リフォーム徒然なるままに Reform turezure naru-mamani


Chinese government and WHO rewrite the history of Wuhan virus, a counterattack of poverty

2020-06-18 15:23:30 | Weblog

I was surprised to see the popularity ranking of my blog this morning.
It can be inferred that the diffusion route of the new coronavirus has spread due to business with China and the return home of Chinese people. Don't become a "carrier of the new coronavirus" due to lack of knowledge of the government and international organizations!
The WHO map that was quoted in was completely rewritten.

新型コロナウィルス拡散の歴史を書き換える中国政府とWHO 新型コロナウィルスは貧困の逆襲 その歴史を書き換えはじめたWHOと中国政府

In this article, I wrote:
Please see the longer quote.

It can be inferred that the diffusion route of the new coronavirus has spread due to business with China and the return home of Chinese people.
We must not be the "carryers" of the new Coronavirus because we lack knowledge!
First, please see the WHO's current New Coronavirus Country Infection Map on the link.

新型コロナウィルス国別感染地図 (This WHO site has changed content now and its history has been rewritten!)

This is the latest infection map of the new coronavirus (Wuhan virus).

(Preferably, pc has a larger screen, so it's easy to understand)
It can be seen from this that the areas with a large number of infected people (large red circles) are the so-called "One Belt, One Road" areas.
The region extends from South Korea to the east and Europe to the west.
These are the countries that have joined the AIIB (Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank).
These countries are countries and regions that have deepened their ties with China with the funding and support from China.
For example, Germany produces a lot of cars at Chinese factories such as VW (Volkswagen).
Naturally, business traffic will be intense between Germany and China.
Also, as reported in the news, there are areas in Europe where there are many immigrants from China to northern Italy.
People will come and go to and from their home countries on occasions such as the “Spring Festival” with the region.
This kind of economic and human interaction between China and Iran, China and the EU can be clearly seen in the WHO map of corona cases.
In other words, it can be seen from this map that business people, immigrants, tourists from mainland China, etc. carried the Wuhan new coronavirus as a "souvenir" in these areas.
You can see that the countries and regions with large red circles, which are heavily infected, continue from China to Europe as thick as blood aorta.
As mentioned above, the reason for this has been the cause and responsibility of the Chinese government, which was unable to properly respond to pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus in Wuhan (maybe last November). ..
And it is responsible for the very slow response taken by WHO.
In short, their lack of knowledge.
WHO's new coronavirus map is a red bloodline with a terribly slow response by the Chinese government and WHO.


Please pay attention to the red letters.
When I repost,
WHO's new coronavirus map can be said to be a red blood line for the Chinese government and the WHO.
The infection map was literally a "red blood line".
When we now click on this new WHO map of coronavirus infection, the large red circle with the highest number of infected people has been completely rewritten into a national blue color.
Those who have seen this article before will be surprised.
"Well, that's a lie. The map isn't a red circle. It's blue."
"Besides, the colors of the map are of the size of each country, so the color of the map is not diminished.
"This is not a lie"
The Chinese government and WHO must have disliked this article so much.
This repainting of history is a fact.
And it was true.
The Chinese government and WHO are calm and rewrite the history of facts and truth.
In about 10 years, it would be said that there was no global pandemic of the new coronavirus or death toll by each country.
They rewrite the world map and history of the number of people infected with the new coronavirus.
Not even the United States did not have the Vietnam War.
However, the Chinese government and WHO will calmly decide not to have the global pandemic of this new coronavirus.
Both of them rewrite the world map of infection.
After all, if the Chinese version of the Shinkansen causes a collision, China will just bury it in the hole dug by the crane, and will do so with ease.
The dead and seriously injured may have been taken away and buried alive.
In fact, the bereaved family doesn't know where the dead are being taken away in this new Coronavirus pandemic.
To tell the truth, the Chinese government has sent spies to the governments of each country, and has gradually rewritten the history so that it may be advantageous to its own government.
With regard to the comfort women issue, Chinese spies in South Korea have used South Korea as a hand to make the image of comfort women in countries including the United States, and have attempted not only to divide Japan and South Korea but also to divide Japan and the United States.
These things can be better understood if we carefully read TV news, newspaper articles, blog articles, and web news.
In other words, the problem with WHO related to this new coronavirus is that the Chinese government is rewriting the world history with WHO at hand.
I was amazed at the fact.
There may be a Chinese government spy next to you.
Of course, there is no doubt that Chinese spies are deeply involved in the Japanese and US governments and parliaments.
Of course, to the Korean government and parliament.
Citizens of these countries, be careful!
The mask cannot be bought because the Chinese government is a knight who responds to the new coronavirus and China supplies Europe to the amount that is not supplied to each country such as Japan and the United States (Europe is restricted) I am trying to rewrite history.
We make our own if we don't have a mask
You just have to be self-sufficient.
We shouldn't listen to Aho neo-liberalism.
Neo-liberalism is the extension of the world of poverty, which is freely named.

