

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/24)

2021年01月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
26596.collar bone(鎖骨)Your collarbones are the two long bones which run from throat to your shoulders. 
This dress highlights the delicate line of your shoulders and collarbone area
26597.eyelid(まぶた)Your eyelids are the two pieces of skin which cover your eyes when they are closed. 
WI got a mosquito bite on my eyelid
26598.armpit(腋の下)Your armpits are the areas of your body under your arms where your arms join your shoulders. 
My armpits sweat when I'm nervous. 
26599.sigh(ため息をつく) When you sigh, you let out a deep breath, as a way of expressing feelings such as disappointment, tiredness, or pleasure. 
My mother sighed when she saw my test score.
26600.gasp(はっと息をのむ) A gasp is a short quick breath of air that you take in through your mouth, especially when you are surprised, shocked, or in pain. 
She gasped when she saw the figure in the shadows.. 

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