


2013-05-31 13:04:17 | Telegraph (UK)

Failure to tackle protest risks rise of British anti-Semitism, say Israelis
By Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent
Telegraph: 8:00PM BST 30 May 2013
Britain's failure to act decisively in the face of anti-Israel protests in the country has been questioned by an Israeli official, asking "at what point does inaction become anti-Semitism".


Representatives of the Jewish state have been repeatedly dismayed by the lack of response from the Foreign Office and other Government departments to Israel's requests for support to combat campaigns that threaten its diplomats or seek to disrupt events involving Israel.


"You have to wonder at what point does inaction become anti-Semitism," the official told the Daily Telegraph. "If Israelis of an Argentinian background threatened the British ambassor in Israel to the point that he could not make speeches, we would be getting demands from the Foreign Office to step in. Yet the government has done nothing to prevent the threats we face since it took office."


The comments come shortly after Yuval Steinitz, Israel's Strategic Affairs minister, told The Telegraph that "disguised anti-Semitism" was more virulent in Britain than any other major Western country on the eve of a visit to the Holy Land by William Hague, the Foreign Secretary.

上記のコメントは、イスラエルのYuval Steinitz戦略問題担当大臣が小紙に、ウィリアム・ヘイグ英外務相のイスラエル訪問前夜、英国の「隠れ反ユダヤ主義」は他の西側諸国のどこよりも蔓延している、と語った直後に出されました。

Outspoken criticism from Mr Hague over Israel's expansion of settlements in the West Bank has been viewed as overshadowing his dismissal of calls to boycott Israel over Palestinian issues.


Israel came under international fire yesterday after granting final approval for construction of 300 new homes in a Jewish settlement in east Jerusalem, a development that threatens US efforts to renew Mideast peace talks.


The criticism growing hostility in Britain towards Israel has fed into Government policy was rejected by Foreign Office officials.


"I don't think our position on continuing Israeli settlements is rooted in anti-Semitism - it is related to the policies of this Israeli government and its predecessors," an official said.


Since becoming Foreign Secretary, Mr Hague has repeatedly said that the Government is "firmly opposed" to campaigns to boycott or isolate Israel.


A Foreign Office spokesman said: "While we do not hesitate to express disagreement with Israel whenever we feel it necessary, we are firmly opposed to boycotts. We believe that imposing sanctions on Israel or supporting anti-Israeli boycotts would not support our efforts to progress the peace process."


Events involving Israeli performers or diplomats in Britain are regularly targetted by protestors and a campaign to force academics to boycott universities in the Jewish state has grown in recent years.


Mr Hague was last week praised by Daniel Taub, Israel's ambassador, after he signed a scientific cooperation agreement with Israel.


The Foreign Secretary also spoke out against Stephen Hawking, who became the latest academic to withdraw from a conference in protest at the occupation of the West Bank.


A number of university events have been disrupted by pro-Palestinian demonstrators and sources disclosed that Whitehall directly turned down a request from the Israeli embassy to ensure that an event at Edinburgh University in October was not disrupted. However protesters forced Mr Taub to abandon his speech.


Just three months later Alon Roth-Snir, the deputy ambassador, was evacuated by police from a hall at Essex University in Colchester, when 40 students violently disrupted the meeting.


The protests are not confined to the university campus. Three people burst into a dinner where the guests, including David Beckham, Uefa president Michel Platini and Sir Alex Ferguson, at old Billingsgate Market on Friday to protest Israel's hosting of the Uefa Under-21 football tournament, which starts next week.

金曜日にビリングスゲート・マーケットで行われた、デイヴィッド・ベッカム氏、ミシェル・プラティニUEFA会長、サー・アレックス・ファーガソンなどが出席したディナーにも、来週始まるUEFA U-21選手権がイスラエルで行われることに抗議する3人が乱入しました。

Mr Hague dismissed a call from Bob Russell, a Liberal Democrat MP, to label the tournament a threat to the Peace Process.


"I do not believe that sporting fixtures should be an obstacle to political progress of any form, and I do not think they will be in this case," he said.


Toby Greene, the director of research at pro-Israel lobby group, Bicom, said: "The extremists attempting to prevent Israelis speaking on university campuses are denying Israelis the universal right to free speech, and denying the rights of the majority who would like to hear what they have to say. These actions run against the principles of tolerance and fairness for which British universities are well renowned."



