


2024年09月11日 | 爺英語

Now for a spectacular, spiritual, and crowd-pleasing festival right in the heart of Japan's ancient capital. Gozan Okuribi is said to date back more than 300 years. Five mountains surrounding Kyoto serve as a grand stage. The bonfires form shapes such as kanji characters and a boat. People in Japan believe deceased relatives come home during the annual Bon holidays. And this festival is like a farewell before they head back to the spirit world.
(Festivalgoer) “My father will have returned for the first time since he died. I'm glad my family and I could give him a send-off together.”
Police say Friday's festival attracted a crowd of about 47,000. That's up more than 20,000 from last year.

spectacular 壮観な、華々しい、壮大な   very impressive 
deceased 死んだ、亡くなった    the deceased formal the person who has died or the people who have died 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/11)

2024年09月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
32891.skyrocketing (急増する)
if a price or an amount skyrockets, it greatly increases very quickly 
Because they need to keep up with skyrocketing orders worldwide.
The company revised its revenue forecast upward by 20% for this year. 
32893.golden opportunity(絶好の機会、チャンス)a good chance to get something valuable or to be very successful 
 This presents a golden opportunity for us.
32894.my gut tells me(私の直感では) 
 My gut tells me that what7S he says is true.
32895.proportinally(比例的に、比例して、比例関係で,それ相応に )something that is proportional to something else is in the correct or most suitable relationship to it in size, amount, importance etc OPP disproportionate 
The punishment should be proportional to the crime