

Roof of Vancouver

2024-07-25 02:29:47 | バンクーバー

Roof of Vancouver



The Vancouver Lookout



The Top of Vancouver

Revolving Restaurant


Kato, what do you mean by "Roof of Vancouver"?


Of course, I'm talking about the top of Vancouver.  Have you been up there?

Oh yes, a couple of decades ago, I went up there... In those days, they called it differently.

Oh yeah?  What was it called years ago?

Maybe "Roof of Vancouver"... I'm just kidding.  Anyway, Kato, how come you've brought up "Roof of Vancouver"?

You see, Diane, World Trade Center is gone now.



&nb sp;

Are you saying some terrorists will attack the top of Vancouver in the near future?

No, I don't think there'll be any terrorist attack, but the top of Vancouver might be destroyed.

...destroyed by what or who?

Well ... back in 2012, I wrote about Vancouver Earthquake.


Vancouver Earthquake




Kato, are you saying that we're gonna have a big earthquake in the near future?


You bet on that, Diane.

No kidding!

Diane, are you aware that we had several quakes in the past?

No, not really.  As a matter of fact, I've never felt a sizable quake here in Vancouver.  Have you, Kato?

Well... compared to the quakes I experienced in Japan, the quakes here in Vancouver for the past 20 years are almost next to nothing.  I've never felt any danger whenever Vancouverites were worrried about tiny quakes.

Tell me, Kato, if there were any recorded quakes in and around Vancouver.

Yes, there were quite a few.

You must be kidding!

Well..., if you say so, look at the following chart.




The mark on the left means a big quake that happened in ths past.

Wow! ...  So, in 1909 there was a big one in Vancouver, wasn't it?

You're telling me, Diane.

But I've never felt a sizable quake here in Vancouver.

... simply because you were lucky ... you were at the right place and at the right time so that any quake didn't hit you dead.  But a big one is coming.

You mean, a giant quake like the one that took place in 1700?

That's right.

No kidding!  How do you know?

Well ... I've watched the following DVD.



■"Actual Listing Page"


DVD Description

Uses earthquake survivors' account and interviews with experts to uncover the significant earthquake dangers that are unique to Cascadia, the region that surrounds the Cascade mountain range, extending from southern British Columbia to northern California.

Discusses the effects of previous earthquakes in the region, including the 1964 Alaska earthquake and the 2001 Nisqually Quake.


Kato's Comment - Aug. 15, 2012

If you live in the northwest of America---that is, Cascadia, you should be prepared for a giant earthquake.
Since 10,000 years ago, 18 earthquakes of magnitude 9 and over (equal to the East Japan Great Earthquake that devastated Fukushima and its surrounding areas in Japan on March 11, 2011) have caused catastrophic damages on the coasts of Cascadia.

Seemingly, a super-quake occurs approximately every 500 years.
The last super-quake attacked Cascadia on January 19, 1700.

So, a super-quake might take place along the Cascadia subduction zone any time because 312 years has already passed since the last super-quake.
Mind you, a 500-years cycle is an approximation.

If you're in doubt, watch the DVD for yourself.


Tōhoku Earthquake 2011



But, Kato, how do you know that the super quake occurred in 1700?

A certain geologist dug up the old layers of the earth near Vancouver and found out the trace of giant tsunamis that had taken place 18 times since 10,000 years ago.


Besides, the 1700 super-quake was recorded in the Japanese chronicle.





Why on earth in the Japanese chronicle?

Well ..., the super quake in 1700 created the super tsunami, which hit the pacific coast of Japan.




The Japanese people at the time were totally puzzled because they didn't felt any quake at all.

So scientists found out recently that the 1700 super quake caused the super tsunami that devastated the pacific region of Japan, didn't they?

You're telling me, Diane.

But I can hardly believe that a big one is coming to Vancouver.

Well..., I searched for the video clip on the Net so that you could understand the imminent danger caused by a super-quake.

Did you get it, Kato?

Yes, I did.  Here it is.

Cascadia Subduction Zone

M9 Earthquake Imminent



Amazing! ... Unbelievable!

Seeing is believing, isn't it?

I wish I hadn't seen it.

Diane, a super quake is coming to Vancouver for sure.

I hope not.

Vancouver Earthquake

You must face the reality, though nobody can tell exactly when a big one will come.

If a super quake occurs every 500 years, then we still have 188 years before the estimated super quake in 2200.

Diane, the 500-year cycle is an approximation.  A super quake may occur tomorrow.  Nobody knows for sure, but the big one will certainly come in the future.

I hope, a super quake won't hit Vancouver in my lifetime.

SOURCE: "Vancouver Earthquake"
(September 29, 2012)


So, Kato, do you think the top of Vancouver will be toppled down when a mega earthquake hits Vancouver?

Yes, that's a possibility, isn't it?




So the top of Vancoure revolving restaurant might disappear in the case of a mega quake... That's why you went up there with Mayumi and enjoyed dinner with her, isn't it?





You're telling me, Diane.  You wouldn't be able to visit World Trade Center in New York, would you?

So, Kato, you enjoyed the Vancouver view from the top of Vancouver before a meg quake hits Vancouver.  Is that it?

Yes, you're right on.


【Himiko's Monologue】


Have you ever been to Vancouver?

It is a beautiful city---one of the best cities in the world.





Beautiful Vancouver







Kato says that Vancouver is a paradise.

As you know, however, nothing is perfect, nobody is perfect.

So no city is perfect.

However, no matter what disaster hits the city, I wish, Vancouver remains to be a beautiful city.

In any case, I hope Kato will write another interesting article soon.

So please come back to see me.

Have a nice day!

Bye bye ...



