

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/09)

2021年09月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
27426.jack up(値上げする / 料金を引き上げる) informal to increase prices, sales etc by a large amount
The increase in minimum wage is going to jack up the prices of everything. 
27427.right up my/your alley(私/あなた好み、得意)very suitable for someone
This restaurant is right up my alley! I am coming back here. 
27428.significant other(彼氏・彼女・夫・妻・恋人・配偶者) your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend
I don't know whether I can make the party tonight. Let me talk it over with my significant other. 
27429.better half(妻・嫁・奥様・(彼氏・夫・恋人・配偶者))old-fashioned used humorously to mean your husband, wife, or partner 
My better half can't make the party tonight. 
27430.pretty much(大体、ほとんど、ほぼ )almost completely
I pretty much study English every night.