

Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/26)

2020年02月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
24851.kind of(ちょっとした)spoken slightly but not exactly, or in some ways 類義語 sort of 
I'm kind of in a hurry!
24852.for free (無料で)
Please take the coupon so that you'll get the next one for free.
24853.invoice (請求書)a list of goods that have been supplied or work that has been done, showing how much you owe for them → bill 
I do apologize. I'll issue you a new invoice right away.
24854.apologize to tell someone that you are sorry that you have done something wrong  
Please allow me to apologize. That was a very careless mistake.
24855.say something to someone’s face(考えや気持ちを正直に伝える)to criticize someone or say something unpleasant directly to them instead of saying it to someone else   
I heard about the rumors. He'll never say it to my face though. 

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