


2013-09-21 09:48:21 | Telegraph (UK)
Fed recoils from 1937 tightening error as jobs evaporate
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:00PM BST 18 Sep 2013
The American economy has shed 347,000 jobs over the past two months, roughly comparable with the rate of loss seen during the Great Recession. It is remarkable that the US Federal Reserve should even have been thinking of phasing out life-support in such circumstances.


The Fed's tough talk has already led to a 140 basis point rise in US 10-year Treasury yields, the benchmark price money for US mortgages and for the world (ex-China). It might as well have raised rates six times.


The shock decision on Wednesday night to put off tapering bond purchases is a recognition of what should have been obvious. Rising mortgage costs and the "tightening of financial conditions" could slow growth, it said. Indeed.


The net loss of jobs over the summer months has been entirely among men, mostly aged 25 to 54 and university educated. The cohort aged over 55 has been growing, so this is not happening because baby boomers are retiring early and happy to grow cantaloupes in Arkansas, or to play golf at Torrey Pines.


The labour "participation rate" dropped to 63.2pc in July, the lowest level since the late 1970s. The rate for men is at an all-time low. The unemployment rate has been falling, but chiefly because so many people are giving up hope and dropping off the rolls.


Some Fed governors seem to want to wash their hands of this, latching on to theories that the problem is "structural": due to evolving technology, or a "skills mismatch", or that catch-all concept "demographics". No doubt this is half true, but such claims were made in the early 1980s when jobs were scarce. The unemployed were decried as "shirkers" by the Chicago Tribune in the 1930s.


US labour force participation rate (percentage)

Fortunately the hawks did not prevail. It is likely that vice-chair Janet Yellen played a key role, insisting that the jobless rate is nowhere near the "NAIRU" (non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment) inflexion point, the level at which inflation starts to accelerate, the gauge she tracks as her lodestar.


Labour specialists say chronic lack of demand in the US is the real villain is this jobs slump. "The problem is not that the labour market is under performing; it is that the recovery has been very slow," says Stanford's Edward Lazear. A record 20.2pc of US households are now on food stamps. That is how they survive.


The economic growth rate over the past three quarters has been 0.1pc, 1.1pc and 2.5pc. This is below the Fed's own "stall speed" indicator - 2pc averaged over two quarters.


The economy has weathered the most draconian fiscal tightening (2.5pc of GDP this year) since the end of the Korean War remarkably well, helped by shale gas, but it is not yet at "escape velocity". The fiscal squeeze goes on.


The International Monetary Fund has advised Washington to go easy, citing an "output gap" of 4.6pc of GDP. The Dallas Fed's measure of core inflation was 1.2pc in July. Growth of the M1 money supply is the slowest in two years, while growth of broad M3 has slowed to the point where it could turn negative without QE. The alleged inflation threat is a fiction of febrile imaginations.


It would be a grave error for the Fed to taper bond purchases at all at this juncture, given the risks for Brazil, India, Turkey, South Africa, Indonesia, Ukraine and others already facing a turn in the credit cycle, and given the danger of another eurozone debt spasm, as happened at the end of QE1 and the end of QE2.


The Bernanke Fed has twice misjudged the global effects of premature tightening already, each time precipitating a credit and stock market crash within weeks, and each time forcing the Fed to capitulate. Third time lucky?


Weakening US money supply

One suspects that some hawks want to end QE for reasons that have nothing to do with jobs or inflation. A paper by former Fed governor Frederic Mishkin, "Crunch Time", warns that the Fed will struggle to extract itself from QE if it delays until 2014. It may drown from losses on its $3.6 trillion of bond holdings as yields rise.


Above all, their real motive seems to be fear that QE is stoking another asset bubble, and that the risk of this game now outweighs the rewards. This is a legitimate worry. As the Telegraph reported earlier this week, the Bank for International Settlement's former guru William White says the global debt structure is more dangerous than ever.


"This looks like to me like 2007 all over again, but even worse. All the previous imbalances are still there. Total public and private debt levels are 30pc higher as a share of GDP in the advanced economies than they were then, and we have added a whole new problem with bubbles in emerging markets," he said.


