Now for a spectacular, spiritual, and crowd-pleasing festival right in the heart of Japan's ancient capital. Gozan Okuribi is said to date back more than 300 years. Five mountains surrounding Kyoto serve as a grand stage. The bonfires form shapes such as kanji characters and a boat. People in Japan believe deceased relatives come home during the annual Bon holidays. And this festival is like a farewell before they head back to the spirit world.
(Festivalgoer) “My father will have returned for the first time since he died. I'm glad my family and I could give him a send-off together.”
Police say Friday's festival attracted a crowd of about 47,000. That's up more than 20,000 from last year.
◆spectacular 壮観な、華々しい、壮大な very impressive
◆deceased 死んだ、亡くなった the deceased formal the person who has died or the people who have died