№16/19 次に空手。茂手木先生はすごかった。八丈太鼓で鍛えた体を浜中先生の前に投げ出して、立派なパフォーマンス。娘さんは頼もしそうな目で、奥さんは「惚れ直したわ。」という目で見ていたのをご存知だったでしょうか。
Next performance was Karate. Mr. Motegi was terrible. Stretched out the body which strengthened by Hachijo drum before Mr. Hamanaka; and was an excellent performance. With the eyes which seem to be reliable as for the daughter a wife "I love you again". Did you know?
Next, kimono. As for "the model", even dignified presence is felt now. I hardly think that it is a person same as "red trunk Suzuko" in that タタ・バスコ.