リフォーム徒然なるままに Reform turezure naru-mamani


If President Tsai Ing-wen replaces Abe, she can strongly oppose Beijing instead of Abe and Obama

2020-06-09 21:23:58 | Weblog

I hope Taiwan's president, Tsai Ing-wen, will become the prime minister of Japan!

In place of the ultimate racism regime, the Supremacy dictatorship, and the Abe administration, which can say nothing to the Zhou Jinping administration of China.

If President Tsai Ing-wen replaces Abe, she can strongly oppose Beijing instead of Abe and Obama.


Mayor Han Kaohsiung of Taiwan was recalled.

Reportedly, about 97% of the total votes voted for the recall.

The total number of votes for the recall is 939,090.

The number of votes is almost double that of the quarter of the 2.3 million voters required for a recall (570,000).


Kaohsiung citizens in Taiwan voted to vote “No” to Mayor Han Kaohsiung, who cooperates with the Zhou administration of China, who promotes racial discrimination policies such as Uighurs and Tibetans and “cleans” opposition opponents. It is.


In the Taiwanese presidential election, the Mayor Han throws out Kaohsiung city administration and faces the presidential election.

Moreover, the Mayor Hun showed his stance to cooperate with the ultimate racial discrimination policy and the Zhou administration that "cleans up".


Citizens of Kaohsiung were angry at it and voted for the recall of the Mayor Han.


This is because the Mayor Han, who is pro-China-neutral and does not recognize Taiwan's independence, not only throws out the city administration, but also runs against Tsai Ing-wen, who has clearly stated “no” to the Zhou administration.


I really envy Taiwan and Kaohsiung citizens.


For racist politics of the Zhou administration and dictatorship politics such as purging, it is first of all that there are excellent leaders like Tsai Ing-wen who can be said to be "NO" from the front.


Secondly, the power and unity of citizens who recall the Mayor Han to the dictatorship that cleans up like Nazis, such as the racial discrimination policy of the Zhou administration, is right.


On the other hand, it is the body of the Abe administration of Japan.


Prime Minister Abe and other governments say nothing about the racism policies of Uighur and Tibet, or almost nothing about the Zhou administration of China.


Of course, the Abe administration does not say anything about the infringement of the interests of neighboring countries in the South China Sea.


On the contrary, on aware of it, Abe administration's plight invite Zhou Jinping to Japan.


With Tsai Ing-wen, it's impossible.


Even though Hong Kong citizens (excluding pro-China) and their own Taiwan are about to lose their freedom and fall into the purge politics.


Why, because Japan Speaking of whether the visit invitation of Zhou Jinping, the Abe administration will have been dominated by the Chinese Communist Party faction.


Just like the Obama administration in America.


The Obama administration, when China was leaching committing the interests of neighboring countries in the South China Sea, nothing did not say against Zhou Jinping.


It seems that there was a pro-Chinese sect within the DPJ government, that is, a Chinese spy.

Perhaps they were supposed to have fought through Beijing and the spies.


The Democratic Party is strong in American cities.

The urban area is a neo-liberal stronghold.


Neo-liberalism advocates a small government.

Neo-liberalism dislikes government intervention in the economy.

Neo-liberals just don't want their profits taken up as taxes.

Neo-liberalism wants to monopolize the value (money) created by workers.

Only in Zhou Jinping, Communist Party of China, GAFA and Washington.


Neo-liberal doesn't want to "cannot share profits" with the Zhou regime of the Communist Party of China.


Many of the IT companies such as GAFA advocate neo-liberalism.


GAFA and the Zhou administration, which is a dictatorship in China that implements racism and “cleansing”, are very compatible.


This is because they can use IT such as artificial intelligence to control citizens (Communist members) and slaves (non-Communist members).



Opposition demonstrations against racial discrimination, have been carried out in many parts of the world, the real enemy against racism, he of international previous governments to cooperate with the new and these IT companies liberalism and China, Zhou Jinping dictatorship.


Those administrations are cohesive with the Zhou administrations by taking bribes from China.

And those governments doubly (compensate and bribe) workers to deprive workers of the value added, or money.


Because they cannot rule citizens without the technology of IT companies such as artificial intelligence.


In China, citizens (Communist) and slaves (other than Communist) are surely identified by the face recognition technology no matter where they are, and the government knows what they did.

Even if you don't have a smartphone.


How can they oppose the administration in such a society?


Zhou Jinping's racism policy is all done by using IT such as face recognition.


China's Zhou administration, which abuses IT for racism discrimination policies and “cleansing” against opponents of its own government, is the same as the Nazis.


It is enviable that there is a president, Tsai Ing-wen, in Taiwan who can say "NO" from the front.


And I envy the Mayor Kaohsiung recall that there is a strong backup of the citizens of Kaohsiung who will fight with President Tsai Ing-wen.


I would like to see President Tsai Ing-wen become the prime minister of Japan.


And rather than refusing to participate in the "Joint Statement on the Introduction of the Hong Kong Safety Law" to Europe and the United States with China, I would like Tsai Ing-wen to openly decide to participate as the Japanese Prime Minister.


I would also like to see that Tsai Ing-wen's "prime minister" exercises leadership, unites with the West, and declares that the dictatorship of the Zhou administration, which is responsible for racial discrimination policies and the purging of politics, should be stopped.


Japan's prime minister, Abe, can't expect anything at all, because he is a government that "gets together" as a "unitary government" at the "cherry blossom viewing party."


Because it is a regime that discriminates "companies and non-companies", it is exactly the same Nazis as the racial discrimination policy of the Zhou administration of China.


I hope President Tsai Ing-wen will become the prime minister of Japan.

Because you are the true "Japanese" with the "samurai" heart.




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