

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/19)

2021年09月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
27501.bedding(寝具) sheets, covers etc that you put on a bed
The bedding matches the room very well
27502.comforter(掛け布団)American English a cover for a bed that is filled with a soft warm material such as feathers
My feet stick out from under this comforter.
27503.integer(整数)a whole number
1.5 is not an integer
27504.even(偶数) an even number can be divided exactly by two OPP odd 
We can make two teams if there is an even number of players. 
27505.odd(奇数)a number that cannot be divided exactly by two, for example 1,3, 5,7 etc
It's hard to cut a cake into an odd number of pieces.