

investor-state dispute agreement

2013-07-08 08:04:51 | 英語

参院選での大方の予想は自民党の勝利が大勢です。  そんな中7月5日のThe Japan TimesのEditorialに次の記事がありました。

"Alternatives to Mr. Abe's way" からの抜粋:

The TPP includes an investor-state dispute settlement mechanism. This could empower global business enterprises to supersede policies and actions of the central and local governments in such areas as environmental protection, food safety and social welfare, including health insurance. Political parties have not fully discussed this point. Voters need to carefully consider the nature of the ISD mechanism.

Wikipediaによれば"investor-state dispute agreement"とは次のようにあります。 TPPへの参入はこの条項が適用されるため日本への不利益が懸念されています

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is a provision in international trade treaties and international investment agreements that grants investors the right to initiate dispute settlement proceedings against foreign governments in their own right under international law.


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