

"John Doe"

2012-03-12 17:48:13 | 英語

先週土曜日(3月10日)のInternational ForumでCourt Trialでの通訳に関する話題が再度ありました。 

Prosecutorが"He is John Doe" と言った時 "彼はジョン ドウといいます”と訳してしまったとのことでしたが、これは大きな誤りであるとのことでした

"John Doe" をWikipediaで調べてみると次のように説明されています。

The names "John Doe" for males and "Jane Doe" or "Jane Roe" for females are used as placeholder names for a party whose true identity is unknown or must be withheld in a legal action, case, or discussion. The names are also used to refer to a corpse or hospital patient whose identity is unknown. This practice is widely used in the United States and Canada, but is rare in other English-speaking countries including the United Kingdom  itself, from where the use of "John Doe" in a legal context originates. The name Joe Bloggs  is used in the U.K instead, as well as in Australia and New Zealand.



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