


2007-10-28 10:35:55 | ひとこと(重要性無)







こういうときに、self-relianceは大切だと思う。身にふりかかった災難を打開するのは自分の力以外のなにものでもない。地震も火災も戦争も根は同じ。Rush Limbaughという人がネットでいいこと言っているのを発見して久しぶりの英語を読んだ。アメリカの政治に興味はないけど、こういうのが何にも通用する正論だと思う。

 Those of us who watch -- and we've had a bunch of people that called from San Diego yesterday -- what we're seeing is 100% self-reliance, we are seeing people band together to help each other. You just mentioned they had more supplies at Qualcomm than they needed. We're not hearing a bunch of whining and moaning(哀れに泣き苦痛にうめく), people are not asking, "Where's the government?" The only people complaining are the Democrats and the Drive-By Media.(註:drive-byの意味不明) The people involved in this have accepted it for what it is, dealing with it for what it is, it is what it is. They can't change it. They're dealing with it and they're doing it in an optimistic way and it's very admirable to watch the way people are handling this disaster out there, that's what we who are not there who watch it on TV see, and it's inspiring(奮い立たせてくれる), in the midst of all this destruction(破滅のなかにあって) and what has to be, you know, again, I put myself in the shoes of people(そういう人々の立場に身を置いてみると) who have lost everything or have been on the verge of losing everything, and it's nowhere any of us would want to be, and I watch 'em, and I listen to them on television dealing with this sort of thing, and they're asked questions of people, Drive-Bys are begging them to complain, begging them to whine, begging them to blame somebody, and they're not doing that, and it's a great lesson for everybody who's watching this to learn how to deal with these kinds of things that happen.

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