

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/22)

2021年06月22日 | Daily Vocabulary

27041.off to(~へ向かう;~出かける)If someone farts, air is forced out of their body through their anus.
I am  off to shopping mall.
27042.text to send someone a written message on a mobile phone
You can text the drivers.
27043.lisense plate(ナンバープレート)American English one of the signs with numbers on it at the front and back of a car 類義語 number plate British English
For security, let's check the license plate.
27044.stay up late(夜遅くまで起きている) to stop sleeping, or to make someone stop sleeping . 
Why does he wake up late?
27045.in a minute(すぐに)very soon
I’ll be with you in a minute.

