

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/14)

2024年09月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32906.plenary(全員出席の)involving all the members of a committee, organization etc 
Did everyone taking part in the conference actually come to the plenary session?
32907.elderly(年配の、高齢の)used as a polite way of saying that someone is old or becoming old 
Japan’s elderly population continues to grow
32908.plug(宣伝する)to advertise a book, film etc by mentioning it on television or radio 
The radio station has been plugging her record. 
32909.obscene(品位を乱す、わいせつな、鼻持ちならない、実に不愉快な ) relating to sex in a way that is shocking and offensive → rude 
 DIs this movie really OK for kids? I heard there's a lot of obscene language in it.
32910.evacuate(避難する、避難させる)  to send people away from a dangerous place to a safe place 
The announcement said that everyone should evacuate the area immediately.