


2014-09-06 20:36:40 | Telegraph (UK)
Multiple sclerosis could be 'switched off' by retraining immune system
By Sarah Knapton, Science Correspondent
Telegraph: 5:41PM BST 03 Sep 2014
Scientists believe they are close to developing a drug which could 'switch off' autoimmune diseases like Multiple sclerosis by training the body to stop attacking itself


Scientists believe they have discovered a way to 'switch off' autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis or Type 1 diabetes by retraining the immune system.


Autoimmune diseases are so debilitating because they trick the body into attacking itself.


But a team at Bristol University has shown that the immune system can be taught to stop treating harmless everyday proteins as if they were dangerous invaders.


In Multiple sclerosis (MS) the immune system attacks the myelin sheaths which protect nerve fibres.


The nerves carry messages to and from the brain and if they are disrupted it leads to a host or problems such as loss of mobility, vision impairment and fatigue.


However by synthesising proteins from the sheaths in a lab, and then injecting them into the blood stream at increasing doses, the body begins to learn that they are safe.


This type of therapy has already been used for allergies in a treatment known as 'allgergic desensitisation' but it's only recently that scientists have thought that it could be useful elsewhere.


Researchers at the University of Bristol, said the 'important breakthrough' could improve the lives of millions of people who are suffering from a range of diseases.


First author Dr Bronwen Burton said: "The immune system works by recognising antigens which could cause infection.


"In allergies the immune system mounts a response to something like pollen or nuts because it wrongly believes they will harm the body.


"But in autoimmune diseases the immune systems sees little protein fragments in your own tissue as foreign invaders and starts attacking them.


"What we have found is that by synthesising those proteins in a soluble form we can desensitise the immune system by giving an escalating dose."


The team hope that the breakthrough could lead to the development of immunotherapies for individual conditions, based on the protein or antigen that the body is responding too.


As well as MS, conditions which could be 'switched off' include Type 1 diabetes, Graves' disease and systemic lupus erythematosus.


MS alone affects around 100,000 people in the UK and 2.5 million people worldwide.


Professor David Wraith, of the university's School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, said the research opened up 'exciting new opportunities.'


"These findings have important implications for the many patients suffering from autoimmune conditions that are currently difficult to treat," he added.


The goal is to reinstate 'self-tolerance', where an individual's immune system ignores its own tissues while remaining fully armed to protect against infection.


Currently autoimmune diseases are treated with drugs which suppress the immune system but they are associated with side effects such as infections, development of tumours and disruption of natural regulatory mechanisms.


The treatment is currently undergoing clinical development through biotechnology company Apitope, a spin-out from the University of Bristol, where it is being trialled in humans.


The breakthrough was welcomed by charities who said it offerd a 'low risk' alternative to current treatments.


"This is a really interesting and encouraging study, and adds to our understanding of how scientists might be able to alter the way the immune system responds in people with MS," said Nick Rijke, Executive Director of Policy & Research at the MS Society

「これは実に興味深く励まされる研究であり、研究者がどんな風にMSにかかっている人達の免疫システムの反応の仕方を変えられるかもしれないのか、その方法についての理解を深めてくれます」とMS協会のExecutive Director of Policy & Research、ニック・レーケ氏は言いました。

The research was published in the journal Nature Communications.



