


2014-05-13 21:09:40 | Telegraph (UK)
Are you 'anxious' most of the time?
By Radhika Sanghani
Telegraph: 4:14PM BST 12 May 2014
The number of people who say they are anxious most of the time has almost doubled in the last five years, with women suffering the most. But what exactly is it? Radhika Sanghani speaks to experts and discovers the difference between normal worries and significant anxiety


Anxiety is on the rise. According to a survey by the Mental Health Foundation (MHF), the number of sufferers has almost doubled over the last five years, and that's just counting women who are struggling.


Only 12 per cent of women felt anxious in 2009, but now 22 per cent say they 'feel anxious a lot of the time'. Five per cent of the 1,200 surveyed say they feel anxious all the time, and mental health charity Mind says it has seen a "significant increase" in calls to its helplines over the last few years.


It's scary stuff and shows just how much anxiety has become part of our daily lives. Women in particular are anxious about caring for their loved ones, trying to make ends meet in the economic climate and their jobs.


Younger women, aged 18-24, are also incredibly anxious, according to the study, but their worries are more about bills, rent, jobs and coping in the workplace - let alone parties, dates and how to spend Saturday night. It sounds flippant to include parties in our worries, but really anxiety has become another emotion we class up there with worrying, stress and sadness. So how do we know if our worries are actually symptoms of proper anxiety?


What is anxiety? (不安とは?)

So many of us now use the word 'anxiety' as a synonym for 'worry'. We talk about being anxious about anything from a Tinder date to a holiday booking that might have fallen through. So when we're constantly saying we're anxious – what do we even mean by it?


Beth Murphy, head of information at UK mental health charity Mind, tells me: "Anxiety's a word we use in general to describe worry; it's hard to know when it becomes something more significant. But in a more clinical sense to be diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder, it's more than just a little bit of worry."


She takes me through the main symptoms of anxiety. They include: having an irregular heart beat; a racing pulse; panic attacks; thoughts endlessly going around your head; having trouble sleeping; and not wanting to leave the house.


When do you actually know you might have it? (不安障害かもしれないとわかるのは?)

But it's not always just the feelings that are indicative of having anxiety – it's the strength and frequency of them. "It's not just you have a presentation coming up," says Murphy. "It's that you have got these underlying feeling constantly and even when you relax it doesn't go away. It's not a clear cut thing, it's always slightly subjective. It's the difference between being able to relax and not being able to feel this way and having this constant stress."


She says a big giveaway sign for recognising anxiety is if you've noticed a change in your behaviour, and it's been that way for around two weeks. She says: "If you previously were the life and soul of the party and didn't have any difficult with new people and that's changed for you, and you don't have any good explanation for why it's changed, that might be a sign there's something more serious there."


People hate to admit it's a problem (自己否定)

Jenny Edwards, chief executive officer of MHF adds: "It's a spectrum so people will move up it unless they take some strategies. At it's normal level anxiety and worry are reasonable, natural and quite good for us. But when it starts to become something you can't get out of your mind or it's affecting you everyday, then it's really starting to eat into your life. You need to be aware that it's something you need to take action on."


But not many people do get help for anxiety, with only seven per cent of those people suffering from anxiety actually visiting their GP. The study also found more than a quarter think anxiety is a sign of not being able to cope and 29 per cent say they would be embarrassed to admit to it.


Edwards explains that it's precisely because there's a stigma, people don't seek help. Anxiety is so closely linked to our idea of worry – which is pretty natural – that people struggle to notice a problem with it, and then find it even harder to verbalise it. "People are reluctant to have a label," she says. "They feel as an adult they should be able to cope with it.


"We have all seen people at work who become very stressed and wouldn't define themselves as being very ill, but people around them can see that. It's not just 'manning up' – there are things you can do about it."


How do you know when to act? (何かするタイミングは?)

But how do you know if you are just going through a bad patch – albeit a long and intense one – or if you really need medical help? "People don't really know how to handle anxiety," says Edwards. "They think it's being worried about things other people are worried about. It's only when things become very bad like no sleeping or not wanting to leave your home, then people go and seek help. But they could have had effective help before it got to that stage."


If anxiety is left alone, it can develop into 'generalised anxiety disorder' where it is very hard to control your anxiety and can start to have real limitations to your daily life, such as not wanting to leave the house or not doing things you no longer enjoy.


Both she and Murphy advise that anyone who thinks these symptoms might apply to them should get help at the earliest possible stage. "If you're concerned about yourself go and get some support," says Murphy. "No doctor will say you're wasting my time or they certainly shouldn't anyway. It's always dangerous t self diagnose. It's worth reading up on it and trying to get some support and seeing where that takes you."


She stresses that even if it comes to nothing, that's a lot better than it being something that was ignored. Besides, she adds: "There's value in looking after your mental health even if your symptoms don't lead to a diagnosis."


If you think you have serious anxiety, or any of the symptoms mentioned above, visit your GP. But in the meantime, here are five methods to ease your anxiety, told to me by Murphy and Edwards:


1) Exercise outdoors. The endorphins help and the outdoors has been proven to help with anxiety

2) Go for a long walk, taking the time to actually try and relax

3) Do things that you know help you relax, whether it's reading or doing yoga

4) Try mindfulness, the practice of meditating to stay in the present and not worry about the future or past

5) Have talking therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which is proven to be very effective with anxiety.



