


2014-05-25 13:46:43 | Telegraph (UK)

Lord Mandelson sees 'looming nightmare' for Russian economy despite gas deal
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in St Petersburg
Telegraph: 6:38PM BST 22 May 2014
Lord Mandelson warned Russia that the glory days of the energy boom are gone, despite the recent $400bn gas deal with China


Lord Mandelson has told Russia's leaders in the bluntest terms that their country will be frozen out of the global financial system and face slow economic breakdown unless the Kremlin steps back from confrontation with the West.


"A sense of Russia-risk is crystallising around the events in Ukraine. The great danger is that this negative sentiment will set in concrete around Russia," he told the St Petersburg Economic Forum in Russia.


"It is the markets that are leading the way, not governments, and they are quickening the pace. This is the looming nightmare for the Russian economy and it will have to be dealt with very boldly by the Russian government. To be cut off from global capital markets is not a good idea," he said.


Lord Mandelson, the former Deputy Prime Minister and EU trade commissioner, is the most senior Western politician to attend the forum, which has been boycotted by serving EU officials and most US companies. The event is the annual showpiece of President Vladimir Putin, who began his political career as deputy mayor of St Petersburg.


Russia's achilles heel is the external debt of private companies and banks. They owe $700bn in foreign currencies, mostly dollars. This has to be rolled over continuously at a pace of almost $10bn a month. While spreads have narrowed as tensions ease slightly in Ukraine, there have been almost no bond issues for three months. Most companies have the cash reserves to survive the drought, but new investment is being choked.


One auto executive told the forum that the Russian car industry would wither on the vine if borrowing costs are pushed permanently higher. "We can handle a 1pc rise in rates perhaps, but not a 5pc rise," he said.


Chris Weafer, from Macro Advisory in Russia, said the risk is protracted decay as investors step back from fresh projects. "What we are afraid of is a return the Soviet stagnation of the early 1980s," he said.


Lord Mandelson warned his hosts that the glory days of the energy boom are gone for good, despite the epic $400bn gas deal with China signed by Mr Putin in Shanghai this week.


"Russia faces a much more hostile environment. There are profound structural changes in the global energy markets, not just from US shale or the delinking of oil and gas prices, but also from liquefied natural gas from Australia and Qatar, and after that from the Eastern Mediterranean and Africa," he said.


Russian analysts have already begun to pick apart Gazprom's contract to supply China with 38bn cubic metres of gas for 30 years. There are suspicions that the deal was rushed through to neutralise worries of political isolation, and to convey the impression that Russia can easily switch sales to the East, papering over the fact that little has changed.


Mr Putin's arch-critic, Boris Nemtsov, said the terms - to the extent that they are known - amount to "total loss and robbery", leaving Russia having to foot the bill for $55bn of investment needed to find the gas and build the pipeline infrastructure.


Gazprom has not revealed the agreed price. Leaks have hinted at $350 per thousand cubic metres, below the EU average price of $380, but this means little without clarity on details.


It will be four to six years before any gas is delivered to China, if the project comes to fruition. The Kremlin said China may advance up to $25bn to help defray the costs, but conceded that this is not a fixed obligation, a point that has been widely picked up on the Russian blogosphere. Mr Putin admitted that the decade-long haggling on terms had been fractious. "Our Chinese friends are difficult, hard negotiators," he said.


The gas deal is double-edged for Russia, leaving it ever more prone to the "Dutch Disease", a resource curse that can deform economies over time and erode their industrial base, leaving them in crisis when the commodity cycle turns.


"We are addicted to oil and gas," said Sergey Kravchenko, head of Boeing's operations in Russia. "Russia hasn't come forward with any new aircraft on its own in 15 years. The only one we have done is reliant on transfers of Western technology. We don't have our own national projects, and I am quite concerned that we will lose our chance to catch up because of the mood of mistrust emerging towards the West. The sectors will disappear," he told the forum.


Evgeny Gavrilenkov, Sberbank's chief economist, said Russia's woes had already set in as early as 2012. "There have been so many blunders in macro-economic and monetary policy, even worse than the effect of the sanctions," he said.


Sberbank says capital outflow have been $70bn since the crisis began in Ukraine, if swaps are included, but not all of the bank withdrawals have been switched into dollars. Mr Gavrilenkov said people have been funnelling their money into usable assets - typically fridges, computers or even cars - as a precaution. This perverse effect has helped keep the economy afloat for now and should prevent contraction of GDP this year. The hangover will come later.


