


2017-10-22 13:21:54 | Telegraph (UK)
Banks tell France to tear up labour code if it wants Brexit business
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9 FEBRUARY 2017 • 8:06PM
Two of the biggest global banks have told French politicians in brutally clear language that Paris has almost no chance of capturing serious business from the City of London without radical reform of the country's labour code.


A special Brexit panel in the French Senate revealed just how difficult it will be for Paris to become Europe's pre-eminent financial centre once Britain leaves the EU. Any migration of business is more likely to go to Dublin, Frankfurt, or even to New York.


Jean-Frédéric de Leusse, head of UBS in France, said French law does not offer major banks the complete flexibility they need in the fast-moving world of high finance and complex trading.

フランスでUBSを率いるJean-Frédéric de Leusse総裁は、フランスの法律は大手銀行が急ピッチで変わるハイ・ファイナンスと複雑なトレーディングで必要とする完全なフレキシビリティを認めないと言いました。

"As the saying goes, it takes three days to fire somebody in London, three months in Switzerland, and three years in Paris. It may be an exaggeration, but it is probably quite close to reality," he said.


Mr de Leusse said UBS employs far more French citizens in London than it does in Paris, and that is unlikely to change quickly.

De Leusse氏は、UBSがロンドンで雇っているフランス人の数はパリで雇っている人数を遥かに上回っており、それが直ぐに変わる可能性は低いとも述べました。

Rene Proglio from Morgan Stanley said those making the key decisions at corporate headquarters in New York could not care a hoot about the lifestyle or happiness of their staff. It is futile making a pitch that Paris is a nice place to live.

モルガン・スタンレーのRene Proglio氏は、ニューヨークの本社で重要事項を決定する人間は、従業員のライフスタイルや幸福など全くどうでもいいのだと言いました。

"That is not their concern, so don't get carried away with a humanist philosophy. Like it or not, their only objective is to defend the interests of the shareholders," he said.


Mr Proglio said the crucial issue for banks is the level of corporate taxation and the overall cost of labour. France is simply not competitive by this metric. "Employers' social charges are colossal. It is a handicap, and the gap with Frankfurt is a very big problem," he said.


Marie-Anne Barbat-Layani, head of the French banking federation (FBF), said Paris has strong cards to play in the post-Brexit race. Four of the nine top banks in the eurozone are French and the country's fund management industry is the largest in the currency bloc.

フランス銀行連合(FBF)のMarie-Anne Barbat-Layani代表は、パリはポスト・ブレグジット・レースで切れる強力なカードを持っていると言いました。

But draconian labour laws are anathema to foreign investors. Once you take the plunge on hiring extra staff, you are effectively trapped. "Employers don't have any margin for error. They can't manage their head-count," she said.


The bankers called for root-and-branch reform of the French labour code, which has tripled to 3,000 pages since 1985. The labyrinthine legal system has 400,000 business norms and regulations, with 360 separate taxes, some dating back before the French Revolution.


Stephane Boujnah, president of Euronext, told lawmakers that they need to be more sensitive to the "devastating impact" of populist Left-wing measures such as the 75pc tax (since withdrawn) or the Tobin tax on financial transactions.

EuronextのStephane Boujnah社長は議員等に、75%もの課税(後に取り下げられました)や金融取引に対するトービン税といった、大衆迎合的な左翼的措置の「壊滅的インパクト」に対してもっと敏感になる必要があると告げました。

Mr Boujnah said the Tobin tax was "absurd, ideological, and yielded nothing". The authors of the legislation failed to heed the disastrous lessons from Sweden in the 1990s, when a variant of the tax proved impossible to collect and wiped out parts of the Swedish financial industry.


He also had a severe warning for Britain, calling Brexit a fundamental rupture that had "started on the wrong foot" and would have enormous consequences for London.


Mr Boujnah said the rest of the EU would no longer tolerate the anomaly of an offshore financial centre based in London that services the euro, now that the British people had chosen to pull out of Europe's "shared federal destiny". The tone of anger and bitterness in his voice was unmistakable, a reminder of how much tact and delicacy will be required from UK leaders as they handle Brexit talks.


The evidence so far is that 'refugees' from London are looking at Frankfurt as a possible new hub in Europe once Britain loses 'passporting' rights in the EU services market, with Dublin playing a support role in certain niche operations.


A 'Brexit Workshop' in Frankfurt held by the German regulator BaFin earlier this month was heavily attended by bankers from London looking for a new foothold.


However, the banks were warned that German licences would be hard to secure. Foreign players would not be able to waltz into Frankfurt on their own minimalist terms, playing off one financial centre against another in regulatory arbitrage. The operations of any subsidiary based in Germany would have to be managed in Germany itself.


BaFin's chief concern is to safeguard the stability of the German financial system. "Foreign banks are welcome here, but it is not good enough just to nail in a brass-plate and set up a sales unit," said Peter Lutz, BaFin's chief of banking supervision.

「外資系の銀行は歓迎するが、看板を出して営業部隊を立ち上げるだけじゃ不十分だ」とBaFinの銀行監督主任、Peter Lutz博士は言いました。

Dr Lutz said there are no grounds for gloating over Brexit. The ructions to follow are likely to convulse Germany and "dramatically change" the job of the German regulator. "Brexit is a bitter blow for European unification, but BaFin cannot change the situation and we have to deal with it as pragmatically as we can," he said.



