

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/28)

2021年01月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
26616.Keep under wraps(秘密にしておく、隠しておく)to keep secret  
We’ll really miss you when you leave, but please keep this under wraps until we find your replacement. 
26617.fad(ブーム)You use fad to refer to an activity or topic of interest that is very popular for a short time, but which people become bored with very quickly.  I don't trust fad diets.
26618.get back to(あとで~に連絡する)If you get back to an activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it. 
Let me do a web search and get back to you. 
26619.fully support(~を完全に支持する) 
fully support the development of renewable energy.
26620.Nothing ventured, Nothing gained(危険を冒さなければ、何も得られない) extremely tired   
It's worth try. Nothing ventured, Nothing gained, right?

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