


2005-10-13 13:17:46 | Telegraph (UK)



3. 30,000 migrants 'ready to force way into Europe'
By David Rennie in Luxembourg
The Telegraph: October 13, 2005

Up to 30,000 African migrants are determined to reach Europe through Spain, a senior European Union official warned yesterday.

The figure, based on reports by European intelligence agencies, dwarfs the crowds of desperate migrants already seen storming Spain's two north African enclaves bordering Morocco.

Franco Frattini, the EU justice commissioner, sounded the alarm at a meeting of ministers from all 25 member governments in Luxembourg.
EU司法委員のFranco Frattiniは、全加盟国25カ国の政府から大臣が出席してルクセンブルグで開かれている会議で警告を鳴らした。

He also launched a radical scheme under which the EU will pay African governments to offer better treatment to would-be refugees, in the hope that fewer refugees will try to keep moving north and reach Europe.

Mr Frattini called on EU ministers not to imagine that this was solely a Spanish problem.

"Intelligence studies suggest that around 20,000 immigrants are in Algeria determined to begin their journey to Morocco and then Ceuta and Melilla, with another 10,000 waiting in Morocco,'' Mr Frattini said.

"Illegal migrants who make it into Spanish territory will, in many cases, move on to other member states, be it France, the Netherlands or the United Kingdom."

The border fences at the Spanish enclaves, relics of the colonial era, were facing "massive and co-ordinated" assaults by migrants. Senior commission officials visited the region last weekend after violent clashes and fatalities as migrants tried to scale razor-wire barriers.

Illegal migration from sub-Saharan Africa was rising sharply, Mr Frattini said, and would not be stopped by plans to increase the height of border fences. There was evidence that the new pressure on Europe's only land borders with Africa was linked to increased maritime security along sea routes to outlying EU possessions such as the Canary Islands.

The meeting of EU ministers, chaired by Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary, agreed on a package of short and longer term measures to tackle the crisis.

Mr Frattini said the EU must take swift action, announcing an immediate £25 million payment to Morocco to improve border management. He said that EU border agency experts would help strengthen Morocco's control of its southern and eastern borders.

Tanzania, whose Great Lakes region is home to refugees from across sub-Saharan Africa, has been chosen as the first test location for the immigrant payments scheme - what has been called an "EU regional protection programme".

EU officials hope that by improving the reception afforded to refugees in their nearest haven, they can achieve three goals for the price of one. Officials said the idea was to improve the lives of Africans facing persecution in their home countries.

With an initial budget of £3 million, the EU aims to ease the burden imposed by refugees on poor host nations such as Tanzania. Crucially, an improvement in conditions will also allow EU governments to argue that refugees have less need to travel on to Europe to receive the protections guaranteed to them by United Nations refugee conventions.

But the ministers received a warning from Antonio Guterres, the UN high commissioner for refugees.
しかし、閣僚達は国連難民高等弁務官のAntonio Gueterresからの警告を受け止めた。

The former Portuguese prime minister said that funding refugee work in the rest of the world could not allow Europe to slam its doors on refugees.

"Building up capacities in other parts of the world should not [reduce] the will of Europe itself to be a continent of asylum,'' he said.



