


2009-04-01 17:42:39 | Telegraph (UK)

UK consumer confidence returning faster than rest of Europe
By Edmund Conway
Telegraph:31 Mar 2009
Britons are becoming more confident, more quickly than their European counterparts, in the latest evidence that the UK may recover from the recession sooner than Germany, France and its other major continental neighbours.


Figures published by the European Commission have revealed that in the wake of the Bank of England's decision to cut interest rates to zero and embark on quantitative easing, British households' optimism about the economy started to recover. The statistics, from a monthly survey of European consumers, meant spending might recover faster in the UK than elsewhere, economists said.



The Commission's survey showed that, across Europe economic confidence was now at the lowest ebb since the survey began in 1985, with its overall confidence barometer dropping from 60.9 in February to 60.3 in March.


The UK's overall confidence – including surveys of both businesses and consumers, also dropped to a record low of 56 points, but the household element of that actually rose from -46 to -38. In most other European countries that consumer confidence element is still falling sharply.


Gabriel Stein of Lombard Street Research said: "It is early days yet. Britain is obviously not going to see a consumer boom in the next few months. But the numbers support the view that Britain should emerge from recession sooner than Germany – and, more importantly, that it will do so because of stronger domestic demand. By contrast, the German insistence on waiting for the rest of the world to recover and then hitch a free ride by exporting its way out of recession condemns the country to a longer and deeper slowdown than is actually necessary."



The figures are produced in conjunction with market research group GfK whose own consumer confidence figures, published today show that its overall optimism barometer rose by 5 points to -30 in March. Although this is low by historical standards it is the highest level since last May.


However, a report from Asda showed that the amount of discretionary income available to the average family has dropped by 9.2pc in the past year, leaving them with less cash to spend.




2009-04-01 17:41:11 | Telegraph (UK)




Gordon Brown draws on religion to warn 'markets need morals'
By Robert Winnett, Deputy Political Editor
Telegraph:31 Mar 2009
Gordon Brown has called on religious leaders to help develop a "shared moral sense" that will govern markets and the economy in the wake of the global economic crisis.


In a speech at St Paul's Cathedral, the Prime Minister drew on religious doctrine in a highly-personal address which warned that "markets need morals".


The speech is intended to set the tone for this week's G20 summit in London by placing world leaders under a moral obligation to agree new rules for the financial system. Mr Brown also revealed he had received a letter from the Pope earlier this week.


In the speech, the Prime Minister said: "Now that people can communicate instantaneously across borders, cultures and faiths, I believe we can be confident that across the world we are discovering that there is a shared moral sense.


"Christians do not say that people should be reduced merely to what they can produce or what they can buy - that we should let the weak go under and only the strong survive. No, we say do to others what you would have them do unto you.


"And when Judaism says love your neighbour as yourself. When Muslims say no one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.


"When Buddhists say hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. When Sikhs say treat others as you would be treated yourself. When Hindus say the sum of duty is do not unto others which would cause pain if done to you, they each and all reflect a sense that we all share the pain of others, and a sense that we believe in something bigger than ourselves - that we cannot be truly content while others face despair, cannot be completely at ease while others live in fear, cannot be satisfied while others are in sorrow."


It is highly unusual for a British politician to publicly draw on religious themes. Tony Blair was famously told "we don't do God" by Alistair Campbell, his spin doctor. However, Downing Street confirmed last night that Mr Brown does believe in God.

トニー・ブレアがスピンドクターのアリスター・キャンベルに「we don't do God(カミサマはNG)」と言われたのは有名だ。

The Prime Minister also called on world leaders at the G20 summit to express "Themba" - the Zulu word for hope.


"A few years ago when economists were pressing the most dogmatic of free market policies on poorer countries, they argued for it by saying "Tina" - short for there is no alternative," the Prime Minister said.


"But African campaigners came up with a shorthand of their own "Themba" - short for there must be an alternative. In that cry - Themba - we hear everything that must guide us today because while it was an acronym - it was also the Zulu word for the most important things that humans can have…Hope.


"Themba - the confidence, conviction and certainty that where there are problems there are always solutions, and we do not need to accept the defeatism of doing nothing."
