

videodance2006 week 2 session 3

2006-05-22 | ダンスとか
La creation contemporaine: danses, film direction by Jerome Cassou.
Le p'tit bal, choreography and film direction by Philippe Decoufle.
2Iris, choreography and film direction by Philippe Decoufle.
Le temps retenu, film direction by Laurence Garret.
danser l'invisible, film direction by Elizabeth Coronel.
Petit psaume du matin, choreography by Josef Nadj, film direction by Luc Riolon.
Bella Figura, choreography by Jiri Kylian, film direction by Hans Hulscher.
Fractales, choreography by Edouard Lock, film direction by Jocelyn Barnabe.
Appartement, choreography by Mats Ek, film direction by Thomas Grimm.
▼『パースペクティブ・スタディ vol.1』('04、勅使川原三郎監督)
Perspective Study vol.1, film direction by Saburo Teshigawara.
Laban Dance Works 1923-1928: Recreation from his Kammertanzbuehne Repertoire, film direction by Marion North.
Guillem, film direction by Francoise Ha Van Kern.
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