The Chinese government is now leading the way.
And they are on the road to neglecting their own poverty and enriching only the Communist Party of China and senior executives.
The result of this pandemic with the new Coronavirus is the result.
The pandemic of the new coronavirus and its disaster can be said to be a “counterattack of poverty” to the governments of China, Japan, the United States, the EU, the United Nations, and other international organizations that have left poverty abandoned.
China and WHO are trying to rewrite that historical fact.
No, they are already rewriting.
I'm scared there.
From the bottom of my heart.
However, the Chinese government will no longer be able to withstand the “poverty strikeback”.
"Facts and truths" are not captured by them.




This site is a machine translation of the following Japanese sites.
There are some parts where Japanese is changed for English translation.
If in doubt, please visit the original site.

新型コロナウィルス拡散の歴史を書き換える中国政府とWHO 新型コロナウィルスは貧困の逆襲 その歴史を書き換えはじめたWHOと中国政府


If President Tsai Ing-wen replaces Abe, she can strongly oppose Beijing instead of Abe and Obama

2020-06-09 21:23:58 | Weblog

I hope Taiwan's president, Tsai Ing-wen, will become the prime minister of Japan!

In place of the ultimate racism regime, the Supremacy dictatorship, and the Abe administration, which can say nothing to the Zhou Jinping administration of China.

If President Tsai Ing-wen replaces Abe, she can strongly oppose Beijing instead of Abe and Obama.


Mayor Han Kaohsiung of Taiwan was recalled.

Reportedly, about 97% of the total votes voted for the recall.

The total number of votes for the recall is 939,090.

The number of votes is almost double that of the quarter of the 2.3 million voters required for a recall (570,000).


Kaohsiung citizens in Taiwan voted to vote “No” to Mayor Han Kaohsiung, who cooperates with the Zhou administration of China, who promotes racial discrimination policies such as Uighurs and Tibetans and “cleans” opposition opponents. It is.


In the Taiwanese presidential election, the Mayor Han throws out Kaohsiung city administration and faces the presidential election.

Moreover, the Mayor Hun showed his stance to cooperate with the ultimate racial discrimination policy and the Zhou administration that "cleans up".


Citizens of Kaohsiung were angry at it and voted for the recall of the Mayor Han.


This is because the Mayor Han, who is pro-China-neutral and does not recognize Taiwan's independence, not only throws out the city administration, but also runs against Tsai Ing-wen, who has clearly stated “no” to the Zhou administration.


I really envy Taiwan and Kaohsiung citizens.


For racist politics of the Zhou administration and dictatorship politics such as purging, it is first of all that there are excellent leaders like Tsai Ing-wen who can be said to be "NO" from the front.


Secondly, the power and unity of citizens who recall the Mayor Han to the dictatorship that cleans up like Nazis, such as the racial discrimination policy of the Zhou administration, is right.


On the other hand, it is the body of the Abe administration of Japan.


Prime Minister Abe and other governments say nothing about the racism policies of Uighur and Tibet, or almost nothing about the Zhou administration of China.


Of course, the Abe administration does not say anything about the infringement of the interests of neighboring countries in the South China Sea.


On the contrary, on aware of it, Abe administration's plight invite Zhou Jinping to Japan.


With Tsai Ing-wen, it's impossible.


Even though Hong Kong citizens (excluding pro-China) and their own Taiwan are about to lose their freedom and fall into the purge politics.


Why, because Japan Speaking of whether the visit invitation of Zhou Jinping, the Abe administration will have been dominated by the Chinese Communist Party faction.


Just like the Obama administration in America.


The Obama administration, when China was leaching committing the interests of neighboring countries in the South China Sea, nothing did not say against Zhou Jinping.


It seems that there was a pro-Chinese sect within the DPJ government, that is, a Chinese spy.

Perhaps they were supposed to have fought through Beijing and the spies.


The Democratic Party is strong in American cities.