Lest we forget, it was Mr White who saw the debacle of 2008-2009 coming with crystal clarity. The latest dash for subordinated debt, "leveraged loans" (I kid you not), "cove-lite" lending, "CoCos", and so on, are all too like those infamous "CDOs" and "CLOs" last time.


The question is whether the public welfare is best served by popping the bubble and allowing Austro-liquidation to purge the toxins, or whether this would be ruinously destructive. Many readers think it is past time to dynamite this edifice. I have much sympathy with this view. Yet in the end, I prefer magic.


The root of our global crisis is the $10 trillion reserve accumulation by the emerging powers, massive over-investment in China, and extreme levels of inequality within the West as the "Gini Coefficient" goes off the charts. The combined effect is to create excess capital, and lack of consumption, pushing the global savings rate to a record 25pc. This chronic disorder keeps blocking economic recovery. It is embedded in the structure of globalisation.


Be that as it may, if QE as conducted is causing asset bubbles, then we should deploy central bank stimulus more creatively, should it prove necessary. We know how to do it. The methods were pioneered by Takahashi Korekiyo, who pulled Japan out of the Great Depression early in the 1930s. His brilliant feat is now the model for what Japan is (covertly) doing again under Abenomics.


Takahashi turned the Bank of Japan into an arm of the treasury - "fiscal dominance" - and ordered it to finance the budget deficit. You can deploy QE in any way you want. It could be used to build houses, injecting the money into the veins of the economy, instead of the veins of hedge funds. There is no reason why it cannot be administered by an independent Fed or Bank of England, choosing the calibration level as they see fit.


Lord Turner, the former chief of the Financial Services Authority, is tentatively pushing this idea, asking what is to stop the Bank of England writing off its Gilt portfolio, financing "prior" deficits. This could be done with a flick of a switch, reducing Britain's sovereign debt to a manageable 67pc of GDP at a stroke. The US could do much the same.


Pedants will scream. The central bank priesthood will talk of Hellfire and damnation. But if you can conjure away this debt without inflation, the objections fall away. For the sake of decorum, the Gilts could be converted into zero-coupon bonds with no expiry date. The certificates could be burned one Sunday, during a World Cup Final.


Such unorthodox action might even be desirable in strict monetary policy terms, making it easier to restore interest rates to normal levels earlier in the recovery cycle, to the benefit of savers. It is a victimless crime, or no crime at all.


Or if we want to be really radical, we can dust off the 1936 Chicago Plan, lately revived by the IMF's Jaromir Benes and Micheal Kumhof. They argue for a return to the pre-Stuart system, before the English Free Coinage Act of 1666. This would strip banks of their power to create money out of thin air, returning to state-created money.

最近、IMFのJaromir BenesとMichael Kumhofが復活させたアレです。

The IMF paper argues that if lenders are forced to put up 100pc reserve backing for deposits, this could - by complex legerdemain - eliminate all public debt in the US, UK, Germany, France and perhaps even Japan.


My point is not to endorse Lord Turner's plan, or the Chicago plan, or any other particular plan, but simply to say that fear of asset bubbles is not a good reason to shut off monetary stimulus prematurely, if the economy still needs it.


Whether the Fed or the US policy establishment is willing to think so far out of the box remains to be seen. At least it has backed away from a repeat of the great 1937 error of premature tightening. There is slightly less risk that it will tip us back into another leg of the Long Slump. We have dodged a bullet.



2013-09-21 09:10:59 | Telegraph (UK)
My grovelling apology to Herr Schäuble
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: September 17th, 2013
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has been vindicated.


For my part, I have been wrong about everything. German discipline policies for the eurozone have been a tremendous success. I am ashamed for suggesting otherwise.


As the wise, patient, and always self-effacing Mr Schäuble writes today in The Financial Times, the Euro-sceptics talk and write relentless drivel.


"Ignore the doomsayers: Europe is being fixed" is the headline:

The eurozone is clearly on the mend both structurally and cyclically.


What is happening turns out to be pretty much what the proponents of Europe's cool-headed crisis management predicted. The fiscal and structural repair work is paying off, laying the foundations for sustainable growth. This has taken critical observers aback. It should not have, because, in truth, we have seen it all before, many times and in many places.


Despite what the critics of the European crisis management would have us believe, we live in the real world, not in a parallel universe where well-established economic principles no longer apply.

