


2015-06-14 09:59:50 | Telegraph (UK)
Wall Street soars on hopes of Fed reprieve, yet sting in the tail
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 5:33PM BST 08 May 2015
The Atlanta Fed's indicator shows that the US economy is growing at a pace of just 0.8pc and has yet to recover after grinding to a halt in the first quarter.


Pay packets have fallen across the gamut of US industry, manufacturing, and trade over the last two months, greatly reducing the likelihood of any rise in interest rates by the US Federal Reserve until later this year.


The Dow Jones index of stocks soared by 260 points to 18,186 in early trading after the US non-farm payrolls report for April revealed that wage pressures remain all but dead in the American labour market.


Contracts on the futures markets immediately pushed out the first rate rise for several months, pricing in a 51pc chance of 'lift-off' in December. The long-feared inflexion point for the global monetary cycle may have been delayed once again.


Emerging market equities rallied strongly on hopes of another six-month reprieve for dollar debtors across the world. Companies and state entities outside the US have borrowed a record $9 trillion in dollars, leaving them acutely vulnerable to a currency "margin call" triggered by Fed tightening.


This dollar leverage has jumped from $2 trillion fourteen years ago. It is heavily concentrated in Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, China and the rest of emerging Asia.


The US generated 223,000 jobs in April and the unemployment rate fell to a 7-year low of 5.4pc, yet the underlying trend remains disappointingly weak.


Both overtime and the number of hours worked edged down. The jobs figure for March was revised down sharply to 85,000. The labour participation rate for men is still stuck at 69.4pc, six percentage points lower than it was fifteen years ago and the lowest level since modern data began after the Second World War.


Had it not been for a surge in pay for financial services – the spill-over from an increasingly frothy asset boom – overall weekly earnings would have dropped for a second month in a row.


It is unclear how the Fed will respond this soggy data. Dennis Lockhart, head of the Atlanta Fed, remained hawkish this week, insisting that the economy would soon return to growth rates of 2.5pc to 3pc after grinding to halt in the first quarter.


He warned that a rate rise in June was still "in play", contrary to market assumptions. "I'm still of the view that the conditions will be appropriate in the middle of the year, which we are getting closer to," he said.


Yet the US economy has not yet recovered from a winter shock. Mr Lockhart's own advance indicator - the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow series – suggests that growth has been running at a pace of just 0.8pc in the five weeks to early May. It is below the Fed's stall speed gauge.


China's exports fell 6.9pc in April from a year earlier and remain shockingly weak. The eurozone's retail sales unexpectedly slid 0.8pc in March, and Germany's index of core industrial orders has turned negative. Markets keep treating weak data as "good news" (because it delays Fed tightening), but there comes a point when the macro-economic malaise does so much damage to earnings that reality catches up.


While the relapse over the last four months might be no more than a soft patch, the clutch of weak figures is starting to revive fears that the global economy is still trapped in 'secular stagnation', held back by excess debt and chronic lack of demand.


Optimists insist that the squall will blow over. Gabriel Stein from Oxford Economics said the US money supply and credit data signal a strong rebound later this year. Loans have been rising at annual rate of 10.5pc over the last six months, roughly the pace that triggered the start of the last Fed rate-cycle in June 2004.


"My view is that the Fed will have to raise rates faster than people think. Rates could reach 2.25pc by the end of 2016," he said.


The decision will ultimately be made by the Fed's dominant trio: Mrs Yellen, vice-chairman Stanley Fischer, and New York Fed chief Bill Dudley. All three pay close attention to the jobs data and may be wary after the jobs index of the Institute of Supply Management (ISM) fell to a six-year low of 48.3 in April.


The average pay growth for non-supervisory workers – stripping out the educated elites – has been almost flat for the last four months. A recent study for the National Bureau of Economic Research concluded that "hidden unemployment" is roughly 3.3m if part-time workers searching for full-time jobs are included. The report warned that any rate rise in these circumstances would be a "serious mistake".


The markets are clearly betting that Mrs Yellen and her inner circle will overrule the hawks, delaying any action until the end of the year. Others go even further.


Bob Janjuah from Nomura has warned clients to brace for several months of nasty surprises as the world's deflationary virus reasserts itself. Fear of Fed tightening will give way to something worse. "All the talk will be of QE4," he said.