The urban area is a neo-liberal stronghold.


Neo-liberalism advocates a small government.

Neo-liberalism dislikes government intervention in the economy.

Neo-liberals just don't want their profits taken up as taxes.

Neo-liberalism wants to monopolize the value (money) created by workers.

Only in Zhou Jinping, Communist Party of China, GAFA and Washington.


Neo-liberal doesn't want to "cannot share profits" with the Zhou regime of the Communist Party of China.


Many of the IT companies such as GAFA advocate neo-liberalism.


GAFA and the Zhou administration, which is a dictatorship in China that implements racism and “cleansing”, are very compatible.


This is because they can use IT such as artificial intelligence to control citizens (Communist members) and slaves (non-Communist members).



Opposition demonstrations against racial discrimination, have been carried out in many parts of the world, the real enemy against racism, he of international previous governments to cooperate with the new and these IT companies liberalism and China, Zhou Jinping dictatorship.


Those administrations are cohesive with the Zhou administrations by taking bribes from China.

And those governments doubly (compensate and bribe) workers to deprive workers of the value added, or money.


Because they cannot rule citizens without the technology of IT companies such as artificial intelligence.


In China, citizens (Communist) and slaves (other than Communist) are surely identified by the face recognition technology no matter where they are, and the government knows what they did.

Even if you don't have a smartphone.


How can they oppose the administration in such a society?


Zhou Jinping's racism policy is all done by using IT such as face recognition.


China's Zhou administration, which abuses IT for racism discrimination policies and “cleansing” against opponents of its own government, is the same as the Nazis.


It is enviable that there is a president, Tsai Ing-wen, in Taiwan who can say "NO" from the front.


And I envy the Mayor Kaohsiung recall that there is a strong backup of the citizens of Kaohsiung who will fight with President Tsai Ing-wen.


I would like to see President Tsai Ing-wen become the prime minister of Japan.


And rather than refusing to participate in the "Joint Statement on the Introduction of the Hong Kong Safety Law" to Europe and the United States with China, I would like Tsai Ing-wen to openly decide to participate as the Japanese Prime Minister.


I would also like to see that Tsai Ing-wen's "prime minister" exercises leadership, unites with the West, and declares that the dictatorship of the Zhou administration, which is responsible for racial discrimination policies and the purging of politics, should be stopped.


Japan's prime minister, Abe, can't expect anything at all, because he is a government that "gets together" as a "unitary government" at the "cherry blossom viewing party."


Because it is a regime that discriminates "companies and non-companies", it is exactly the same Nazis as the racial discrimination policy of the Zhou administration of China.


I hope President Tsai Ing-wen will become the prime minister of Japan.

Because you are the true "Japanese" with the "samurai" heart.




This site is a machine translation of the following Japanese sites.
There are some parts where Japanese is changed for English translation.
If in doubt, please visit the original site.




2020-06-08 10:32:41 | Weblog
































































































If you take a violent demonstration on Beijing's plot, it will be the second Tiananmen incident!

2020-06-05 21:41:15 | Weblog

Peaceful protests against racism in the United States call on the racism policies of the successive administrations since 1980, along with Beijing.

If the current administration cracks down on peaceful demonstrations that do not use violence with military force, it is the same as Beijing.

What is necessary for this demonstration not to be the Tiananmen Incident in the US?

The first priority is for demonstrators to make peaceful and peaceful demonstrations and to continue efforts to abolish the racial discrimination policy by the current governments, including the current one.

Second, the key is how the current administration and those involved in the administration of the past respond to Beijing's ultimate racist policy of not being a human other than Chinese and its own racist policy.

However, Beijing spies, including those involved in the current and past administrations, do damage and want to say that the United States is the same as Beijing, so they implement a plot to turn peaceful demonstrations into riots. It must be noted that it will be.

No, it seems to be actual.

If you're not careful, Beijing will use the U.S. and its spies and their co-workers in the U.S., like the Nazi, who used the Gestapo (secret police) to advance racism, and the U.S. started in China. Will promote racism policies against humans in all countries except.
Take in GAFA.

Google seems to have cooperated with China's own search service so far.

Nest in Beijing.

Unless demonstrations against racial discrimination in the United States are carried out peacefully and quietly, the Tiananmen Incident will occur all over the world.
The second Tiananmen incident is happening in Hong Kong.

The world becomes Tiananmen Square.


Don't be tricked into dancing!
In Beijing.