Mr Schäuble says Germany pulled it off the old-fashioned way earlier this decade, with root-and-branch reform. The UK did it in the 1980s, Sweden and Finland in the early 1990s, Asia in the late 1990s:

The recipe worked then and it is working now, somewhat to the chagrin and bemusement of its numerous critics in the media, academia, international organisations and politics.


In just three years, public deficits in Europe have halved, unit labour costs and competitiveness are rapidly adjusting, bank balance sheets are on the mend and current account deficits are disappearing. In the second quarter the recession in the eurozone came to an end.


Systems adapt, downturns bottom out, trends turn. In other words, what is broken can be repaired. Europe today is the proof.

So there we have it. The problem is solved. How can I not have seen it? How can any of us on this blog thread have missed it?


I apologise for mentioning that unemployment is 27.8pc in Greece, 26.3pc in Spain, 17.3pc in Cyprus, and 16.5pc in Portugal, or for pointing that it would be far worse had it not been for a mass exodus of EMU refugees. Nor was is proper to mention that Greek youth unemployment in 62.9pc. These are trivial details.


I apologise for pointing out that the EU-IMF Troika originally said the Greek economy would contract by 2.6pc in 2010 and then recover briskly, when in fact it contracted by roughly 23pc from peak-to-trough, and will shrink another 5pc this year according to the think-tank IOBE. This slippage is well within the normal margin of error.


I apologise for mentioning that the debt trajectories of Spain, Greece, Italy, and Ireland have accelerated upwards under the austerity plans, and therefore that the policy has been self-defeating.


It was quite uncalled for to point out that Italy's debt ratio has jumped to 130pc of GDP, or to so suggest that debt cannot keep rising on a contracting nominal GDP bas, and I will wash my mouth soap if I ever utter the words "denominator effect" again. It is shabby to use such cheap language.


I apologise for mentioning IMF studies showing that the fiscal multiplier is three times higher than first thought by EU officials in EMU crisis states, and therefore that the contractionary effects of belt-tightening are far greater than first calculated.


As for using that pious and pretentious Greek word "hysteresis" to suggest that mass unemployment and the collapse of investment in southern Europe has lowered the economic growth trajectory of these countries for years to come, outweighing any of the alleged gains from the EU-imposed reforms: this is just trying to blind good folk with posh talk.


I apologise for suggesting that German reforms under Schröder have been vastly overblown, and that German competitiveness gains have been chiefly the result of a beggar-thy-neighbour wage squeeze at the cost of EMU trade partners. Nor should I have said that a small open economy like Sweden in the 1990s may well be able to tighten its way back to vitality in a the middle of a global boom, but if half Europe does so in unison in a slump, it will inflict carnage.


It was unconscionable of me to say that Germany has locked in a semi-permanent trade advantage over Club Med, or for saying that the trying to close this gap by imposing deflation on the South is impossible because this will play havoc with debt dynamics.


How could any of in the eurosceptic camp have stooped to the historical pornography of the 1930s, suggesting for one moment that EMU replicates the worst errors of the interwar Gold Standard, or that the German-led creditor bloc is doing to Spain exactly what the US-led creditor bloc did to Germany from 1928-1933? Just sheer smut.


I apologise personally to Mr Schäuble for calling him a dangerous mediocrity: arrogant, shallow, narrow-minded, provincial, and unscientific in equal degree. This was shockingly rude. It brings shame to Fleet Street.


I should not have questioned his wisdom in thinking it is possible to harmlessly enforce contractionary policies on the South of a single currency zone without offsetting expansion in the North. Events have shown that he has the finest mind in Europe, and a superb grasp of European politics. Moreover, people have seen the light even in Greece, where he is now adored.


I apologise for screaming for two years that the EMU would blow apart unless Germany allowed the ECB to step up to its responsibilities as a lender of last resort for sovereign states, as it finally did at one minute to midnight in July 2012. It was the Fiscal Compact that saved EMU, and the Six Pack, and the Two Pack, and all those rule books from Berlin.


It was carping for me to suggest that recent charts showing a dramatic narrowing of unit labour costs in Spain ET AL are largely bogus, the mirror of mass unemployment that causes an automatic rise in apparent productivity; and nor should I have quibbled about the low trade gearing of Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Greece, or suggested that exports are too small a share of GDP to lift these countries out of the morass quickly. This is just pointy-headed, clever-clever, anorak stuff, and frankly laughable.


