


2014-03-29 11:13:21 | Telegraph (UK)
Monks recant: Bundesbank opens the door to QE blitz
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: March 25th, 2014
The last bastion is tumbling. Even the venerable Bundesbank is edging crablike towards quantitative easing.


It seems that tumbling inflation in Germany itself has at last shaken the monetary priesthood out of its ideological certainties.


Or put another way, the Pfennig has dropped that euroland is just one Chinese shock away from a deflation trap, an outcome that would play havoc with the debt dynamics of southern Europe, render the euro unworkable, and ultimately inflict massive damage on Germany.


Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann was not exactly panting for QE in comments to Market News published this morning, it has to be said, but the tone marks a clear shift in policy.


"The unconventional measures under consideration are largely uncharted territory. This means that we need a discussion about their effectiveness and also about their costs and sideeffects", he said.


"This does not mean that a QE programme is generally out of the question. But we have to ensure that the prohibition of monetary financing is respected".


At least we can put to rest the bogus argument that EU Treaty law (Article 123) prohibits QE by the European Central Bank. This claim was always a smokescreen.


Bond purchases are what used to be known as open market operations, a tool of central banks dating back into the mist of monetary history. Purchasing bonds across the board (not just the bonds of insolvent states) is a plain vanilla liquidity management tool.


Mr Weidmann says he prefers negative interest rates as the first resort. This is an admission that the ECB is alarmed by the strength of the euro as it hovers near the pain barrier of $1.40, since negative rates are a sure-fire way to drive down the currency.


"If you wanted to counter the consequences of a strong appreciation of the euro for the inflation outlook, negative rates would, however, appear to be a more appropriate measure than others", he said. Quite so.


The IMF's Christine Lagarde says the deflation risk in Europe may be as high as 20pc, which is remarkable given how much damage it would do. Indeed, as one IMF paper explains, the trouble is already enormous even at ultra-low levels of inflation.


We all know what could push Europe over the edge. China invested $5 trillion in fixed capital last year – as much as the US and Europe combined – creating a further overhang of excess capacity in the world economy. This is sending a deflationary impulse into Europe, the more so since China has devalued the yuan by 2pc this year.


As you can see from the chart below, we had a fresh deflation alert from Spain this morning. Factory gate inflation is falling at a 2.9pc rate.


Eurostat's HICP index on inflation "at constant taxes" – stripping out austerity – shows that 23 of the EU's 28 countries have seen a fall in prices over the last seven months.


Roughly speaking, inflation since June has been running at a rate of minus 1pc in France since, minus 2pc in Holland, Belgium, and Slovenia, minus 4pc in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, minus 6pc in Greece, and minus 10pc in Cyprus. Sweden and Switzerland are also in deflation.


It cries out for a blast of QE, as some in Germany acknowledge. The DIW chief Marcel Fratzscher said last month that the ECB should launch €60bn of monthly bond purchases. "It is high time for the ECB to act. Otherwise Europe risks falling into a dangerous downward spiral", he said.


"The ECB must counter the deflation threat quickly and decisively, and launch a broad-based programme of bond purchase along the lines of the Federal Reserve", he said. The scale should be 0.7pc of eurozone state debt each month, comparable to "QE3" in the US.


Historians will look at this episode and ask how the ECB could ever justify allowing headline inflation to ratchet lower to 0.7pc, let the M3 money supply atrophy at zero levels for nine months, and let EMU-wide credit contract for month after month at accelerating rate.


The ECB's Mario Draghi has many qualities but his repeated claims that Europe is at almost no serious risk of deflation – that conditions are nothing like those of Japan in the late 1990s – are not the most edifying.


I put the Japan parallel to Tokyo Professor Motoshige Itoh yesterday over breakfast. (He is a member of Japan's Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy and a key architect of Abenomics).


"Europe is in a very similar to Japan in the 1990s", he said, nodding his head vigorously at suggestions that the ECB is complacent. In some respects the eurozone is even worse shape since it lacks a unified banking and fiscal system, or a coherent government able to take rapid decisions in a crisis, he said.


It is an interesting question whether the Bundesbank can easily back QE after the German constitutional court ruled last month in imperious language that the ECB's bond rescue plan for Italy and Spain (OMT) is probably "Ultra Vires".


It stated that the OMT "exceeds the ECB's monetary policy mandate, infringes the powers of the Member States, and violates the prohibition of monetary financing of the budget".


The ruling does not prohibit ECB bond purchases as such – and is not final in any case – but it raises the political bar for quantitative easing to a near impossible level.


The irony is that the Bundesbank's Mr Weidmann is himself responsible for the ferocity of the Court's ruling. It was he who testified so trenchantly – though politely, as always – against the ECB's policies at the Court hearings.


Will he now be hoisted by his own petard?