The International Monetary Fund expects growth 0.2pc this year, but warned that the figure could be far worse if western sanctions escalate to the "Stage 3" level against Russian companies. The IMF's annual "Article IV" healthcheck describes a sclerotic economy with bottlenecks everywhere that desperately needs root-and-branch reform. The 7pc growth rates of the "Roaring Noughties" already seems like another world.



2014-05-25 13:46:25 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe's centre crumbles as Socialists immolate themselves on altar of EMU
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 5:58PM BST 21 May 2014
Francois Hollande must be willing to rock the European Project to its foundations, and even to risk a rupture of the euro. This he cannot bring himself to do
The Euro burning in flames


By a horrible twist of fate, Europe's political Left has become the enforcer of reactionary economic policies. The great socialist parties of the post-war era have been trapped by the corrosive dynamics of monetary union, apologists for mass unemployment and a 1930s deflationary regime that subtly favour the interests of elites.


One by one, they are paying the price. The Dutch Labour Party that fathered the "Polder Model" and ran Holland for half a century has lost its bastions of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht, its support dwindling to 10pc as it meekly ratifies austerity policies that have led to debt deflation and left 25pc of mortgages in negative equity.


Contractionary policies are poisonous for countries leveraged to the hilt. Dutch household debt has risen from 230pc to 250pc of disposable income since 2008, while British debt has fallen from 151pc to 133pc over the same period. This calamitous development in the Netherlands is almost entirely result of the EMU policy structure, yet the Dutch Labour Party has no coherent critique because its pro-EU reflexes compel near-silence.


Old Marxists now rebranded under the Socialist Party have eaten into their flank, running at 20pc with daily broadsides against the myopia of pro-cyclical EMU deficit rules at a time when more than half the currency bloc is stuck in depression, albeit one punctuated by short episodes of seeming recovery. The Netherlands relapsed yet again in the first quarter.


"The Socialist Party has never believed in the euro and we don't believe in it now. We must therefore stop offering up ever more sacrifices in order to maintain it," said Dennis de Jong, the party's leader in Strasbourg. He calls for a "Plan B" to dismantle the currency union in an orderly fashion, with capital controls if need be.


Each country is sui generis. The Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) that steered Greece to democracy after the colonels is down to 5.5pc, a dead shell displaced by the hot-headed Syriza party of Alexis Tsipras, now leading at 25pc with vows to tear up Greece's EU-IMF Troika Memorandum and stiff creditors.


PASOK deserves its annihilation. It conspired in the backroom coup of November 2011, agreeing to EU demands to overthrow its own prime minister and annul Greece's referendum on the bail-out. It recoiled from a cathartic and necessary showdown with Brussels, too frightened to risk ejection from the euro. That referendum is now being held. Mr Tsipras has turned the EU elections this week into a verdict on debt servitude.


One can understand why the Left in small countries may feel too weak to buck the EMU system. The mystery is why a French Socialist president with a parliamentary majority should so passively submit to policies that are sapping the lifeblood of the French economy and destroying his presidency.


Francois Hollande won the presidency two years ago on a growth ticket, vowing to lead an EMU-wide reflation drive that would lift Europe out of slump. He promised to veto the EU Fiscal Compact. He asked to be judged on his record in "bending the curve of unemployment", and to his chagrin the people are holding him to his word.


The jobless rate has risen from 10.1pc to 10.4pc (Eurostat) since he took office. The economy shed a further 23,600 jobs in the first quarter as GDP growth fell back to zero. Some 57,000 jobs have been lost over the past year. Mr Hollande's approval rating has in turn crashed to 18pc in the latest Ifop poll, the worst ever for a French leader.


Nothing has come from his New Deal rhetoric. He capitulated on the Fiscal Compact, agreeing to a straitjacket that obliges France to cut its public debt every year by a fixed amount for two decades until it is has fallen to 60pc of GDP, regardless of demographics, or the level of private sector deleveraging, or the investment needs of the economy at any given time. It is perma-slump written into EU law.


His presidency has been a horror show of austerity packages, one after another, a vicious cycle of higher taxes that abort recovery each time and become self-reinforcing as the multiplier does its worst. There has been net fiscal tightening of 3.5pc of GDP over the past two years combined, yet the deficit has refused to close, as critics warned would happen without monetary stimulus from the European Central Bank to offset the squeeze.


