


2012-09-26 16:17:24 | Telegraph (UK)
Dying cancer man's 'bucket list' with a twist
By Andrew Hough
Telegraph: 3:30PM BST 25 Sep 2012
A terminally ill Good Samaritan has compiled a reverse “bucket list” of charitable acts he plans to fulfil before he dies, it emerged today.


When Simon Mitchell was told he had two years to live, he, like others before him, decided to draw up a “bucket list” of things he wanted to do before he died.


But his is a list with a difference, as it is more concerned with helping other people in need than fulfilling his own wishes.


Mr Mitchell, 41, was told by doctors last summer that he had a life expectancy of two years after he was diagnosed with lymphoma, a cancer of the blood.


The news prompted his “reverse bucket list”, which comprises a number of charitable acts to help sick children and raise money for others in need.


Mr Mitchell, from Blackpool, has already raised £60,000 for several charities since his initial diagnosis two years ago. Last year he decided to raise a further £100,000 for charity and help dozens of injured soldiers to take free holidays.


His heroics don’t stop there. Astonishingly, just a few months after his diagnosis, he has also helped capture a knife-wielding robber, in an act that earned him praise from the Prime Minister.


Mr Mitchell, who has had half of his right lung removed, plans to raise money through expeditions such as a sponsored climb of Europe's highest mountain, Mont Blanc and driving to the North Pole.


He has already granted wishes for children include arranging meetings with The Stig, the BBC Top Gear character, and Katie Price, the glamour model known as Jordan, organising family holidays and purchasing the latest games consoles.

BBCトップギアのThe Stigや、グラマーな有名モデル、ケイティー・プライスさんとの対面をアレンジしたり、家族旅行を企画したり、最新のゲーム機を購入するなど、彼は既に幾つも子供たちの願いをかなえています。

Today, the former public relations officer played down his selfless act, insisting that he had only one simple wish himself – “to live”.


"I want to be able to buy myself enough time for more research into the treatment of my illness,” he said.


"If I were to survive it I'd start a charitable foundation of my own.


“If I manage this list and I die with a smile on my face, with people remembering me and with my wife proud of me, then it will all have been worth it.”


He added: "It might all make my condition worse but it's a chance I'm willing to take. I'll only stop when my body tells me to stop.


“How many people have climbed Mont Blanc with half of their right lung removed? I'm sure I have the strength in me to do it."


After being diagnosed with cancer in the summer of 2010, his illness later forced him to quit his job working Orange, the phone company.


But using his contacts and PR expertise, he now scours local newspapers and websites for stories about injured soldiers or sick children and then tracks them down.


He then arranges contact with different charities that can help them or convinces companies to help with his campaigning.


"I call up companies and pull on their heart strings with pictures and news articles about deserving people,” he said.


"Once they've helped, I'll send them a certificate with a picture of the person that's benefited so they can remember what a brilliant thing they've done."


Tonight his 28 year-old wife Kerrie said it was "really hard" when she discovered her husband had cancer but she vowed "to stand by him through thick and thin".


She said: "My husband has shown stubborn resilience to his disease and poured his heart and soul into helping others. I am proud of him however long I have him for. He has given happiness to others and I love him for just being him."


He already has started helping the Lancashire-based charity, A Ray of Sunshine, which has a villa near Cadiz, Spain, available free of charge for deserving people.

スペインのカディスに、支援されるべき人達が無料で使える保養地を持つ、ランカシャーの慈善団体、A Ray of Sunshineへの支援を、彼は既に始めています。

David Lee, the charity’s owner, last night paid tribute to Mr Mitchell for his “special” actions.


He said: "We are very grateful. He's giving something back at a time when most people want to help themselves."


In August 2010, Mr Mitchell won praise from David Cameron after he helped capture bandit after bravely pursuing the knifeman who he had seen threatening a woman and help police capture him.


"He was a bit quicker than me because of my treatment but I could still run," he said.


"Being diagnosed with a terminal illness takes the fear away from situations like that. The Prime Minister wrote to commend me for my bravery."


THE BUCKET LIST(ミッチェルさんのバケツリスト)

1 – Help 60 armed forces personnel before I die by arranging holidays and anything which will help them and their families.

2 – Make 500 deserving children's' wishes come true and continue to help those I've already worked with.

3 – Getting to the North Pole via specialist truck with the aim of raising thousands for A Ray of Sunshine, Help for Heroes, and Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.
A Ray of Sunshine、Help for Heroes、Leukaemia and Lymphoma Researchのために、数千ポンドの募金を集めることを目標に、特殊トラックで北極点に到達すること。

4 – Climbing Mont Blanc to raise money for the same charities.

5 – A sponsored abseil Prince Andrew-style down The Shard, in London.
アンドリュー王子のように、ロンドンのThe Shard(超高層ビル)を懸垂下降して募金を集めること。

6 – A sponsored skydive.