So no, Mr Schäuble has pulled it off. The German Constitutional Court is in the pocket of the German finance ministry and will thankfully run a coach and horses through the Grundgesetz when it rules next month, or soon after. The court will not stop the ECB keeping Italy and Spain afloat. The law has been stitched up, so no problems there.


The eurozone is recovering. It is immune to the sharp rise in the exchange rate of the euro over the last six months. It is immune to a 70 basis point rise in borrowing costs imported from Fed tapering. It is immune to the emerging market crisis. It doesn't matter that the M3 money supply has rolled over again, slowing to stagnation levels, or that EMU credit contracted at an accelerating rate of 1.6pc in July. None of this matters.


I feel like an utter fool. Having read Mr Schäuble's succinct and well-crafted thoughts, I just want to curl in a ball and weep. ES TUT MIR LEID.



2013-09-21 09:10:19 | Telegraph (UK)
Fed unemployment mystery holds key to global markets
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:21PM BST 17 Sep 2013
Traders across the world are on tenterhooks, poised to launch a buying spree if the US Federal Reserve cuts its unemployment target below 6.5pc at its watershed meeting on Wednesday.


Little else matters. Equity, credit, and exchange markets have already priced in a $10bn (£6.3bn) cut in the Fed's $85bn rate of bond purchases each month. They expect tapering of US Treasury bonds rather than mortgage bonds in order to keep the housing recovery alive.


The neuralgic issue is whether the Fed lowers its unemployment target or "threshold". This would mean loose money for longer, shaping the trajectory of interests rates far into the future. "The real drama is if the Fed does more than taper," said HSBC's Daragh Maher.

HSBCのDaragh Maher氏は「本当のドラマは、FRBがQE縮小以上のことをやらかすかどうかだね」と言います。

The Fed has a two-phase trigger. It aims to wind down bond purchases to zero as the headline jobless rate nears 7pc, and then start to raise rates at 6.5pc. The problem is that unemployment has been dropping faster than expected. It is already 7.3pc and could hit 7pc soon. This would be fine if the economy was roaring back and creating jobs, but it is shedding jobs at a disturbing pace.


Headline unemployment is dropping only because people have stopped looking for work. America lost 347,000 jobs over the past two months, with the labour "participation rate" falling from 63.5pc to 63.2pc, the lowest since the late 1970s when fewer women worked.


The Fed's voting body appears split on whether this slide in participation is because the economy still needs stimulus, or whether there is a deeper "structural" cause predating the crisis that is impervious to easy money policies. This could be happening because of the switch from "brawn to brain" as technology evolves, leaving the least educated behind.


Economist Tim Duy from Fed Watch said the bank is "moving towards an epiphany" on the jobs debate, concluding rightly or wrongly that the problems are structural. This puts it on track for rapid tightening.


San Francisco Fed chief John Williams, previously seen as a dove, raised eyebrows earlier this month by suggesting the problem is structural, partly caused by ageing baby boomers drifting off the rolls. The message is that the jobs market with tighten soon, stoking wage pressures. The "non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment" is higher than supposed.


Mr Williams said the Fed should stick to the headline jobless rate, and left no doubt he thinks quantitative easing is causing asset bubbles. If this is the majority view, the Fed now has a hawkish bias and may raise rates faster than the market expects. This would send tremors through the global financial system.

ウィリアムズ氏は、FRBは公表失業率(U-3) だけ考えていればいいと発言し、QEが資産バブルの原因になっていると思っているのは間違いありません。

Alain Bokobza, from Societe Generale, said the Fed will prove tougher than expected, triggering a sharp fall on Wall Street. The S&P 500 index will fall from its current 1705 to 1475 in the fourth quarter. There will be further capital flight from emerging markets. The yield on 10-year US Treasuries will rise to 3.5pc by next June. "US equities are not immune to higher bond yields. Gold is particularly vulnerable."

ソシエテ・ジェネラルのAlain Bokobza氏は、FRBは予想よりも強硬だということが明らかになって、ウォール街に大暴落を引き起こすだろうと言います。

John Davies from Standard Chartered said the signal to be sent on Wednesday is crucial. "If they cut the unemployment target to 6pc, this will push out rate hikes by another nine months," he said.