If you've got some time,

Please read one of the following artciles:


"First Love"

"Fright on Flight"

"Boy's Movie"

"From Summer to Eternity"

"Sōseki & Glenn Gould"


"In Search of Your Footprint"

"Little Night Music"

"Merry X'mas"

"Happy New Year!"

"Long live Diane!"

"Mona Lisa"

"Flu Shot"

"Selfish TD Bank"

"Talk with Mozart"



Hi, I'm June Adams.

Kato is a real movie lover, who tries to watch 1001 movies by the end of this year.



"Actual Listing Page"


So far, he's watched 822 movies.

That is, he must see 179 more movies to accomplish his goal.

I'm particularly interested in Number 812 in the above list.


"Actual Catalogue Page"

Kato jotted down his comment as follows:

This is a documentary originally broadcast on July 19 and July 20, 1998 on PBS (Public Broadcasting Service).

Especially interesting for Vancouverites is an upcoming Cascadia earthquake, which takes place in an every-300-to-400-year cycle.

The last such earthquake occured at 9:00 PM on January 26, 1700.

This earthquake created a giant tsunami that hit hard at the Japanese coast.

Hence the Japanese document at the time recorded the devastating disaster.

So, some scientists predict that the next Cascadia earthquake will take place within 100 years.

It is an amazingly interesting documentary.

The above comment sounds quite interesting, doesn't it?

Why don't you see it?

Well, if you're not a registered patron of the library, you might just as well watch the following video clip.



MegaQuake Could Hit North America

BBC (Full Documentary)



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2024-07-25 02:14:37 | エロいけれどためになる









デンマンさん。。。 ネットでエロマンガ がブームになってはるのォ~?



どないなわけで あんさんはそないなことが判りはるのォ~?

次のリストを見たら めれちゃんかて そないに思うでぇ~。。。






これはライブドアの わての「徒然ブログ」の日本時間で3月27日の午後8時40分から翌日28日の午前2時34分までのアクセス者の記録やねん。。。赤枠で囲んだ箇所に注目して欲しい。。。

あらっ。。。 3月27日の午後8時56分にピンタレストからやって来て エロマンガ史 を読みはったのやねぇ~。。。


それにしても、上のリストには エロマンガ史 を読みはったネット市民がぎょうさんおるやんかァ~。。。







東ジャワ州の州都で、インドネシアでは第2の都市やねん。。。ジャワ島北岸のマス川河口にある。。。人口は約297万人(2021年)。中国の明の時代から華僑が住んでおるねん。。。そないなわけで、中国語では「泗水」と書く。。。天然の良港タンジュン・ペラック港を中心に、オランダ植民地時代から貿易の中心として栄えたということやァ。。。 現在はインドネシア最大の港湾で、最大の軍港なんやでぇ~。。。






セプル・ノペンバー工科大学(Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember)は、文字通りに日本語に訳すと 「11 月 10 日工科大学」という意味やねん。。。東ジャワ州スラバヤにある国立大学で、科学、工学、技術開発に重点を置いてるねん。。。180 ヘクタールの広大な緑地にあるのやでぇ~。。。1,000 人を超える教員と 20,000 人を超える学部生と大学院生が勉強しておる。。。











これはライブドアの わての「徒然ブログ」の7月1日から15日までの「人気記事リスト」やねん。。。見れば分かるように エロマンガ史 が15日間に 421人のネット市民に読まれておるねん。。。ダントツやでぇ~。。。更に次のリストも見て欲しい。。。







エロマンガ史 を読みはったネット市民は、全てピンタレストからやって来ておるねん。。。

ホンマやわァ~。。。いったい どのページからやった来やはったん?







アンディ君以外にも このページからやって来たということが あんさんには どないなわけで判りはるのォ~?









このリストは7月15日までの30日間に わてのピンタレストの写真のアクセス数を記録したページやねん。。。見れば分かるように最も多くアクセスされた写真が次の「ケン月影・入れ墨の女」の写真やねん。。。




この写真がなんと7月15日までの 30日間に  44、374回アクセスされたわけやァ~。。。つまり、1日平均で 1、479回もアクセスされてるねん。。。




いや。。。決して褒め過ぎやないでぇ~。。。現に、1日平均で 1、479回もアクセスされてるのやから。。。それにインドネシアやフランスからもアクセスされておるねん。。。















このホームページの赤枠で囲んだ マンガ美人 をクリックして、多くのネット市民がマンガ美人のページを開いたわけやァ~。。。

そいで あんさんはエロマンガばかりやのおてぇ、マンガブームやと言わはるのォ~?


初出: 2023年7月18日





あなたもケン月影が描くような入れ墨の女 が素晴らしいと思いますかァ~?

ええっ。。。「そんなことは どうでもいいから、他にもっと楽しい話をしろ!」

あなたは、そのような強い口調で あたしに命令なさるのですかァ~?


めれんげさんは 2013年の6月に『即興の詩』サイトを再開しました。


再開して間もないのに 検索結果 3,960,000件中の 9位に躍り出るなんてすごいですよね。



現在、めれんげさんは お休みしています。

かつて めれんげさんの「即興の詩をはじめました!」の『極私的詩集』サイトは 次の検索結果で見るようにトップを占めていたのです。



また、ブログを更新して トップに返り咲いて欲しいものです。

ところで あなたは「どうしたら、上位に掲載されるのォ~?」と考えているかもしれません。






ええっ。。。 ワンワンちゃんを飼っているのですか?













■ 『ちょっと変わった 新しい古代日本史』

■ 『面白くて楽しいレンゲ物語』


■ 『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』

■ 『今すぐに役立つホットな情報』

■ 『 ○ 笑う者には福が来る ○ 』





















■ 『あなたのための笑って幸せになれるサイト』






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