


2012-10-11 10:15:51 | Telegraph (UK)
How flirting helps women get ahead
Telegraph: 6:36PM BST 10 Oct 2012
Women should use their "feminine charm" rather than trying to appear tough when negotiating with men if they want to secure the best deal, scientists claim.


Flirting can help women get money off in situations like buying a new car because it is a sign of confidence, a quality which is essential when entering negotiations, they said.


To gain the most positive results women should avoid making overt sexual advances but appear friendly, authentic and interested in the man they are dealing with, researchers advised.


In contrast men who try to use their charm for their own benefit perform no better in negotiations, according to a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Personality & Social Psychology Bulletinに掲載された論文によれば、対照的に、男性が交渉で魅力を利用しようとしても無駄だそうです。

Professor Laura Kray of the University of California, Berkeley, who led the study, said: "Women are uniquely confronted with a trade-off in terms of being perceived as strong versus warm. Using feminine charm in negotiation is a technique that combines both.


"The key is to flirt with your own natural personality in mind. Be authentic. Have fun. That will translate into confidence, which is a strong predictor of negotiation performance."


The researchers from UC Berkeley's Haas Business School and colleagues from University College London questioned 100 volunteers about how much they rely on charm when negotiating, and asked their partners how effective they were at negotiating.


They found that women who said they flirted more were judged by their partners to be better negotiators, while men who said they used more charm were not seen as having any advantage.


In a second experiment, the volunteers were told to imagine they were selling a car worth $1,200 (£750) and asked how much they would ask for it.


They were presented with one of two scenarios about a potential buyer – one in which she conducts business in a serious tone, and one in which she behaves more warmly, touching the seller's arm, winking and flattering the seller.


Male sellers were more likely to knock $100 (£60) off the selling price for the flirtatious buyer than the serious one, while female car sellers were unmoved by the behaviour, the study found.


The merits of flirting have previously been extolled by Madeline Albright, the first woman to become US Secretary of State, who later admitted to flirting in discussions with male foreign government leaders.




