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2010-11-05 13:48:47 | ESR



BMC Evol Biol. 2009; 9: 77:



図0 amphioxus(ナメクジウヲ)の蛍光の様子緑色蛍光タンパク質(Green Fluorescent Protein; GFP)はオワンクラゲ(Aequorea victoria)がもつ分子量約27 kDaの蛍光タンパク質で、1960年代に下村によってイクオリンとともに発見・分離精製された。下村はこの発見で、2008年度のノーベル化学賞を受賞した。しかし、その生理的機能はまだ、なぞに包まれている。 

2006年、F. Bou-Abdallah, et alはBBA 1760 (2006) 1690?1695に

”Quenching of superoxide radicals by green fluorescent protein” 




Fig. 1. EPR of EMPO-OOH adduct in buffer alone as a control (A), in the presence of egg albumin (14 μM) (B), and in the presence of 13.8 μM GFP (C). EPR of DEPMPO-OOH adduct in the absence (D) and presence (E) of GFP (18.5 μM). O2 - were generated by the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase system in 50 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, 0.5 mM DTPA and 50 mM EMPO or DEPMPO. 









図3 発色団を形成する部分を拡大(クリックで拡大)。



In conclusion, amphioxus becomes the only deuterostome known to contain an endogenous fluorescent protein. Even with this discovery, the distribution of fluorescent proteins among animals remains sparse and widely scattered?with known representatives in only one isolated group of deuterostomes (amphioxus), in one isolated group of protostomes (a few copepods), and in one group of relatively basal metazoans (namely, some hydrozoan and anthozoan cnidarians). This sparse distribution could be indicative of horizontal gene transfer, although there are not many well-accepted examples of this phenomenon in metazoans; of secondary loss from most taxa; or of inadequate taxonomic sampling. It is possible that more members of the highly distinctive 11-stranded ß-barrel protein superfamily (other than the ubiquitous G2FP proteins)  remain to be discovered, and some of these, not necessarily fluorescent, might be relatively common and involved in functions more general than the production of conspicuous fluorescence(Biol. Bull. 213: 95-100. (October 2007)). 

<問合せ先>: ◎ラジカルのことならキーコム。出張測定可! 




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(Ref. National Geographic News; May 27,2009: http://www.nationalgeographic.co.jp/news/news_article.php?file_id=2009052703&expand(japanese))


Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been found in a wide range of Cnidaria, a basal group of metazoans in  which it is associated with pigmentation, fluorescence, and light absorbance.  A GFP has been recently discovered in the pigmentless chordate Branchiostoma floridae (amphioxus) that shows intense fluorescence mainly in the head region.
The amphioxus genome encodes 16 closely-related GFP-like proteins, all of which appear to be under purifying selection. We divide them into 6 clades based on protein sequence identity and show that representatives of each clade have       significant differences in fluorescence intensity, extinction coefficients, and absorption profiles. Furthermore, GFPs from two clades exhibit antioxidant capacity. We therefore propose that amphioxus GFPs have diversified their functions into fluorescence, redox, and perhaps just light absorption in relation to pigmentation and/or photoprotection.
The rapid radiation of amphioxus GFP into clades with distinct functions and spectral properties reveals functional plasticity of the GFP core. The high sequence similarities between different clades provide a model system to map       sequence variation to functional changes, to better understand and engineer GFP.