


2013-09-23 10:56:23 | Telegraph (UK)

Breakthrough towards jab against all flu
By Laura Donnelly, Health Correspondent
Telegraph: 6:00PM BST 22 Sep 2013
Scientists have moved closer to finding a vaccine against all forms of flu after a study identified the role of a common cell in resisting the virus.


British research on hundreds of people which began during the 2009 swine flu pandemic has examined why it was that some were more likely than others to be struck down by the illness.


It found that those who escaped the virus - or caught it yet suffered no symptoms - had far more of a type of immune cell, known as CD8 T cells, in their blood at the start of the outbreak.

その結果、ウイルスに感染しなかった人、または感染したものの発症しなかった人は、アウトブレイク当初、CD8 Tと呼ばれる免疫細胞を血中に遥かに沢山有していたことがわかりました。

Researchers said the breakthrough could provide the "blueprint" for a new vaccination programme, which would stimulate the body to produce more of the cells, to fend off flu, even if the strains were new.

この発見によって、新型も含むあらゆる型のインフルエンザを予防するためにCD8 Tを身体により沢山作らせる、新しいワクチン・プログラムの「青写真」を描ける可能性がある、と研究者等は述べました。

Experiments have previously suggested that the CD8 T cells could protect against the virus, but the study of 341 staff and students at Imperial College London published in Nature Medicine is the first "natural experiment" to test the idea in humans during a pandemic.

Nature Medicine誌に掲載された論文によれば、この研究はインペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンのスタッフと学生341人を対象に行われました。
過去の実験から、CD8 Tはウイルスの予防効果があることはわかっていましたが、パンデミック中にこの構想を人で検証した最初の「自然実験」でした。

Currently a new vaccine against flu is developed every year, in an attempt to respond to recent common strains in circulation, including those which cross into humans from other species.


However, because the virus keeps evolving, the jabs can never offer full protection.


Scientists said the findings could be used as the basis for a new universal vaccine, which would stimulate the production of the crucial cells, to boost the immune systems against all strains of the virus.

この発見は、あらゆる型のウイルスに対して免疫システムを増強するためにCD8 T細胞の生成を活性化する、新しい万能ワクチンの叩き台として利用出来るだろう、と科学者等は言っています。

Prof Ajit Lalvani from the National Heart and Lung Institute, who led the study, said: "New strains of flu are continuously emerging, some of which are deadly, and so the Holy Grail is to create a universal vaccine that would be effective against all strains of flu."

研究を率いた国立心肺血液研究所のAjit Lalvani教授は「新型インフルエンザは常に出現しており、致死性の高いものもあるため、あらゆる型のインフルエンザに効果的な万能ワクチンを作り出すことこそ至高の目標だ」と言いました。

Scientists at Imperial College London used the pandemic in 2009 as a "unique" natural experiment to work out why some people went down with a nasty bout of the flu while others didn't.


Hundreds of staff and students donated their blood samples just as the pandemic took off.


Over the next two flu seasons they reported back on how their health fared and whether they came down with flu.


Volunteers gave blood samples and nasal swabs and every three weeks filled in a survey about their health.


If they came down with flu symptoms they took a nasal swab and sent it back to the lab.


Those who fell badly ill with the flu had fewer of the CD8 T cells, while those who caught flu but had no symptoms or escaped the virus altogether had more of these cells.

インフルエンザの症状が酷かった人はCD8 Tが少なく、感染しながらも症状が出なかった、または完全に感染を免れた人は沢山有していました。

Prof Lalvani said: "The 2009 pandemic provided a unique natural experiment to test whether T cells could recognise, and protect us against, new strains that we haven't encountered before and to which we lack antibodies."


"Our findings suggest that by making the body produce more of this specific type of CD8 T cell, you can protect people against symptomatic illness. This provides the blueprint for developing a universal flu vaccine."

「研究によって、身体はCD8 Tという特定の細胞をより多く生成することで、症候性の病気から体を守れるということが分かった。これは万能インフルエンザ・ワクチン開発への青写真を提供している」

Scientists already know how to develop a vaccine which would stimulate the production of more of the T cells, researchers said.


"Now that we know these T cells may protect, we can design a vaccine to prevent people getting symptoms and transmitting infection to others. This could curb seasonal flu annually and protect people against future pandemics," Prof Lalvani said.


The cells have been known to play a part in protecting people from disease, with more activity among them among HIV sufferers who remained well.
