
Level 4 in Nagasaki

Radiation Alert Map from "Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center"

Nagasaki and Saga are the key regions for crude uranium mined in Japan. Imari and Arita in Saga region are famous cities to Japanese people for pottery production, on the other hand, both cities are the center of ore accumulation.

It is so hard to say for me that the well-known Japanese pottery like Kakiemon in Arita which is loved by manias all over the world is made from waste sand of uranium mining.

Take shrine in Imari city
I picked it up there on the day of Nov 4. From the day something has changed in the world.




 ・放射線情報-NETC観測図(NOV08 10:30AM JST)
 ・放射線情報-NETC観測図(NOV09 00:00AM JST)
 ・放射線情報-NETC観測図(NOV09 10:30AM JST)
 ・放射線情報-NETC観測図(NOV10 08:00AM JST)
 ・放射線情報-NETC観測図(NOV11 10:40AM JST)
 ・北海道と九州、おかしな放射線値上昇警告(NOV12 10:55AM JST)

With lots of love

The Sun, The Moon and The Earth
Written on the ground of Jesus Christ
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