunteer Nurse "For God"-神の為、神に栄光、神の御心のまま、神に感謝、私の旅路」