Mr Hollande's response has been to double down on austerity, but fine-tune the composition. He has bowed to demands from Brussels for another €50bn of retrenchment over three years. This time the axe will fall on public spending, a record 57pc of GDP. There will be sweeping labour reforms, his variant of the Hartz IV shock therapy that screwed down German wages a decade ago. He has made his peace with business. But austerity will grind on no matter how it is sliced.


Mr Hollande helped lead a Latin alliance to confront the deflators when he first took power, forcing Germany to lift its veto on ECB action. This momentary display of grit brought about the Draghi back-stop plan for Italian and Spanish debt in August 2012, with much help from Washington. He did not follow through, and Spain has gone its own way, fancying itself the Prussia of the South or new Latin Tiger.


The ECB is once again sitting on its hands, trifling with deflation. It is letting credit contract at a 2.4pc rate, hiding behind its new mantra of "creditless recoveries", and has let M3 supply growth stall on a six-month basis. It has let passive tightening occur as its balance sheet shrinks by €800bn, and as the euro ratchets up, by 8pc against the yuan and 15pc against the yen in a year. Much of the world is trying to hold down currencies and export deflation. Europe is left holding the parcel.


The French nation does not have to accept economic asphyxiation. France is the beating heart of the Europe, the one country with the civilizational stature to lead a revolt and take charge of the EMU policy machinery. But to call Germany's bluff with any credibility Mr Hollande must be willing to rock the Project to its foundations, and even to risk a rupture of the euro.


This he cannot bring himself to do. His whole political life from Mitterrand to Maastricht has been woven into European affairs. He is a prisoner of Project ideology, drilled to think that Franco-German condominium remains the lever of French power, and that the euro is what binds the two. French statesman Jean-Pierre Chevenement compares Mr Hollande's acquiesce in this ruinous course with Pierre Laval's deflation decrees in 1935 under the Gold Standard, the last time a French leader thought he had to bleed his country dry in defence of a fixed-exchange peg. It is the brutal truth.


The French socialists thought they had nothing to fear from the rise of the Front National, the one party prepared to tap into the welling fury of La France Profonde, pledging to restore French sovereign control over all that matters in the nation, and ditch the euro as the first order of duty. They thought the Front would peel off votes from the Gaullistes and split the Right. It is ripping into their own working class strongholds with near equal force.

フランス社会党は、フランス国内のことに関する主権を取り戻す、先ずはユーロを離脱すると誓う、La France Profondeの怒りを噴出させる覚悟を持つ唯一の政党、国民戦線の台頭も恐れるに足らずと考えています。

They underestimated Marine Le Pen, now leading the Euro polls at 24pc. The socialists have slipped to third place. She has outflanked them with her brand of "Left Le Penisme" - or the Left-leaning side of Charles de Gaulle, as she once old me - a tooth and claw defence of the welfare state and the sacred Modèle Français. They have no answer to her attacks on "senseless austerity" and the "mad monetary policies of the ECB" that are hollowing out the industrial core of France, or to her taunt that the EMU project has become coterminous with mass unemployment, because they are all true.

彼女は、福祉国家と神聖なるフランス・モデルを何が何でも防衛する「Left Le Penisme」(またはかつて彼女が僕に言った、シャルル・ド・ゴール将軍の左派的様相)という自らのブランドを掲げて社会党を出し抜きました。

It hard to pin down how much of Le Pen's rise has to do with immigration, or the Kulturkampf against Islam, but she would never have gained such a footing - and nor would others, even UKIP in Britain - if six years of job wastage had not so not completely demolished EMU claims to competence and moral authority. "It all began with the euro crisis," said Herman Van Rompuy, the EU president.


For some it began earlier with the "Stolen Referendum", the fateful decision to ram through the Lisbon Treaty without a vote after the French people had already rejected an almost identical text called the European Constitution. "In choosing to ignore the people's choice in May 2005, France's leaders revealed everything about the Europe we have. What we are seeing to today are the aftershocks of this anti-democratic earthquake," said French author Coralie Delaume in Europe: Disunited States.

「2005年5月、国民の選択を無視することにして、フランスの指導者達はヨーロッパについて全てを明らかにした。我々が今日目にしているのは、この非民主的大事件の余波だ」とフランス人作家、Coralie Delaume氏は著書『Europe: Disunited States』の中で述べています。

The Socialists said it was an outrage to refuse a referendum on Lisbon. Yet when the time came to vote in parliament, 142 deputies and senators abstained, and 30 voted for the Treaty. They gave president Nicolas Sarkozy his three-fifths majority, and it was much the same squalid story in the Dutch Tweede Kamer.


