

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/05)

2024年09月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
32861.in the clear(心配がない)not guilty of something 
But you are not in the air yet.
32862.cut down on(~を減らす)to reduce the amount of something 
You have to cut down on the sweats.. 
 Cut the ice cream out
32864.overdo((…を)やりすぎる、(…に)度を超す、(…を)使いすぎる、誇張する、大げさに示す、(…を)煮すぎる) to do something more than is suitable or natural 
 You don't have to stop jogging, but you mustn't over do it
32865.legendary (伝説上の、大御所) very famous and admired 
I’m so excited to welcome a legendary singer today.