Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

SuperTeam of CoSpace Rescue

2011-07-15 | ブログ

"M&Y" made SuperTeam with team "SwissOmicron" from Singapore.
In the team, a member was a large family of seven people.

"SwissOmicron" is the second place in individual treatment.

"M&Y" was a defeat in a preliminary.

Normally "We use our's program". I think that they say.

But they were very gentlemanly.

And was friendly.

They heard the strategy of the program of "M&Y" properly. And they let us play a game with the thing which remodeled it. We recognized each other's good places and were able to face a last game.

It was just slightly only lucky that we were able to win the competition.
Such cooperation system might draw luck.

Probably we might more easily win when we just used the program of "SwissOmicron".
But even if win the championship at it; nonsense.

"M&Y" can make really good team and SuperTeam and is happy.

We ate the orange given for thanks of the souvenir in an apartment.



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