The elites thought they got away with their Lisbon legerdemain. They did not.




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2014-05-25 09:11:29 | Telegraph (UK)
Vladimir Putin faces giving ground in China to seal gas deal
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:48PM BST 19 May 2014
Long-coveted prize would allow Russia to switch sales from Europe to the Far East and transform the Eurasian gas market


Russian president Vladimir Putin may have to accept unpalatable terms from China to clinch a massive gas pipeline deal in Shanghai this week, abandoning red lines defended tooth and claw by the Kremlin for the past decade.


The Russian state gas giant Gazprom said it is just "digits" away from an accord to supply North East China with 38bn cubic metres (BCM) for 30 years as soon as 2018. It is a long-coveted prize that would allow Russia to switch sales from Europe to the Far East and totally transform the Eurasian gas market.


Gazprom's share price has soared 14pc this month as negotiations reach a climax. Investors are betting that the deal could be the start of an even greater build-up in gas shipments to Asia that would ultimately eclipse sales to Europe, currently 130 BCM, or 60pc of Gazprom's revenues.


Mr Putin said the deal had "nearly been finalised" and was a perfect fit for both sides: allowing Russia to diversify its sales and letting China plug its "energy deficit" and switch to a cleaner fuel.


Mr Putin has seized on the deal to create the impression that China is allied with Russia in a common front against the West, telling the Chinese press this week that the countries' outlooks are "almost identical" in global affairs.


Beijing did not in fact support Russia at the United Nations over the annexation of Crimea and is irked by the precedent of popular referendums used to justify secessions - given its own simmering problems with the Uighurs in Xinjiang - but it has chosen to let the claims pass.


The gas contract would insulate Russia from serious damage as the EU draws up plans to slash its dependence on Gazprom, partly by switching to liquefied natural gas (LNG) from North Africa, Qatar and ultimately North America, but also by opening the way for shale gas development. Yet there is every sign that Beijing intends to drive a hard bargain while Mr Putin so badly needs the political cover of a Chinese deal.


"The reality is that China now holds the whip hand and they will drive a very hard bargain. For them this is just commerce," said Ian Bond, from the Centre for European Reform.


Russian daily Izvestia said the price will be in a band from $350 to $380, slightly below the European average of $380. The key question is whether it will also contain European-style clauses linking gas prices to the spot price of Brent crude.


"The European pricing mechanism has been the key sticking point for a decade. China has resisted this but now it has a fantastic opportunity to force the matter," said Professor Alan Riley, from City University.


China needs natural gas to wean its economy off coal-fired power stations choking the major cities, but the balance of advantage has gradually been swinging in Beijing's favour. China is rapidly becoming the dominant power in central Asia and has opened a pipeline from Turmenistan that supplies more than 20 BCM of gas, rising to 65 BCM by 2020.


China National Petroleum Corporation has just made a huge discovery of natural gas in Sichaun, possibly 440 BCM. PetroChina is cranking up shale development and will deliver the first 2.5 BCM as soon as next year, aiming to reach 11 BCM by 2020. China is also building up its network of terminals for LNG imports, expected to become much cheaper as Australian shipments enter the market and Japan frees up LNG supply by restarting many of its nuclear reactors.


Russia may have missed its chance to lock in the best terms for its East Siberian gas. "The two sides have been playing a game of poker for 10 years, each thinking they have the better hand, and neither willing to do the deal," said one adviser close to the talks.


China and Russia have seemed close to a trophy gas deal before, only to see it fall apart at the final stage. The accord looks more certain this time but Gazprom still needs to invest up to $30bn to build the pipeline, much of it through the harsh geography of the Siberian tundra. It is likely to pass through the Amur region before feeding into Beijing.


This would not be the first time in Russian history that an entanglement in the West forced it to give ground in the East. The Regent Sophia had to cede the Amur basin conquered long before from China after Russian forces were drawn into a disastrous war with the Crimean Tatars in the 1690s.


Russia reconquered the Amur later in the 19th century in breach of its treaty with China - an act that has not been forgotten or forgiven in Beijing.



2014-05-25 09:11:10 | Telegraph (UK)
China steps up speed of oil stockpiling as tensions mount in Asia
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:37PM BST 18 May 2014
Beijing has ordered an "unprecedented" build up of oil reserves as West prepares for possible oil sanctions against Russia.


China is stockpiling oil for its strategic petroleum reserve at a record pace, intervening on a scale large enough to send a powerful pulse through the world crude market.