What is happening now is due to the successive administrations of the United States teaming up with Beijing to advance its racial discrimination policy across Beijing.

It is the result of successive American administrations sharing profits by neglecting poverty, robbing jobs from the United States and partnering with Beijing, who sells low wages.

And now, Beijing is trying to swallow even the heart IT of the United States!

Beijing enslaves America like Korea.
Make all people a "slave" in Beijing.

Americans have been fooled by Beijing and its co-workers, especially their own neoliberals.

To neo-liberals in America, Beijing and all over the world.

Subject to blocking racism in Beijing.


This is the problem.


Who is a Beijing collaborator can be found by looking closely at news and newspaper articles.

Keep an eye on it.

Look at who says what and how to act.




This site is a machine translation of the following Japanese sites.
There are some parts where Japanese is changed for English translation.
If in doubt, please visit the original site.




2020-06-05 11:31:44 | Weblog





























The Communist Party of China is the same as the Nazi.The international community and you allow them?

2020-06-04 09:05:00 | Weblog

This site is a machine translation of the following Japanese sites.




It seems that there is a mistranslation, so please see the original site above if you feel any doubt.



The Communist Party of China is the same as the Nazi.

The nation, head of state, and humans who cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party are all the same as Nazis, regardless of race.

Will the international community and you allow Nazis as they are?


First of all, please see "Sound of music melody" with Ai Takamatsu and her friends.



It's a melody of some of the famous songs from the musical film Sound of Music.


With remote work.


By the way, have young people ever seen this movie?

This film tells the story of a family escaping from Nazi persecution from Austria to Switzerland.


It is a masterpiece that shines brilliantly on all the musicals drawn with a number of masterpieces and the musical sung by Julie Andrews.


If you haven't seen it, I recommend you to take a look.


By the way, some people don't know what Nazi did, so I'll briefly explain.


Unable to withstand the enormous compensation of World War I, the Nazis turned public dissatisfaction into Jewish discrimination.

And he slaughtered 6 million Jews.

Send it to the camp.

If you read "The Anne's Diary" and the like, you can understand the horror of the Jews at that time.


Perhaps the Allied Powers ended up fighting against Jewish discrimination promoted by Germany, and forced Hitler to commit suicide?


Isn't Europe freed by eliminating Jewish discrimination?


However, with the rise of neo-liberalism, centered around the United States, around 1980, it seems that they have forgotten the battle between the US-European Union and Nazi Germany against Jewish discrimination.


A tragic history of racism.


Did you forget that 6 million Jews were sent to concentration camps and slaughtered?


Around that time, with the fact that Mao Zedong killed more than 10 million people in the Cultural Revolution, the United States began the honeymoon era with the Chinese Communist Party.


Forget the Jewish massacre (Holocaust).


Also, ask what the Communist Party did to the Tibetans, and what the Communist Party did to the Uighurs.





It seems that the United States has become the same "Nazi" as the Communist Party of China.


It is because America is America that it denies racism.

Just as Lincoln declared slavery.

That's why there are endless numbers of people from all over the world who want to move to the United States in search of citizenship.


That is because the United States has taken over the flow of the European civil revolution itself.


Absolutely royal government, that is, the citizen's "no" against "dictatorship" is making America.


The cause of the Civil War must have been its independence from "NO" to British Pinhane.


A little off the road.


Japan says nothing about such "racism" of the Communist Party of China.

America, Germany, France, England.

Other countries in the international community.

Either get the money or shut down in exchange for the benefits of trading.


It's just like a Nazi.


It is no different from Nazi, which admits racism against Jews.


"Sound of Music" is not about the movie world.


In reality, that's what's happening in Tibetans and Uighurs.


And in a country under the control of the Communist Party of China, the "sound of music" can happen at any time.


Such an international society that does not condemn racial discrimination is no different from the Communist Party of China, which is the Nazi itself.


Just as Japanese Prime Minister Abe just "discriminates" his friends and non-friends at the "Cherry Blossom Viewing Party."



The Communist Party of China is the same as the Nazi.

The nation, head of state, and humans who cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party are all the same as Nazis, regardless of race.

Does the international community allow the Nazi Chinese Communist Party as it is?

Do you forgive nations, heads of state, and humans who allow racism like Nazis?


Can the world of "Sound of Music" happen again to you?


Are you afraid of being caught by the Nazis (= Communist Party of China) and do you feel like making a choice that transcends national borders as you like this movie?