But such action would leave the Fed open to accusations that it is shifting the goalposts, and may be waiting too long to nip inflation in the bud. It is damned if it does, and damned if it doesn't.



2013-09-18 00:10:34 | Telegraph (UK)
Jobs champion Janet Yellen leads Fed race as Larry Summers forced out
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:30PM BST 16 Sep 2013
Global markets are euphoric over the defeat of Larry Summers, blocked by Senate Democrats from taking over the US Federal Reserve. His ties to Wall Street doomed him.


Yields on 10-year US Treasuries plummeted, cutting borrowing costs worldwide. The US dollar slumped. Stock markets soared in Asia and Europe as investors embraced "risk", from copper to the Australian dollar. Such is the potency of Summers' name.


The assumption is that President Barack Obama will have to turn to the "dovish" Janet Yellen to replace Ben Bernanke at the helm of the Fed, still the world's monetary hegemon. This will ensure looser money for longer, or so the argument goes. The Fed will be slower to wind down quantitative easing (QE), a tapering process likely to begin this week.


The White House has until now been talking down Mrs Yellen in a clumsy whispering campaign, but has backed itself into corner - the monetary equivalent of the Syrian crisis. It has no other front-runner. "It's really hard to see how Obama can justify not picking Janet Yellen at this point. Nobody else is as qualified; any other choice would look like spite," said Princeton professor Paul Krugman.


The Fed's former number two Don Kohn is a contender. He would be less willing to hold long-term interest rates below their natural level - less of a "Woodfordian" in the jargon - and more likely to fret about asset bubbles.


Former Bank of Israel chief Stanley Fischer would be a safe pair of hands, one of the few men in public life with a stellar record and no enemies. But both are 70, too obviously caretaker picks.


Mrs Yellen is the Fed vice-chairman. She can hardly be passed over lightly: a Fed governor from 1994 to 1997 under Alan Greenspan; head of Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers from 1997 to 1999, when she handled the Asian crisis; and president of the San Francisco Fed from 2004 to 2010. She is married to Nobel laureate George Akerlof, known for his scathing views of rational markets. Indeed, she was co-author of Market for Lemons, the paper that won the prize.


Taken together, she has more "hours" in monetary policy than any Fed chief in history. She was also quick to sense the full dangers of the US housing bubble and shadow banking before the storm hit in 2008. "I feel the presence of a 600-pound gorilla in the room, and that is the housing sector. The risk for further significant deterioration, with house prices falling and mortgage delinquencies rising, causes me appreciable angst," she told Fed colleagues in June 2007.


Fed transcripts show that she crossed swords with New York Fed chief William Dudley in December 2007 when he claimed the fall-out from subprime mortgage defaults was contained. "The possibilities of a credit crunch developing and of the economy slipping into a recession seem all too real. At the time of our last meeting, I held out hope that the financial turmoil would gradually ebb and the economy might escape without serious damage. Subsequent developments have severely shaken that belief," she said.


We now know that the US economy was already in recession by then. The Richmond Fed's Robert Hetzel says in his book The Great Recession that the Fed let the M2 money supply implode in early 2008, incubating the banking crash that autumn. Mrs Yellen cannot be faulted. She later backed QE to the hilt and faced down those arguing that inflation was poised to take off. She was again proved right, but the collateral damage has been another asset bubble.

リッチモンド連銀のロバート・ヘッツェル氏は『The Great Recession』の中で、FRBは2008年初旬にM2マネーサプライの減少を放置して、同年秋の銀行クラッシュの種を蒔いたと書いています。

Stephen Jen, from SLJ Macro Partners, said the Fed's QE policies are creating extreme distortions. "They are increasingly dangerous as the marginal benefits fade and the marginal cost rise," he said. Mr Summers is alert to this: Mrs Yellen less so.


However, it is far from clear whether Mrs Yellen is an easy money advocate in any lasting sense. Economist Evan Soltas even calls her a "hawk in dove's clothing", since she pushed hard for rate rises in 1996 to choke inflation, and may do so again when the moment comes.


