

bedroom community

2012-03-23 17:29:58 | 英語

3月23日付 The Japan Times に "Aichi town padded population to get city status" のHead line があり、その記事の中に次の一文がありました:

Higashiura is largely a bedroom community for auto industry workers commuting to Nagoya and Kariya, Aichi Prefecture, which host Toyota Motor Corp. subsidiaries and affiliates.

ここで bedroom community を調べてみると次のように説明されています

Many people commute to large cities for work every day, but few could ever afford to live within their borders. Even a number of suburban areas have become too expensive for average workers to afford. One solution to this work versus life crisis is known as a bedroom community or commuter town. A bedroom community is generally a smaller city or town located even farther from a major city than the suburbs. The economic base of a typical bedroom community is housing sales and general retail sales, not heavy industry or technology.

日本では「ベッドタウン」という言葉が使われますがこれは和声英語で英語ではこのほかに bedroom town, dormitory town, commuter town などが使われます。 いずれも「寝に帰るだけの場所という語感があります


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