Moreover, in modern times, "whereabouts" are specified by the Nazis (= Chinese Communist Party) on smartphones anytime, anywhere.


2020-06-03 10:50:30 | Weblog



まずは、高松あいさんとお仲間の「Sound of music melody」をご覧ください。
















































































The new coronavirus opens a new era of music by the online music of Ms.Takamatsu and her friends!

2020-06-01 11:31:45 | Weblog

This site is a machine translation of the following Japanese sites.


新型コロナウィルスが、音楽の新しい時代の幕を開けた(^_^) 高松あいさんとお仲間さんのオンライン音楽がそれ!


It seems that there is a mistranslation, so please see the original site above if you feel any doubt.



The new coronavirus opens a new era of music (^_^)

That is the online music of Ms.Ai Takamatsu and her friends!


May their music reach all those who are suffering from the new Coronavirus! ! !

Especially to the people at the forefront of medical care who are struggling to save those who are infected due to life and night.

I sincerely hope that you will spend a little time with their music and rest your mind and body.

And I want you to be brave.



With the new Coronavirus, concert halls and live houses are at a risk of infection and have become distant to us.


But great music is now available as "chamber music".



The people performing are like Ms. Ai Takamatsu of the violin and fellow students of Tokyo University of the Arts.

With the new Corona, They couldn't practice playing at school, so it seems that they were working on telework.


But for us this is really appreciated.

And interesting and informative.


The next performance is interesting.



At ordinary concerts, the audience hardly notices the performance failure.

However, in this performance, both rehearsal failure and piano and violin made it easy for students of the music department of the art college to understand, so I felt a little relieved and familiar with it.


The next performance is useful.



The story of Carmen and the background of the song are explained in subtitles, and the music, its background, and the tragedy of Carmen's love story are very well understood along with the song.


Moreover, the sound is not recorded in a large space such as a concert hall, so it is recorded and recorded including the echo sound of the room.

This is the very music that the royal and aristocrats of Europe have made their orchestra perform at the court.

So-called chamber music.

Along with the music, the atmosphere of the room is reproduced with sound.

Like the previous two videos.


In Europe after the Civil Revolution, the musical arts, which became the music of citizens from the chamber music of royal and aristocracy, came to be played in large concert halls.

To allow more audiences to appreciate.

In an orchestra.

As a result, since the hall is large, it is difficult for sound such as a violin that has a low volume to reach far, and it is necessary to increase the number of people to make a big formation, and a louder sound than a delicate performance, a music that looks good I personally think that has come to be liked.


However, if you play online with Ms.Ai Takamatsu's violin and Mr.Kohei Ohno's piano as you can see in this video, you can appreciate the delicate expressions of each sound, along with the sound that echoes when it hits the wall of the room. It is.

With the atmosphere of the room, that is, the sound environment.

You can enjoy a more familiar and natural sound in a sound environment that is closer to your everyday life, not in a special sound environment designed like a concert hall.


It's as if you were with two performers in this "chamber music venue".


Is there anything more grateful and happy?


What's more, depending on your taste, you can output it from a loud speaker and listen to it in the room, you can listen to it with a PC, or you can connect earphones or headphones to a smartphone or PC and listen outside. ..

It depends on your preference.


I realized that music has entered a whole new era where you can enjoy playing and listening online at home or at work, even if you are not in a concert hall, live house or hall.


Thank you, Ms.Ai Takamatsu.

Thanks to all of your friends.

Even if you can't go to the concert hall, thanks to you and your friends, you can enjoy the wonderful music of higher quality at home than in the concert hall as "chamber music".


Your passion for music comes from the performance of you and your friends.


I sang the lyrics of "Beauty and the Beast" along with the performance of the violin played by Ms. Takamatsu.

Kindly, the lyrics are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

I think your passion for music makes me do it.

The message that music is fun is coming to me.

(I hope the lyrics of "Beauty and the Beast" are available in English.)


It's very easy to sing when you're listening to your violin.

Slowly, as a beautiful melody envelopes me.

As if I became the main character of the movie.


And the lyrics of "love's doors that gently change while freezing even changing seasons" overlap with the current state of the world of the new Coronavirus now, and become like this lyrics quickly. I sing while praying.


I've never wanted to listen to a violin and sing along with it.


Thank you for the wonderful performance and kind lyrics.

I am encouraged.


Open up a new and rich era with your young power.

I support you.


Thank you very much for the wonderful music of Ms. Takamatsu and her friends.