

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/11)

2022年01月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
28046.senior citizens(高齢者) someone who is over 60 years old or who is retired
Medical improvements have led to an increase in the overall population of senior citizens.  
28047.elderly(一流の人 / 立派な人)used as a polite way of saying that someone is old or becoming old
It's uncommon in the US for elderly parents to live with their children. 
28048.I have a lot on my plate(やることが沢山ある)nformal to have a large number of problems to deal with or a large amount of work to do
I have a lot on my plate right now. I'll work on it tomorrow. 
28049.work toward(目標やゴールに向けて努力したり頑張ったりする)
She's working really hard toward(s) getting her pilot's license.  
28050.work on(取り組んでいる 、改善する) to try very hard to improve or achieve something
I know I need to work on expressing my feelings. I tend to bottle up my feelings.