She tracks jobs, focusing on the "non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment" (NAIRU). When the rate is above NAIRU, she is a dove: when below, she is a hawk.


The great debate within the Fed right now is whether the US unemployment rate at 7.3pc is the proper indicator, a crucial point since the bank aims to end QE once the jobless level reaches 7pc, and raise rates once it hits to 6.5pc.


Unemployment looks lower than it is because so many workers have given up searching for a job, falling off the rolls. The share of the population in work has collapsed to a 30-year low of 58.6pc. If this is a temporary effect caused by the slump, there is little risk of inflation soon. If it has become embedded in the economy, the Fed may have to tighten earlier. Where she stands is not yet clear.


The monetarist camp is split on the fight for the Fed. Scott Sumner from Bentley University said Mr Summers would have been a dire choice since he is a Keynesian champion of fiscal primacy who deems monetary policy impotent once rates are low. "I feel like we dodged a bullet," he said.


Gabriel Stein from Stein Brothers said Mrs Yellen has a 1970s "Phillips Curve" view of the world, meaning that she sees a trade-off between jobs and inflation. This can be a slippery slope. "She is not the right person to be taking over the Fed at this juncture. We are long past the time when QE is still needed," he said.



2013-09-16 13:23:56 | Telegraph (UK)
Blow to Abenomics as Japan shuts last nuclear reactor"
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:03PM BST 15 Sep 2013
Japan has switched off its last nuclear reactor and will have to rely on imported oil and gas to power its industrial machine for the rest of the year, bowing to anti-nuclear sentiment as controversy rages over the botched handling of the Fukushima clean-up.


Failure to revive Japan's nuclear industry is a major setback for premier Shinzo Abe, who had hoped to restart at least eight of the country's 50 reactors this year to cut reliance on ruinously expensive crude oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG). While a surge in output from solar and other renewables has plugged a gap equal to three reactors, it too comes at a high cost.


Mr Abe's dash for growth after 15 years of deflation and perma-slump depends crucially on affordable energy, but Japanese companies must now pay three times as much as US rivals for power.


Tokyo says it costs four time more produce power from oil compared to coal or nuclear reactors, creating an incentive to build new coal plants.


The cost squeeze threatens to offset gains from a 20pc fall in the yen against the dollar since Mr Abe first signalled his monetary blitz last year. It has also wiped out Japan's trade surplus, leading to deficits in 2011 and 2012 for the first time in over 30 years. Junko Nishioka from RBS said this takes away a key shield protecting Japan against a bond market crisis.


Nuclear power provided a third of Japan's electricity before the Fukushima melt-down in February 2011, when all plants were switched off.


Two reactors were allowed to reopen in Fukui last year to avert black-outs, but these have now been halted. Kansai Electric Power began to shut down the last reactor over the weekend for safety checks, with no date set for reopening.


Mr Abe had planned to restart reactors in western Japan where earthquake risks are lower, once each has been cleared by the new regulator, but the Fukushima saga has become a national scandal, with polls showing 84pc of Japanese voters now want to phase out nuclear power or halt it entirely.


The government has been forced to intervene since it became clear that Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) had no coherent plan to cope with toxic waste. A company official admitted over the weekend that the crisis is "not under control".


TEPCO is pumping 400 tonnes of water contaminated with cesium, strontium, and tritium each day from the Fukushima ruins but has run out places to store the waste.


It has already built a thousand tanks, some 30ft high and as large as swimming pools, often quickly riveted together. One has already leaked 300 tonnes, though nobody noticed for two weeks. This has contaminated ground-water and is leaking into the sea. Much of the wasted is to be filtered and pumped into the Pacific, horrifying ecologists.


Dale Klein, the former head of America's nuclear watchdog, said the company is "stumbling from crisis to crisis" and seems overwhelmed by the task.


For now, at least, Mr Abe's broader economic gamble is working. The Bank of Japan's vow to purchase $75bn a month of Japanese bonds and double the monetary base by mid-2014 has been electrifying. Growth was 4.1pc in the first quarter and 3.8pc in the second quarter, making Japan the fastest-growing economy in the G7 so far this year.


The question is whether it is a monetary "sugar rush" or a genuine revival. Failure to find affordable energy quickly could prove the Achilles Heel of Abenomics.
