


2012-10-10 16:50:43 | Telegraph (UK)
Alzheimer's drug 'slows memory loss by a third'
By Stephen Adams, Medical Correspondent
Telegraph: 8:28PM BST 08 Oct 2012
A new Alzheimer’s drug could dramatically slow the pace of memory loss in those with the disease, it was revealed on Monday.


Combined results from two trials shows the drug, called solanezumab, slows the speed of mental decline by a third in those with mild-to-moderate disease.


Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, with about 500,000 people in Britain suffering from it.


Despite enormous investment in experimental treatments, only a handful of drugs to tackle the degenerative brain disease have been approved. These drugs are effective at alleviating some of the symptoms but they do not tackle the underlying cause of disease.


Now Eli Lilly, a pharmaceutical firm, has announced results for its new drug, which works to help clear the protein ‘plaques’ thought to cause Alzheimer’s.


Combined results from two trials showed that it slowed the pace of cognitive decline by 34 per cent, over an 18-month period, compared to those given a placebo.


The results were presented on Monday at a meeting of the American Neurological Association in Boston, Massachusetts.


Rachelle Doody, professor of neurology at Baylor College of Medicine, who was involved in the research, described the finding as “encouraging”.


She said: “These results represent an important step for the medical, academic, and scientific communities in understanding brain amyloid as a target of Alzheimer’s disease therapies.”


The result was obtained by combining data from two individual trials, which each contained about 1,000 people.


In August the firm and patients’ groups were left bitterly disappointed after results from the two parallel trials were released.


Each trial indicated the drug did have an effect - but the results were as strong as hoped. They suggested a dim future for the eagerly anticipated drug.


The new analysis is therefore a welcome boost for those with the disease.


However, it is still unclear whether Eli Lilly will apply to drugs regulators in the US and Europe to get solanezumab approved.


The drug also appears to increase the angina, with incidence of the heart condition being 1.1 per cent in those given solanezumab, compared to 0.2 per cent in the placebo group.


A spokesman for Eli Lilly said: “Next steps for solanezumab will be determined after discussions with regulators.”


Dr Mike Hutton, Eli Lilly's chief scientific officer for neurodegeneration, said: "This is so exciting because the amyloid hypothesis has been around for 20 years, and I think this is the first evidecne that targeting the amyloid cascade can slow the progression of disease.


"There are lots of drugs in the pipeline that tackle this, being developed by Eli Lilly and other companies."


Dr Eric Karran, director of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, welcomed the research and said it indicated the drug would be of most use if given early.

Alzheimer's Research UKのディレクター・オブ・リサーチ、エリック・カラン博士はこの研究結果を歓迎し、これはこの薬は早期に投与されることで最も効果が出そうだということを示唆していると述べました。

He said: "We knew when the results of this trial were first announced that, despite the overall negative outcome, the drug did seem to show positive trends for some patients.


"The fact that the benefits appear to be for those people with mild forms of Alzheimer’s suggests that solanezumab may only have an effect when given early in the disease process.


“The drug aims to stop a protein called amyloid from building in the brain, but we know this can start to happen years before symptoms develop.


"Studies of anti-amyloid drugs like solanezumab in people with pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s are being planned, and the results from these trials could be very interesting."



