

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/24)

2021年09月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
27501.cancellation(解約)a decision that an event that was planned will not happen/a decision to end an agreement or arrangement that you have with someone
There is a cancellation fee of $10. 
27502.termination(解約)formal the act of ending something, or the end of something 
American English things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc 類義語 rubbish British English
The landlord will give notice of the termination of tenancy. 
27503.weigh up(秤にかける) to consider something carefully so that you can make a decision about it
Maybe you should first weigh up the pros and cons of such decision. 
27504.get hold of the wrong end of the stick(勘違いする)British English informal to understand a situation in completely the wrong way 
Clearly they got hold of the wrong end of the stick and completely misunderstood our proposal. 
27505.to put it mildly(控えめに言って)spoken used to say that you could use much stronger words to describe something
To put it mildly, it's the worst Chinese food I've ever eat.

