


2017-10-22 13:14:19 | Telegraph (UK)
ECB's Mario Draghi warns on liquidity shock as tapering nears
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6 FEBRUARY 2017 • 7:43PM
The European Central Bank is bracing for a painful 'taper tantrum' as it reins in emergency stimulus and slows the pace of bond purchases next month, all too aware that market liquidity could dry up suddenly.


Mario Draghi, the ECB's president, said investors have come to rely on easy money from Frankfurt and nobody knows what will happen when the spigot is turned off. "We need to be extremely careful," he said.


"Markets have adjusted to plenty of liquidity for a long time. Liquidity is there until it is not, and it goes very quickly," he told the European Parliament.


The warning comes as investors fret about the fate of southern Europe's debt markets once the ECB stops buying eurozone bonds, which it may have to do sooner than it may like as headline inflation picks up and pressure builds in Germany for an end to quantitative easing (QE).


The risk spread on Italian 10-year bonds surged to 202 basis points on Monday, the highest since the start of the QE era. It is flirting with levels not seen since the tail-end of the eurozone debt crisis. French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Irish spreads all jumped sharply.


The ECB is to reduce its monthly bond purchases from €80bn to €60bn in March. While it has announced that it will extend stimulus until December, a 'tapering psychology' is already taking hold in the markets.


"The ECB made a horrible mistake when it agreed to cut bond purchases. They are effectively telling Italy to go and blow up. This is how they are going to destroy the eurozone," said one former ECB governor.


"The talk of reflation is nonsense. Core inflation is moving sideways, and what the ECB should be doing is what the Bank of Japan has done," said the official.


The eurozone is entering treacherous waters as a string of high-risk elections unfold just as global reflation raises pressure on the ECB to dial down stimulus, taking away the shield that has until now protected Club Med bond markets.


The key tailwinds that have driven the eurozone's cyclical recovery over the last two years - cheap oil, a weak euro, QE, and the end of fiscal austerity - are either fading or turning into headwinds.


Hedge funds are quietly taking out short positions on Italian debt, betting that yields will punch much higher if the Italian treasury is left naked as it tries to sell €200bn of annual debt issuance. "Tapering will leave the Italy without the key buyer of its debt," said a recent report by Mediobanca.


The bank warned that proposed rules on tangible equity may force Italian banks to cut their holdings of government bonds by €150bn, making it even harder to stabilize the debt market.


"Our conclusion is that a voluntary debt re-profiling, an 'Italexit' scenario, or a combination will inevitably gain traction with investors," it said.


Exit from QE is a delicate operation at the best of times. The US Federal Reserve's first talk of tapering in 2013 sent tremors through emerging markets and forced up long-term bond yields in the US by 130 basis points in a matter of weeks, threatening to abort the economic recovery.


The tapering risk is even more serious for the eurozone since the most heavily-indebted states in the South have never restored economic viability within monetary union. Their vulnerability was briefly masked by QE.


Mr Draghi, himself a former governor of the Banca d'Italia, is acutely aware of the difficulties but faces a near impossible balancing act trying to help the South while keeping Germany and the north Europeans on board.


Without QE, Italy's only obvious fall-back is the original 'do-want-it-takes' rescue scheme (OMT) agreed in August 2012, which was never formally activated. Use of this instrument would make any purchases of Italian debt conditional on a 'Troika-style' surrender of economic sovereignty.


It would have to be agreed by the German and Dutch parliaments - among others - and the terms would be draconian. No Italian government could easily accept such conditions in the current febrile mood.


If elections are held in June, the majority of deputies in the Italian parliament may well be eurosceptics of one sort or another. The biggest test of Mr Draghi's stormy tenure at the ECB is yet to come.



