


2009-05-30 11:48:24 | Telegraph (UK)
Signs worst is over for eurozone
By Ralph Atkins in Frankfurt, Bertrand Benoit in Berlin and Scheherazade Daneshkhu in Paris
FT:April 23 2009
The eurozone economy is showing the clearest signs yet that the worst of its recession is over, with a closely watched survey on Thursday reporting that the pace of decline had decelerated unexpectedly sharply this month.


A surprisingly strong rise in purchasing managers’ indices suggested “green shoots” spotted elsewhere in the world were breaking out in the 16-country eurozone – raising the prospect of economic activity stabilising and even returning to growth by the end of the year. However, the latest survey showed companies shedding jobs at an increasing rate.


The eurozone’s recession – the worst in continental Europe since the second world war – gained ferocity in the first quarter of the year. Separate data showed industrial orders in February were down 34.5 per cent compared with the year before – the biggest decline since records began in 1996.


Earlier this week, the International Monetary Fund forecast the eurozone recession would be deeper this year than in the US, with growth still contracting in 2010.


But the “composite” purchasing managers’ index, covering services and manufacturing, and offering a guide to future trends in activity, leapt from 38.3 in March to 40.5 this month – the biggest rise since the survey began in 1998 – pointing to the slowest rate of decline in output in six months. A figure below 50 indicates a fall in economic activity.


“We are through the deepest in terms of economic contraction,” said Erik Nielsen, European economist at Goldman Sachs.


Adding to the more upbeat picture, the purchasing managers’ indices showed widespread destocking in manufacturing, which could help a rebound in production. April’s ratio of new orders to stocks was the highest since last August.


Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit, which produces the indices, warned the severity of the downturn should not be underestimated. But after repeated downgrades, forecasts for eurozone growth might soon have to be revised up, he said. Extrapolating the last two months’ results, growth could resume as early as September, although that might prove too optimistic a projection.


France Insee statistics office, meanwhile, reported an unexpectedly strong revival in French business confidence, from the 33-year low reported in March.


However a cautious note was struck in Germany by four leading economic institutes in a report published on Thursday. Although most of this year’s expected 6 per cent contraction in the economy had taken place in the first four months of the year, said Kai Carstensen, head of business cycle analysis at the Ifo institute, it would continue to shrink at a lower pace until at least the middle of 2010.


Not only would Germany emerge later than other countries from the downturn because of its reliance on exports, but an expected sharp rise in unemployment starting this summer would put severe pressure on domestic consumption, which had so far held relatively firm, he said.