The move comes as tensions mount in the South China Sea, and the West prepares possible oil sanctions against Russia over the crisis in Eastern Ukraine. Analysts believe China is quietly building up buffers against a possible spike in oil prices or disruptions in supply.


The International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its latest monthly report that China imported 6.81m barrels a day in April, an all-time high. This is raising eyebrows since China's economy has been slowing for months, with slump conditions in the steel industry and a sharp downturn in new construction.


The agency estimates that 1.4m b/d was funnelled into China's fast-expanding network of storage facilities, deeming it "an unprecedented build". Shipments were heavily concentrated at Chinese ports nearest the new reserve basins at Tianjin and Huangdao. "We think this is a big deal," said one official.


China accounts for 40pc of all growth in world oil demand, so any serious boost to its strategic reserves tightens the global supply almost instantly and pushes up the spot price.


Michael Lewis, head of commodities at Deutsche Bank, said Chinese officials at Beijing's Strategic Reserve Bureau are playing the oil market tactically, or "buying the dips" in trader parlance. They add to stocks whenever Brent crude prices fall to key support lines, as occurred earlier this Spring. This is currently around $105.


"It's is very similar to what they have been doing with copper. Whenever it drops below $7,000 (a tonne), they see it as a buying opportunity. They do the same with agricultural commodities," he said.


China is putting a floor of sorts underneath the global oil market, calling into question predictions by the big oil trading banks that prices will deflate this year as more crude comes on stream from Libya, Iraq, and Iran, and as the US keeps adding supply shale.


The strategic buying could go on for a long time since China is rapidly expanding its reserve capacity from 160m barrels to 500m by 2020, with sites scattered across the country.


John Mitchell from Chatham House says China has stocks to cover 46 days of imports compared to 209 for the US, based on estimates from last year. India is acutely vulnerable to any disruption with just 12 days cover. The minimum safe threshold for OECD states is deemed to be 90 days.


Chinese officials are increasingly nervous as the the country's import dependency keeps climbing, reaching 60pc level this year. This is deemed to be the danger line. Planners have been studying closely what would happen in a global conflict such as full-blown Mid-East war or closure of the Straints of Hormuz. East Asia is now far more vulnerable to Mid-East oil disruptions than the US.


China's stock-build comes as the West steps up threats of "Stage 3" sanctions against Russia, to be triggered if the Kremlin continues to disrupt the Ukrainian elections through paramilitary proxies in the Donbass region.


Sources in Washington say the US may include Russian oil companies such as Rosneft among the mix of targets. This is thought less disruptive for European allies than quarantine measures against the gas monopoly Gazprom since gas is mostly supplied by pipeline contracts and is much harder to replace. The US has already sanctioned Rosneft's chairman Igor Sechin, the chief architect of the Kremlin's energy policy over the last decade.


Mr Lewis said any move against the energy industry would risk a disruption of physical trading in oil since most banks would be unwilling to handle the transactions. "It would effectively tighten supply and be bullish for crude prices," he said.


A parallel drama is unfolding in South East Asia where China is building what appears to be an air base on the Johnson Reef just off the Philippine coast. China is also at daggers drawn with Vietnam after towing an oil rig into waters off the Vietnamese coast in the South China Sea. This has erupted in a wave of anti-Chinese violence over recent days, killing an estimated 20 people in Vietnamese cities and prompting China to evacuate 3,000 of its citizens.


There is the risk of a dangerous tit-for-tat spiral.The Chinese media has been calling for action to "teach Vietnam a lesson", echoing the language of Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping before he launched an attack on Vietnam in the disastrous war of 1979.


Oil experts says there is no sign yet that China is hoarding diesel or boosting output of refined products such as jet fuel, the sorts of indicators that might point to preparations for possible conflict.


China's oil imports in April mostly came from Russia, Angola, and Iraq. The IEA said there were also 615,000 b/d of shipments from Iran, a huge increase that underscores just how far global sanctions have eroded since Iran's new leader Hassan Rouhani reached a preliminary deal with the major powers over the country's nuclear programme.



2014-05-17 14:41:45 | Telegraph (UK)

EU officials plotted IMF attack to bring rebellious Italy to its knees
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: May 15th, 2014
The revelations about EMU skulduggery are coming thick and fast. Tim Geithner recounts in his book Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises just how far the EU elites are willing to go to save the euro, even if it means toppling elected leaders and eviscerating Europe's sovereign parliaments.


