


2021年09月22日 | 爺英語

Japan launched a new agency on Wednesday to upgrade and overhaul the country's digital systems.
The agency is located in central Tokyo and has about 600 staff members. About 200 people have joined from the private sector.
The new authority will have wide-ranging powers, including the right to advise ministries and other agencies.
It'll oversee and control the government's information systems. It'll be responsible for calculating and allocating related budgets.
The agency will also work to standardize the information systems of local municipalities. It'll aim to streamline administrative services that use the My Number identification card.
The agency will work to digitalize fields such as education, medical care, and disaster prevention.
Digital Transformation Minister Hirai Takuya has been inaugurated as the first minister for the organization.

allocate       配分する   to use something for a particular purpose, give something to a particular person etc, especially after an official decision has been made 
municipality        地方自治体     a town, city, or other small area, which has its own government to make decisions about local affairs, or the officials in that government 
streamline 能率的にする、合理化する、簡素化する    to make something such as a business, organization etc work more simply and effectively 
inaugurate  就任させる    to hold an official ceremony when someone starts doing an important job in government 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/22)

2021年09月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
27491.social media(SNS)ways of sharing information, opinions, images, videos etc using the Internet, especially social networking sites
I spend too much time on social media. I need to cut down. 
I’m not a big beer person. I prefer wine or cocktails. 
27493.What’s the point in/of(〜しても意味がない)
What’s the point of studying English if you don’t use it? 
27494.at the time(その時)at a particular moment or period in the past when something happened, especially when the situation is very different now 
At the time, nobody had cellphones. It was important to be on time.  
27495.a thing(流行っているもの)
 Back when I was a teenager, pagers were a thing.

徒然草 第百十八段

2021年09月21日 | 徒然草を読む


鯉 こくを食べた日は髪の毛がボサボサにならないという。鯉の骨は接着剤の材料になるからネバネバしているのだろうか。


Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/21)

2021年09月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
27486.apple polisher(ゴマすり) someone who tries to gain something, become popular etc by praising or helping someone else without being sincere 
He is such an apple polisher. He is always complimenting his boss. 
27487.fortune telling(占い)someone who uses cards or looks at people’s hands in order to tell them what is supposed to happen to them in the future
Here is $100 for the fortune telling
27488.versatile(用途の広い) someone who is versatile has many different skills/having many different uses 
She’s a versatile actress who can sing, dance, and even emcee. 
27489bring up(話題を持ち出す)to mention a subject or start to talk about it 類義語 raise 
It's probably not a good idea to bring up religion when you first meet someone. 
27490.harsh(厳しい)harsh conditions are difficult to live in and very uncomfortable 類義語 severe/severe, cruel, or unkind
He’s getting suspended from school for dying his hair? Isn’t that kind of harsh

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/20)

2021年09月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
27481.exclusive(閉鎖的な、高級な、上流の) exclusive places, organizations, clothes etc are so expensive that not many people can afford to use or buy them
That restaurant is very exclusive.
27482.hardly ever(めったに…(し)ない)not very often
I love the countryside, so I hardly ever go to the city
27483.wish for(~を望む)used to emphasize that you are very happy with what you have and cannot imagine anyone or anything better
She’s  a good person and really loves you.What more could you wish for? 
27484.just because(~と言うだけで)spoken used to say that, although one thing is true, it does not mean that something else is true 
So, you love him just because he's good-looking and rich.
27485.what matters(重要なことは)
But what matters is his personality, isn't it ?

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/19)

2021年09月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
27501.bedding(寝具) sheets, covers etc that you put on a bed
The bedding matches the room very well
27502.comforter(掛け布団)American English a cover for a bed that is filled with a soft warm material such as feathers
My feet stick out from under this comforter.
27503.integer(整数)a whole number
1.5 is not an integer
27504.even(偶数) an even number can be divided exactly by two OPP odd 
We can make two teams if there is an even number of players. 
27505.odd(奇数)a number that cannot be divided exactly by two, for example 1,3, 5,7 etc
It's hard to cut a cake into an odd number of pieces. 


2021年09月18日 | 読書日記
知ってる? 夜明けの直前が、一番暗いって。






Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/18)

2021年09月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
27471.ripe(熟する) ripe fruit or crops are fully grown and ready to eat
These banana aren't ripe
27472.orchard(果樹園)a place where fruit trees are grown
Is there an apple orchard near here ? 
27473.tart(酸味がある、酸っぱい) food that is tart has a sharp sour taste
This variety of apple is a little tart.
27474.bargain(お買得品) something you buy cheaply or for less than its usual price
Bargains like this don't come around very often. 
Our limited -time sale runs through September 30th.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/17)

2021年09月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
27466.How much longer(あとどれくらい?)  
How much longer are you planning on living in Paris? 
27467.back away(後退する、取り下げる)to move backwards and away from someone or something, especially because you are frightened/to stop supporting a plan or idea, or stop being involved in something
You have to take advantage of this opportunity. Don’t back away from it. 
27468.uncool(ダサい、格好悪い) not fashionable or acceptable – used especially by young people
Some people think watching anime is uncool, but I don’t think so. I love it. 
27469.somewhat(少し)more than a little but not very 
The design is somewhat different from what I had in mind. 
27470.be in season(旬)vegetables and fruit that are in season are cheap and easily available because it is the time of year when they are ready to eat. If they are out of season, they are expensive or not available 
 What fruits are in season in Wisconsin?

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/16)

2021年09月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
27461.accordingly(それゆえに、それにしたがって)in a way that is suitable for a particular situation or that is based on what someone has done or said
Teaching is hard. We need to admit that and act accordingly
27462.hence(それゆえに、したがって)for this reason
I am not a trainer, hence I cannot advise anyone on the use of supplements. 
27463.act like(ふりをする、 〜に成りすます)
Brandon acts like he knows everything. It drives me crazy. . 
27464.play dumb(知らないふりをする / とぼける)
I'm just going to play dumb and tell her I didn't hear anything. 
27465.Thanks to(~のせいで)
Thanks to him we are locked out. He left the keys in the car. 


2021年09月15日 | 爺英語

America's longest war is over. The United States has finished its withdrawal from Afghanistan, two decades after fighting began.
The final chapter saw a massive evacuation effort and fresh violence, while leaving the Taliban in charge.
U.S. President Joe Biden says more than 120,000 people were flown to safety. He said the world will pressure the Taliban to ensure others can leave.
U.S. leadership has faced steep criticism for the withdrawal and the war itself.

Brown University estimates the 20-year mission cost more than 2 trillion dollars. And a U.S. government report says more than 48,000 civilians were killed.

The last week saw more attacks. A suicide bombing by the Islamic State group killed over a hundred people.

A Taliban spokesperson celebrated the U.S. departure, tweeting Afghanistan is now free and independent. But many worry the Taliban will not respect the rights of citizens, especially women.

evacuation      非難、撤退、立ち退き」   an official action, taken to deal with a particular problem

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/15)

2021年09月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
27456.dawn(夜明け)  the time at the beginning of the day when light first appears 類義語 daybreak, → dusk
He held an umbrella over Dawn.  
27457.daybreak(太陽からの光が空に現れ始める日の期間)the time of day when light first appears 類義語 dawn
Birds began piping at daybreak. 
27458.first light(朝に太陽が最初に現れる時間)the time at the beginning of day when light first appears 類義語 dawn, daybreak
The attack will be on at the first light 
27459.kind of like(~のようなもの)spoken slightly but not exactly, or in some ways 類義語 sort of 
Okonomiyaki is kind of like a pancake. . 
27460.shiitake mushroom(しいたけ)
Shiitake mushroom is healthy food.