The former US Treasury Secretary says that EU officials approached him in the white heat of the EMU crisis in November 2011 with a plan to overthrow Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's elected leader.


"They wanted us to refuse to back IMF loans to Italy as long as he refused to go," he writes.


Geithner told them this was unthinkable. The US could not misuse the machinery of the IMF to settle political disputes in this way. "We can't have his blood on our hands".


This concurs with we knew at the time about the backroom manoeuvres, and the action in the bond markets.


It is a constitutional scandal of the first order. These officials decided for themselves that the sanctity of monetary union entitled them to overrule the parliamentary process, that means justify the end. It is the definition of a monetary dictatorship.


Mr Berlusconi has demanded a parliamentary inquiry. "It's a clear violation of democratic rules and an assault on the sovereignty of our country. The plot is an extremely serious news which confirms what I've been saying for a long time," he said.


There has been a drip-drip of revelations. Italy's former member on the ECB's executive board, Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi, suggested in his book last summer that the decision to topple Berlusconi (and replace him with ex-EU commissioner Mario Monti) was taken after he started threatening a return to the Lira in meetings with EU leaders.


I have always found the incident bizarre. Italy had previously been held up an example of virtue, one of the very few EMU states then near primary budget surplus. It was not in serious breach of deficit rules. It was in crisis in the Autumn of 2011 because the ECB had raised rates twice and triggered what was to become a deep double-dip recession. Yet the blame for this disastrous policy error was displaced on to Italy's government.


Fresh details emerged this week in a terrific account of the crisis by Peter Spiegel in the Financial Times.


The report recounts the hour-by-hour drama at the G20 Summit in Cannes as the euro came close to blowing up. It culminates in the incredible scene when President Barack Obama takes over meeting and tells the Europeans what to do, causing Chancellor Angela Merkel to break down in tears: "Ich bringe mich nicht selbst um." I won't commit suicide.


That particular spasm of the crisis - and there have been three episodes (May 2010, Nov 2011, and July 2012) when the would have splintered without drastic action - was set off by the shock decision of Greek premier Georges Papandreou to call a referendum on the austerity terms of his country's bail-out. He thought a vote was needed to stop Greece spinning out of control, and to pre-empt a possible military coup (as he saw it).


Papandreou was hauled before the star chamber and literally crushed into silence by French leader Nicolas Sarkozy, who was waving his "Position commune sur la Grece" like an indictment sheet.


The FT report then reveals that the Commission's Jose Manuel Barroso took charge of the executive details, orchestrating the Putsch that ousted Papandreou in Greece. In this case the EU picked ECB veteran Lucas Papademos to take over.


Parliamentary formalities were upheld in both Italy and Greece. The presidents appointed the new leaders in each of the two countries. Both Monti and Papademos are honourable and dedicated public servants. Yet these were clearly coups d'etat in spirit, if not in constitutional law.


David Marsh from the financial body OMFIF has called for a "Truth and Reconciliation Committee" to expose the abuses that have occurred in EMU affairs from the beginning. Something must be done to hold accountable those responsible for the fateful error of launching monetary union, and for the chronic mismanagement of the project thereafter.


We are told that the euro crisis is now over. I do not see how one can safely reach that conclusion when Italy and Portugal are contracting again, and France is back to zero growth; or when lowflation/deflation is causing the debt trajectories of Southern Europe to spiral ever higher; all against a background of G2 monetary tightening in the US and China.


There will be another spasm to this crisis. So who will Europe's elites topple next, and what other conspiracies will they hatch to perpetuate a monetary venture that serves no worthwhile moral purpose? They must be stopped.


The FT's Peter Speigel has a follow-up in today's edition, with lots more details. These include confirmation that EU leaders not only broached the subject of Greek exit/expulsion from the euro at Cannes, but that this was followed up by a secret Plan Z.


A GREXIT task-force under Germany's ECB's board member Jorg Asmussen worked on emergency plans with four clandestine teams and EU lawyers in Brussels. They were careful enough not to reveal anything in emails, which could be leaked.


Merkel's advisers in Germany were split into the "domino" camp that feared contagion from GREXIT, and the "infected-leg" camp headed by finance minister Wolfgang Schauble that pushed for amputation.


It seems as if Angela Merkel was finally persuaded by Jorg Asmussen that kicking Greece out of the system might snowball and lead all too quickly to a "eurozone of 10". Greece got its €34bn bail-out in the nick of time.


Though I should not say this about a competing newspaper, it is worth spending £2.50 today on the pink sheet for the story.
